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  • Posts: 1783
Post #821
Out of curiosity, how are Razor and Stormblade supposed to notice Shadowdart in the revisions? Didn't they snicker at him because his colouration was close to that of a female's?
They notice him when they find him abusing their favorite tree one day.



  • Posts: 34
Post #822
/Not the tree/

Sheesh, stupid database wipe >.> I can't remember what was in my signature! Oh well, something new then I guess.

Current quote: I had a dream… I dreamed that I was eating a ten-pound marshmallow, and when I woke up the pillow was gone.


  • Posts: 37
Post #823
Maybe if you make him shiny they could think he is cool cause he is shiny, and then they find out he is not… and the events unfold.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #824
Maybe if you make him shiny they could think he is cool cause he is shiny, and then they find out he is not… and the events unfold.
When would they "find out he is not"? The first especially "uncool" thing that Shadowdart does is during his First Prey, and being that that's the same day Razor leaves, it would change the whole central point of their relationship pretty massively if that were the first time Razor didn't think he was cool.

Besides that it would be kind of against the point for them to feel he is cool at any point. Stormblade identified with him because he was different and defensive and troubled, and Razor always thought Shadowdart was kind of beneath him, only going along with his initiation into the group because of his existing friendship with Stormblade. Not that I'd expect they'd find a shiny to be cool to begin with - those who look markedly different from the norm tend to be ostracized for it, not admired.

But really, ultimately, Shadowdart isn't shiny simply because there is no need for him to be. I could write the story with a shiny Shadowdart, but why make him more special than his story calls for?



  • Posts: 37
Post #825
good point


  • Posts: 37
Post #826
I may have found another goof…

In the Chapter called Clearwater City it says

"Finally, to register Charmander to his ID number, he held the Pokéball up to the scanner and pressed A."

Yet in the first encounter Mark has with Rick's younger brother, Officer Jenny says that the computer says that Charmander, now a charmeleon, is registered to Rick's brother. How is that possible?


  • Posts: 10
Post #827
When human characters speak Pokemonish, what sound are they actually making? It would seem awkward to vary it depending on the Pokemon their speaking to, because of the difficulty of learning different intonations etc. for every species, and the problem of addressing a number of Pokemon of different species. So what sound exactly do they make?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #828
I may have found another goof…

In the Chapter called Clearwater City it says

"Finally, to register Charmander to his ID number, he held the Pokéball up to the scanner and pressed A."

Yet in the first encounter Mark has with Rick's younger brother, Officer Jenny says that the computer says that Charmander, now a charmeleon, is registered to Rick's brother. How is that possible?
I have no idea how I managed to do that, considering this scene was new in the HMMRCIG and the whole Charmander-is-registered-to-Taylor thing has been a plot point since the original. Either I somehow forgot about it or Mark was merely assuming Charmander would be registered to his ID number now when in fact he wasn't. Just imagine it was the latter.

When human characters speak Pokemonish, what sound are they actually making? It would seem awkward to vary it depending on the Pokemon their speaking to, because of the difficulty of learning different intonations etc. for every species, and the problem of addressing a number of Pokemon of different species. So what sound exactly do they make?
Huh? Human characters never speak Pokémon speech. Pokémon understand human, so there's no need for humans to speak it, only to understand it. If you've gotten the impression anywhere in the fic that a human is speaking Pokémon speech, that's not the case.


Scytherian Poetry

  • Posts: 114
Post #829
Would Raudra and Puragon even be capable of negotiating with Mark and the rest? Not just because they're, you know, completely insane, but they haven't exactly had the most human contact, what with them living out their entire immortal existances in caramped caves inside a cliff, so they probably haven't had a lot of chances to brush up on their English. Would they have any idea of what Mark is talking about?

"Life is too important to be taken seriously"


  • Posts: 1783
Post #830
Would Raudra and Puragon even be capable of negotiating with Mark and the rest? Not just because they're, you know, completely insane, but they haven't exactly had the most human contact, what with them living out their entire immortal existances in caramped caves inside a cliff, so they probably haven't had a lot of chances to brush up on their English. Would they have any idea of what Mark is talking about?
Who ever said they've lived out their entire immortal existences in cramped caves inside a cliff? If they were another set of dragons that can't even communicate properly because they've been locked up their entire lives and also hate each other, that would be some mighty facepalm-worthy lack of differentiation between them and the Dragons of Ouen. (I mean, it's bad enough as it is, with just the shared elemental-dragons-who-hate-each-other theme.)

In fact, it's been made pretty explicit that they haven't been living out their immortal existences in those caves. First they matured in different places around the world, then Dragoreen rallied them all against Preciure, then a feud broke out between them, then they squabbled over who should get their mother's cave, then they did whatever but were sighted (so clearly they got out sometimes), then they came out to fight Mark and company rather than Mark and company sneaking up on them, then they went and talked to Mew and Mewtwo. If nothing else, the fact they managed to complain to Mew and Mewtwo makes it pretty clear that yes, they can talk. (Not English, obviously, but that's never been a problem for any Pokémon in this fic.)

They would be perfectly capable of understanding what Mark is talking about, but seeing as yes, they are kind of batshit, they won't necessarily respond to it in any way sane people would consider rational.



  • Posts: 10
Post #831
Ah, thanks for clearing that up. Clearly I'm not a very focused reader - not that the actual fic itself is any reason - but at the beginning Mark talks about learning Pokemon Communication and my brain translated that as "he speaks Pokemon".


  • Posts: 56
Post #832
If they do manage to stop the war of legends, would that mean someone else would have to recapture all the legendaries in 1000 years.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #833
If they do manage to stop the war of legends, would that mean someone else would have to recapture all the legendaries in 1000 years.
They don't know anything about that for sure because they know so little about the Destroyer and how he works, but to the best of their knowledge, yes.



  • Posts: 13
Post #834
Why did you decide to make Gyarados (Gyaradoses?) waterbound in the fic when in the Pokémon Special manga, for example, Gyarados are shown to be able to move about on land? (The example I'm referring to can be found here:


  • Posts: 1783
Post #835
Why did you decide to make Gyarados (Gyaradoses?) waterbound in the fic when in the Pokémon Special manga, for example, Gyarados are shown to be able to move about on land? (The example I'm referring to can be found here:
Well, because I hadn't read the Pokémon Special manga, for one. (And I don't really consider it canon, so I've never made any great effort to familiarize myself with it beyond the two or three first chapters that I got as a gift a couple of years ago; it happens to be the best-known of the billion-and-one Pokémon mangas out there, but for it as with the other Pokémon mangas I've read parts of, I felt dictinctly like I was reading well-financed fanfiction. Which isn't to disparage it, mind; I love fanfiction. It just felt like some guy's interpretation of the Pokémon world, not like what I should be basing my interpretation on.)

But either way TQftL takes place in the anime-verse, rather necessarily what with having anime characters in it, and as far as I've seen in the anime, Water-type Pokémon without terrestrial limbs are always waterbound there. Maybe at some point in the ten years since I started the fic this has been falsified without my knowledge, but it would be rather odd to suddenly switch now.



  • Posts: 13
Post #836
What's your favorite "battle" soundtrack from each generation? (Rival battle, legendary encounter, etc.)


  • Posts: 1783
Post #837
What's your favorite "battle" soundtrack from each generation? (Rival battle, legendary encounter, etc.)
R/B/Y: Final battle theme
G/S/C: Final battle theme
R/S/E: Hm, it's been a while. Probably the Regi battle theme.
D/P/Pt: …man, these games had a lot more epic battle themes than I remembered. But I think I'll have to go with Cyrus's battle theme; I think I like it even better than Cynthia's, though the latter is a very close second.
B/W/B2/W2: The Team Plasma grunt battle theme from B/W (not the B2/W2 remix, which I'm considerably less enamoured with although it's grown on my somewhat).



  • Posts: 93
Post #838
Do -you- like the cute interactions between Jolteon and(primarily) Letal?

Still waiting desperately for the next chapter.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #839
Do -you- like the cute interactions between Jolteon and(primarily) Letal?
Sure. They're not exactly fascinating, but writing them makes me smile.



  • Posts: 3
Post #840
It's been ages since I was last here and forgot my login, and apparently didn't set my email back then either… oh well.

Anyways, I've just been reading the comments section for a little while and while it doesn't exactly relate to the fic itself, I was wondering… are all those comments (in what I assume to be Icelandic) from "mamma" actually from your mother? And if so, what does she think of your writing? I notice you actually seem to be explaining things to her in some of your replies, as I've noticed you mentioning both Polaryu, Gyarados, and apparently talking about the bank of a lake (I guess referring to Lake Purity).

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