Comments on The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Pages: First page ... 31 32 33 34
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 40: In the Dark
Ferocious, Malicious, Precious, Insidious, Vicious… -ious
I hate Acaria City Gym!!
[08/02/2008 21:27:51]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 40: In the Dark
Precious, Vicious, and Insidious? I love it!
[08/02/2008 21:26:08]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Pokémon Festival – May 23rd: The Pokémon Frenzy Tournament
This is probably my least favorite chapter, Blade could so pwn that Scizor. Please. *is in not that great of a mood*
[07/20/2008 18:55:54]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 42: Splitting Up
“No,” May responded. “Not until July. I’ll to talk to Lapras about it.”
Typo. Thought you might want to know. Good chapter! keep up the writing! I like it.
[07/13/2008 20:45:49]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 42: Splitting Up
LOL. I love the fact that Molzapart was completely clueless over everything that went on during the fic. xd, though I guess that can be set to the combination of him being stuck in Mark's ball, and you hating his character.
I didn't see the part over Letal wanting to murder her father coming either, but looking back, it's not that surprising. That scene with her and Mark talking about the evolution problem was well-done too. Should be interesting to see what happens here.
[06/27/2008 19:19:42]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 30: The Dragons of Ouen
This is the second comment after the comment thingamajig crashed. What did the pokemon eat? (besides scyther, who drinks too much alcohal)
[06/23/2008 17:18:00]
Pages: First page ... 31 32 33 34