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  • Posts: 10
Post #221
Stormblade (from Scyther's Story and Fall of a Leader): How is the swarm since Shadowdart committed suicide?


  • Posts: 93
Post #222
Chaletwo: Do you find it strange/amusing that every time Mark asks you to bring a Pokemon back to life, that there is some reason why you can't?

Still waiting desperately for the next chapter.


  • Posts: 87
Post #223
Mark, If you could choose any 4 Pokémon (Super Random number XD) to catch, what would they be? (Note that they cannot be Legendaries.)
May- Same as above.
Ash- How is your Pikachu doing?
Dragonite & Tyranitar: what were your 1st staged lives like before Mark and May caught you?


  • Posts: 123
Post #224
To puredragon: that was already answered.

To the scythers:

Mark's scyther: How did you feel when Charmeleon pestered you?
Stormblade: How do you feel now that two of your friends are dead, and that one of them got captured?
Nightmare: How did you feel when you had your first battle as a scizor?
Also, was your trainer ever attacked?

Thats all for now…

Torterra will save us!

…We're doomed if turtwig wont take the job….


  • Posts: 1783
Post #225
As twiggylover pointed out, puredragon222's question was asked just a page or two ago.

Chaletwo to SilverLatios47: What do you mean? It has happened twice, although I think the time with the Manectric it was Alan who asked. That hardly sets a trend. I don't know what was up with Suicune, but the Manectric's body was just too damaged.

Resurrection is impossible more often than you'd think. Simple damage can be repaired by speeding up and helping the normal healing process along, but if you've got crushed bones or other irreversibly destroyed tissues, you can't repair it just like that, and recombining the soul with the body in that state would only lead to it dying painfully again.

Mark to hellfirehoundoom: Um, well, I'd still like a Vulpix. Do the Pokémon I actually have count? If so, I always wanted a Charizard as a kid. Growlithe too, really - I like a lot of Fire-types. Pidgeot too - I think they're beautiful and I like birds. And Taillow.

May to hellfirehoundoom: Well. I've got Skarmory and Tyranitar; that's two I really like. Flygon too, and Mutark though now that I've actually used her I'm a little disappointed. Outside of that, there's Garchomp, Salamence, Weavile, maybe Absol.

Ash to hellfirehoundoom: He's great. Been sort of bored since I stopped serious training, though; I try to take him on vacations so we can spend some time traveling together like the old days and fight a few battles.

Dragonite to hellfirehoundoom: Well, we were brought up in a sort of natural park with something of a population of Dratini, Dragonair and Dragonite. There were humans always sort of watching over us and checking on us regularly. When we were old enough they started to talk to us about whether we'd like to stay there or be released, and whether we'd like to be released near a human-populated area or not.

Tyranitar to hellfirehoundoom: …

Scyther to twiggylover: Annoyed, mostly. He decided to antagonize me for no good reason and then wouldn't leave me alone.

Stormblade to twiggylover: I have a new friend in Nightmare, but she's not quite the same. I miss Razor and Shadowdart sometimes, but mostly it's different. Really, things have changed many times - first when Razor left, then when I met Pearl, then when she died, then when Shadowdart died… This is just another change.

Nightmare to twiggylover: It was horrible. I had no idea how to use the pincers. I kept trying to use them the way I would use my scythes and failing miserably.

He was attacked a while ago, yes. It was some Sneasel, apparently.



  • Posts: 7
Post #226
Butterfree:How was life in Jhoto?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #227
Butterfree: Relatively uninteresting. I don't remember much of it, though; I was a young Caterpie then and life wasn't much beyond eating leaves and trying not to be noticed by the Pidgey.



  • Posts: 7
Post #228
Over infusiastic Pichu kid:Do you think you can get into the finals?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #229
Pichu kid: Sure! Well, I don't really know, since I lost both my preliminary matches, but either way we did our best and will be happy with the outcome.



  • Posts: 87
Post #230
Tyrantitar: what was life like as a pupitar?
Dragonite: have you ever thought of what life would be like without mark?
May: same as above


  • Posts: 1783
Post #231
Tyranitar: …

(Seriously, guys, it's not worth it trying to ask him questions. :P)

Dragonite: Sometimes. I suppose I'd either still be at the Lake of Purity as a Dratini or another trainer would have caught me at some point. I don't know what that might have been like.

May: Well, presumably I'd have gotten Quilava back in Scorpio City, since Taylor would've told Jenny I stole a Charmeleon that I didn't have. I don't know if she'd've wanted to evolve if I'd gotten her back then, but either way, I'd still have gone on to the Ouen League. I guess Spirit would never have revealed herself, since it was Gyarados that got her to do that. I don't know if Lapras would've left. Um, I'd probably never have thought to get a Mutark, since I only met Victor because he was battling Mark that one time. I'd never have met Alan either, naturally, since that was only because of the War of the Legends, and I wouldn't be out to capture legendaries either. And… otherwise I think things would mostly be the same, really. I'd be at the League trying to win with a somewhat different Pokémon team.



  • Posts: 123
Post #232
Tyranitar: Want a cookie?

Questionong sane things tomorrow.

Torterra will save us!

…We're doomed if turtwig wont take the job….


  • Posts: 1783
Post #233
Tyranitar: … *stays away*



  • Posts: 34
Post #234
Tyranitar: *gives him a Larvitar plushie*

Let's see how he reacts to this :o

Sheesh, stupid database wipe >.> I can't remember what was in my signature! Oh well, something new then I guess.

Current quote: I had a dream… I dreamed that I was eating a ten-pound marshmallow, and when I woke up the pillow was gone.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #235
Tyranitar: *regards it with suspicion*



  • Posts: 87
Post #236
*Gives Tyranitar a hug without another thought*


  • Posts: 7
Post #237
Razor:Where are you?
Over infusiastic Pichu kid:Are you happy?

Sands Buisle

  • Posts: 351
Post #238
You basically just asked were Mark is, vli.

May: Does Tyranitar ever talk to you?

Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.

… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.

Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!

Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…


  • Posts: 1783
Post #239
Razor: In my Pokéball at the moment.

Overenthusiastic Pichu kid: Of course I am! I have great friends and my Pokémon do their best!

May: Not really. He just doesn't like to talk.



  • Posts: 7
Post #240
Ash's Pikachu: Is shocking people a habit, or is it because you don't like something about them at that moment?

Racko: Did your dad ever tell you about his adventures with Ash?

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