Comments on The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
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Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Pokémon Festival – May 25th: Chaletwo's Arrival
Frábær kafli.
Eitt sem ég skildi ekki. Þegar Mark var að horfa á Chaletwo, hugsaði hann eitthvað um Master Ball (hvað er það?). Chaletwo virtist skynja þetta og leit aftur á hann…
[02/03/2010 00:56:53]
Fox McCloud
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 51: Fake-Out
…. My god. I just got the twisted idea that Chaletwo is the destroyer and putting the legends in pokeballs is actually CAUSING the war…
OR MAYBE TRAINERS IN GENERAL ARE THE DESTROYERS… capturing the legendaries causes "power drain"to the rest of them…
OR… WHAT IF… bleh, I'm reading too far into it.Reply: There is no such thing as reading too far into it. :P
[01/23/2010 07:15:04]
Fox McCloud
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 51: Fake-Out
Lol, twisted legendaries. Nice.
And I'd been wondering about the gems. Lol… Well played.
[01/23/2010 07:11:23]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 26: Dead or Alive
"It screeched eerily as it was hit, getting severely cut. Instead of blood, the Pokémon seemed to bleed water, which only made it seem creepier."
Creepy and awesome as this sounds, the Emerald pokedex entry for Cacturne states that they bleed sand. ;)
"After spending thousands of years in harsh deserts, its blood transformed into the same substances as sand."Reply: Huh, never noticed that. Oh, well. It will have to be filed with that six-legged Ariados for now.
[01/21/2010 06:31:44]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 51: Fake-Out
That was unexpected…
[01/20/2010 19:26:21]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Pokémon Festival – May 24th: The Threat
Rifjaðu upp fyrir mig, hverjir voru Mutark og Mitch?
Og hver er Mewtwo og hver Chaletwo?Reply: Mutark er lítill kattapokémon sem Victor á og kom fyrir í 15. kafla, þar sem May talaði um að hana langaði í Mutark líka. Mitch var maðurinn í 13. kafla sem var með móteitrið eftir sporðdrekana og það.
Mewtwo er raunverulegur legendary pokémon, þú getur Googlað hann ef þú vilt. Og bæði 19. og 20. kafli snerust að miklu leyti um Chaletwo, sem er legendary pokémon sem þetta Pokémon Festival sem þau eru á snýst allt um. Ef þú hefur ekki tekið eftir allri umræðunni um Chaletwo hingað til hefur þú ekki verið að lesa nógu vel og átt ekki eftir að botna í orði af 25. kafla.
[01/17/2010 02:21:42]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 51: Fake-Out
That chapter seemed to be really short, because of all the quick action >.< I will laugh if the Destroyer turns out to be a Magikarp. Or Metapod. Leah seems like a nice enough character, and her introduction, in its franticness, is actually really fluid.
[01/17/2010 00:39:03]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 51: Fake-Out
I just had the most absurd idea that Mark might be the destroyer…
[01/16/2010 17:19:14]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 51: Fake-Out
Sexy :0.
[01/15/2010 03:38:58]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 51: Fake-Out
wow. what a chapter. im glad articuno isnt the detroyer.
[01/14/2010 17:12:59]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Pokémon Festival – May 23rd: The Pokémon Frenzy Tournament
Ein spurning: May las í bæklingnum að vatnspokemonar væru ekki leyfðir í keppninni. Samt voru tveir vatnspokemonar kynntir til sögunnar í keppninni.
Annars var kaflinn fínn, þó bardagarnir hafi verið þreytandi. Það gerðist ýmislegt spennandi, átök og sættir.Reply: Pokémonar sem þurfa vatn eru ekki leyfðir í keppninni, þ.e. fiskar og þvíumlíkt sem verða að vera í vatni til að berjast. Feraligatr og Blastoise geta hins vegar báðir barist á landi þó þeir séu vatnspokémonar.
[01/02/2010 17:42:36]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 5: The Lake of Purity
cloned gyaridos?
[12/16/2009 16:16:31]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Pokémon Festival – May 22nd: The Attack Approval
Þetta var erfiður kafli fyrir mig, endalausir bardagar. Ég á svo erfitt með að sjá pokemonana fyrir mér og fylgja þessu eftir. En mig langar að spyrja, hvað er þurr skógur? Og ef ég má koma með smá gagnrýni, þá fannst mér fyrri hluti kaflans dálítið samhengislaus.Reply: Þurr skógur er einfaldlega þurr skógur. Hann er í skógi að leita að einhvers konar vatni en eftir langan tíma er skógurinn í kringum hann enn skraufþurr, þ.e. hann hefur ekki fundið neitt vatn.
[12/16/2009 14:15:20]
Scytherian Poetry
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 50: Friendly Competition
Was it only me who got really disgusted when Mutark came out with the spiky ball thing? [insert vomiting noise here] A great chapter, Butterfree! Gotten over your Buffy/Angel infatuation yet? The chapter craving is getting stronger!Reply: Disgusted in what sense? Because I agree that it's certainly very ethically questionable to give a Pokémon a Sticky Barb in the hope of making it hurt it and activating an ability, but the vomiting part makes it sound like the squicky kind of disgusting, which I'm not sure I get. o.O
No, not over the infatuation. You'd better get used to waiting, because as they say, you ain't seen nothing yet. Chapter 34 took me six months. :P
[12/15/2009 10:16:36]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 50: Friendly Competition
When will the next chapter be released?Reply: When I've written it. See the FAQ.
[12/08/2009 11:13:04]
Scytherian Poetry
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 50: Friendly Competition
Hey, Butterfree.
Firstly, I hate you for all the sleep I missed because of your damned fic!! *Falls asleep on keyboard, wakes up with keyboard marks on face*
Secondly, I love you for the same reason!!!
Thirdly, I have some advise for you! No, I'm not trying to make you do anything differently, but just hear me out. I read some of the blog posts about chapter 51 and onwards, and how you aren't in the mood for writing. To fix that, all you really need to do is read through you fic once or twice. All the way through. Without any shortcuts. Tedious, I know, but i'll explain why.
While reading, search for any characters that could make a comeback (Victor, Mitch, Rick, Alan). Think up a problem for them, and how Mark fixes it. Write it down. There's a new chapter! Of course, It might not go anywhere, or even adhere to the plotline, but it's a chapter nonetheless.
Also fix a few problems for the other characters (May's Lapras, Mark's Letaligon, etc). Providing new problems is also an option, maybe make May lose her next league battle against Taylor, make her so angry that she has to come back next year. There's a few nice little back up plans for you if you run out of ideas!Reply: Well, see, that isn't my problem at all. I don't need ideas for stuff to make a chapter out of; I already have the entire rest of the story planned out and know exactly what is going to happen in chapter 51, and 52, and every chapter up to the final chapter. I'm just not in the mood to write it, which is entirely unconnected to my very plentiful supply of ideas.
But really, "Maybe make May lose her next league battle against Taylor"? Do you honestly think I wouldn't have something as significant and in as near a future as THAT very carefully planned already? o_O I'd need to be a blabbering idiot to have never given any thought to what happens with May's remaining league battles, even if I didn't have the entire rest of the fic planned. I appreciate your enthusiasm to help, but I'm really not desperate enough to start ripping off readers' ideas.
Plus, Mark really isn't the problem-solving type. At all. I can't recall a single problem he has come anywhere close to fixing during the entire story so far. Suggesting fixing problems as filler material is nice when fixing other people's problems is a natural thing for the character to do when nothing important is happening (e.g. most TV shows, which tend to be about people who unlike Mark are pretty competent at what they do), but in this case it is really… not.
But thanks anyway. Glad to hear you've taken an interest. :P
[12/07/2009 01:27:08]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 50: Friendly Competition
I would've loved the match to end in a draw, I love both characters way too much.Reply: Well, unfortunately, who wins a battle depends on the ability of the trainers and Pokémon involved, not on how much you like the characters. :P
[12/04/2009 01:56:11]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Pokémon Festival – May 21st: Evolution
Þetta var skemmtilegur kafli. Svo May ætlaði ekki að þróa neinn af sínum pokemonum? En endaði nú samt með því að þróa Pikachu í Raichu.Reply: Aðeins tilteknir pokémonar þróast við að snerta svona steina. Flestir þróast bara við þáttöku í bardögum, sbr. Charmander og svo framvegis. Eevee og Pikachu þróast með steinum, en enginn af hinum pokémonunum sem þau eiga, svo það hefði ekki verið valkostur í þeirra tilfelli. Hún ætlaði ekki að þróa Pikachu, þar sem flestir steinaþróunarpokémonar (þó ekki Eevee) eiga erfitt með að læra nýjar árásir af sjálfsdáðum eftir að þeir þróast, en fyrir þennan rugling sem varð þróaðist hann samt.
[12/02/2009 15:35:26]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 50: Friendly Competition
Sorry for posting this late, but if the pokemon chooses to be with Mark in the end at Sailance, won't they suffer from the "weather effect"?Reply: You're confusing it with the IALCOTN. In the ILCOE, there is no named Effect at all; Pokémon don't like being there, but they don't suffer any adverse effects from being there, either.
[11/30/2009 10:30:23]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 31: Spirit
There is a spelling error:
She reached for her pocket, took out a normal Pokéball and held if forward in her hand.
It should be it, not if.
[11/29/2009 21:47:31]