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  • Posts: 1783
Post #161
Stormblade: What is there to tell that she doesn't already know? I already told her he followed her. Apparently she met him at that human tournament she told me about.

Nightmare: There is no pride in being a Scizor. I can tell that I repulse them; they still avert their eyes from my body, even though they've gotten used to my presence. I don't duel. I usually hunt with the one you call Stormblade and have been building up my own hunting skills anew, but it will never be like being a Scizor.

First after I'd evolved… I was horrified. I'd heard about Scizor, how Scyther would be caught by humans and evolved. I wanted to commit suicide to escape from it, but I couldn't do it without scythes. At first I just refused to fight for him, hoping the other Pokémon might kill me, but then the human sent me out to talk to me sometime, I explained about being a Scizor and he said he was sorry. That was when I began to accept it and regain some sense of purpose.

My trainer left Ouen for other regions for a while shortly after capturing me to compete in various leagues there, but then eventually returned to Ouen to make a second attempt at the Ouen League. We had a battle then which… well, didn't go too well, and after trying to go on for a while, he decided to give up training for good and release all of us. He asked where I'd want to be let go, but I said I didn't care. So he just let me go there.



  • Posts: 120
Post #162
Nightmare: What name did Sickle know you by?

And on a totally different note, are you saying that you yourself participated in this battle that didn't go too well?

Sad is happy for deep people.


  • Posts: 31
Post #163
Charzard:How do you feel about that trainers ditto?

Mark:Any feelings for May at all?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #164
Nightmare: …I don't remember anymore. It has been so long since then.

I participated, but it didn't go badly until after I was out. I only heard about it afterwards.

Charizard: Well, it was just battling - I couldn't exactly start holding a grudge for that.

Mark: Huh? Feelings? You mean… like romantic…? o_O I mean, I guess she's okay, but I'm not into romance and all that stuff. It's kind of weird and creepy.



  • Posts: 31
Post #165
Syther:If you could give Mark a name,like in the wild,what would it be?

Sands Buisle

  • Posts: 351
Post #166
Nightmare: Who did you battle? Random trainer or gym? If so, which gym?

Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.

… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.

Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!

Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…


  • Posts: 1783
Post #167
Scyther to Shinyletal: Well, we don't give names to humans. Humans have their own names, so if a generic name like 'Trainer' doesn't suffice, we try to replicate the meaning of the name - I would just use the word 'mark' as a name, like I do for Rob.

Nightmare to SandStormBuisle: It was during the League.



  • Posts: 2
Post #168
Charizard: Why did you despise of Scyther so much as a charmeleon?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #169
Charizard: Well, I was young and stupid. A bit overprotective too, I suppose. At first I was convinced he had evil intentions, but then it just became a sort of personal rivalry, really.



  • Posts: 200
Post #170
Mark: What if I told you that you actually might have feelings for May but you were to young to really know it?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #171
Mark: …o_O I hope not.



  • Posts: 200
Post #172
Mark: How do you pronounce o_O?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #173
Mark: Um, I don't pronounce it. I was just trying to type the expression on my face, sort of. Don't people do that?



  • Posts: 120
Post #174
Chaletwo: …the void between chapters contains keyboards for you guys to talk to us vaguely defined transient entities with? xD

Sad is happy for deep people.


  • Posts: 31
Post #175
May:What if I told you Mark 'wants' you?


  • Posts: 200
Post #176
Chaletwo: Don't you find it suspicious that we know so much about what you people are doing?

Mew: Do you know that you are in a book? (I know he probably doesn't. But Mew in your book always seems so much wiser than everyone else…)


  • Posts: 2
Post #177
Letaligon: how did you get that crazy idea that you would evolve by straining yourself so much again?

also Letaligon: What would you do if the rest of the pack aided your father in defending him when you attackk?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #178
Chaletwo to elyvorg: Well, how else do you think you could see it all written down?

May: …What the hell? No.

Chaletwo to dogsgofetch: My eyes can see through the fourth wall. I know all about this "fic" you've been reading.

Mew: In a book? I cannot say I pay attention to books. They are a human invention.

Letaligon: That is how evolution works. It's about the hormones released when you fight. That is how it works. And he would never let the rest of the herd assist him. He has too much pride for that.



  • Posts: 200
Post #179

Mark:Don't you find it weird that we know so much about what you people are doing?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #180
Mark: Well, you are… wait, now you're confusing me…

By the way, guys, can you please stop it with all the stupid fourth-wall-breaking questions? A while ago I added a rule to the first post of this thread:

- No giving the characters important information they don't actually know in the story. Stick to questions they can personally answer, not "Hey, this happened while you weren't there! What do you think about it?" These questions are really awkward to answer; the character would start thinking, acting, and generally deviating from their in-story selves the moment you give them the information, and then generally have better things to do than trying to explain their thoughts on the matter to a vaguely defined transient entity harassing them in the void between chapters. This still applies even if you phrase the question as a hypothetical ("What would you do if you found out that this had happened?")

I'll have to start widening the scope of that rule if you don't stop telling the characters they're fictional.


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