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  • Posts: 1783
Post #841
Yes, that's my mom. She's very confused by all this Pokémon stuff and tends to forget half of what's going on between chapters (she's forgotten the War of the Legends is a thing at least three times), but overall she says she enjoys it.



  • Posts: 5
Post #842
I just read that you said this with respect to Gyarados being water-bound.

But either way TQftL takes place in the anime-verse, rather necessarily what with having anime characters in it, and as far as I've seen in the anime, Water-type Pokémon without terrestrial limbs are always waterbound there. Maybe at some point in the ten years since I started the fic this has been falsified without my knowledge, but it would be rather odd to suddenly switch now.

Personally, I completely understand the decision, although I think as a part-Flying type Gyarados would probably be able to move out of water somehow (even if it can't learn Fly).

Anyway, I found a screenshot from the first movie showing Gyarados and its clone fighting on land:

Here you go.

Just in case you decide to change this in the next revision.

Which brings me to my next question:

After all this time, and given that you've practically finished the ILCOE (which I think is a damn good version), do you still plan to continue with the IALCOTN?

Fox McCloud

  • Posts: 2
Post #843
It's been years (again) since I've posted here, or heck, even gone by Fox, ahaha

Anyway, so someone is going to have to say it: how bout dat Yveltal having a near exact description of The Destroyer (the exception being, of course, the backlash The Destroyer causes and only draining other legendaries)?

(Thinks back to a joke post years ago saying you were secretly Satoshi Tajiri >> << >>) (As soon as I heard about Yveltal's existence I immediately found it to be absolutely hilarious because of this fic)


  • Posts: 13
Post #844
Morphic question: how (as in, with what toppings) do Dave and Mia eat their hot dogs?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #845
Huh, apparently I have some unanswered questions here. I guess they're unlikely to be seen, but I might as well answer them anyway.

After all this time, and given that you've practically finished the ILCOE (which I think is a damn good version), do you still plan to continue with the IALCOTN?
I'll have to see how embarrassing I find the IALCOTN by the time I've finished the ILCOE. I might rewrite those chapters again. But I'm likely to continue rewriting it in some form. (Probably not very fast, though.)

Anyway, so someone is going to have to say it: how bout dat Yveltal having a near exact description of The Destroyer (the exception being, of course, the backlash The Destroyer causes and only draining other legendaries)?
It was pretty amusing. I'm glad Yveltal didn't come about until now, though, because at a certain stage in the fic's creation I would have actually made the Destroyer be Yveltal, and that would have been so much less interesting than what I actually ended up with.

Morphic question: how (as in, with what toppings) do Dave and Mia eat their hot dogs?
Dave gets one with everything. Mia only really wants the actual hotdog, and initially she'd get it with no toppings at all (and leave most of the bun), but Dave has attempted to get her to appreciate the combination of flavors that is the real point of a hotdog, and though she doesn't really see the point, she doesn't care so long as the hotdog is in there somewhere. So by now, depending on her mood, she sometimes orders it bare and sometimes with seemingly random combinations of toppings just because. Dave has stopped trying to convince her the toppings matter.



  • Posts: 13
Post #846
That… that answer fits perfectly. I wonder how "Dave and Mia Discuss Hotdogs" would've gone if those two were actually talking about hotdogs and the socially acceptable means of eating them for the whole extra.
I do have one more question- could you clarify how Mia's scythes are designed? Their only description in the actual fic is fairly ambiguous as to how they look.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #847
That… that answer fits perfectly. I wonder how "Dave and Mia Discuss Hotdogs" would've gone if those two were actually talking about hotdogs and the socially acceptable means of eating them for the whole extra.
Pff. Now I want to write that.

I do have one more question- could you clarify how Mia's scythes are designed? Their only description in the actual fic is fairly ambiguous as to how they look.
Basically, they grow out of her ulna, from shortly below the wrist to the elbow. They're triangular in shape, essentially - the ulna forms one side, a short side extends outwards at a ~90° angle by the elbow, and the main blade is pretty much straight from there until it rejoins the ulna near the wrist.

They're basically designed on the assumption that the green part of a Scyther's scythe is the equivalent of a forearm that evolution has curved into a scythe shape; the same genetic formula that makes the scythes proper acting on a straight arm makes a straight edge.

I have no idea how clearly I'm describing this, so you should probably just look at this attempt I once made at drawing Mia (she has her sheaths on, but you get the idea).



  • Posts: 1
Post #848
Sorry for bumping, but do you have any drawings of the other Morphic characters? I always wondered what Gabriel's skin and Katherine's rose hands look like.

I'm also looking forward to Chapter 65! I can't wait to see this story finished soon, It's been one hell of a ride. :D


  • Posts: 1783
Post #849
I'm afraid the world is rather lacking in Morphic art. I drew Gabriel around the same time as that Mia, but it doesn't show you much since it's a hastily colored rough sketch (his skin basically looks like it's covered in very thick, orange slime, though). I've made a couple of attempts at drawing a couple of the other morphs since, but they were generally unfinished and terrible and I haven't scanned them.

Somebody asked me to just do basic references of the morphs the other day, which is a good idea, but I haven't gotten it done yet.



  • Posts: 11
Post #850
Butterfree: In what día you inspire yo name the region Ouen? Was it a good idea after something or just stupid 14-years old changing the Hoenn region's name?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #851
Butterfree: In what día you inspire yo name the region Ouen? Was it a good idea after something or just stupid 14-years old changing the Hoenn region's name?
Well done picking up on that. I made up the name when the Hoenn region had yet to get a name in English and was still known as Houen; I deliberately made it as a counterpart to it. I felt like since Kanto and Johto are kinda-sorta similar it made sense to make my region's name similar to Houen? Don't ask, I was twelve.



  • Posts: 11
Post #852
In first place, I will ask about TQFL, but I will also ask something regarding Morphic (I think there's not a proper forum for it, and even if it has ended, you haven't said there wouldn't be a sequel) with this mentioned, I will ask:
-Does Morphic and TQFL happen in the same universe?
In case they do:
-Are the Pokemorphs related to Pokemon from the fic? (i. e. Mia related to Stormblade)
-Would there be a possibility to include TQFL in Morphic 2?
In case it did, would there be a possibility to revive Will and Mia?
You probably hadn't thought about it, but maybe you could make that fusion taking this idea, I really know you want to continue Morphic, you just need an idea. (I don't consider the Mewtwo and Mew morphs a secuel since it was just created for a replacement to the April's fools)
Hope you take this in count, or at least make Dave and Mia have more discussions.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #853
In first place, I will ask about TQFL, but I will also ask something regarding Morphic (I think there's not a proper forum for it, and even if it has ended, you haven't said there wouldn't be a sequel) with this mentioned, I will ask:
-Does Morphic and TQFL happen in the same universe?
In case they do:
-Are the Pokemorphs related to Pokemon from the fic? (i. e. Mia related to Stormblade)
-Would there be a possibility to include TQFL in Morphic 2?
In case it did, would there be a possibility to revive Will and Mia?
You probably hadn't thought about it, but maybe you could make that fusion taking this idea, I really know you want to continue Morphic, you just need an idea. (I don't consider the Mewtwo and Mew morphs a secuel since it was just created for a replacement to the April's fools)
Hope you take this in count, or at least make Dave and Mia have more discussions.
No, they decidedly do not take place in the same universe. TQftL happens in, roughly, the same universe as the Pokémon anime (I've taken some liberties with legendaries, since the anime has drifted towards a pretty different idea of them in the time since I started this fic). Morphic takes place in an alternate universe that is intended to closely resemble the real modern world, except that there are Pokémon instead of animals. They are practically night and day.

Perhaps most crucially, as hinted in the April Fools' Day sequel chapter, legendary Pokémon in the Morphic universe are cryptids: there exist people who believe in them or swear they've seen them, they're common fodder for fiction, and there are even occasional cults that worship them, but there is no credible evidence that they exist, and they're generally regarded as simple myths. Technically they could exist, but I don't ever plan to canonically establish the existence of any legendary in the Morphic universe, because that would change the sort of universe it is into one further from the real world, and I very deliberately want it to feel as close to the real world as possible. Obviously this is quite incompatible with the QftL universe.

I did write a very silly non-canon crossover ficlet in which Dave has been transported into the QftL universe for unspecified reasons, which might amuse you, but yeah, a canonical fusion of the two would be quite impossible.

Happily, though, I already know what the sequel to Morphic will be about. If I didn't, I wouldn't be planning a sequel; looking for excuses to continue stories just for the sake of continuing them is the bane of good storytelling. I still need to develop my ideas better and plot it out properly, but I don't need someone to come up with a concept for me.

And Dave and Mia definitely will have more discussions.



  • Posts: 51
Post #854
Do all wild Pokémon have a naming system like the Scyther one? Also how you pronounce Leah?

If you say so.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #855
Do all wild Pokémon have a naming system like the Scyther one?
Pokémon in general all use the same basic naming system in this fic's universe, yes. The concept was created to address the otherwise odd fact that Pokémon are fine with being referred to by the name of their species and having their trainer make up a name for them.

Also how you pronounce Leah?



  • Posts: 13
Post #856
The regions in the Pokémon games are often compared to ones in the real world - in the sense that Kalos resembles France, Unova looks like New York City, and so forth. Does Ouen have a similar real-world counterpart?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #857
The regions in the Pokémon games are often compared to ones in the real world - in the sense that Kalos resembles France, Unova looks like New York City, and so forth. Does Ouen have a similar real-world counterpart?
No; I wasn't aware that the Pokémon regions had real-world counterparts when I started the fic. I honestly think it hurts the fic a bit; it's kind of glaring for a fan-region to deviate from a pattern followed by every single canon region.



  • Posts: 13
Post #858
Where in the Pokémon world is Ouen? Does it border any canon regions the way Kanto and Johto do?


  • Posts: 51
Post #859
In the Quest Blog you mention pages a lot, but what are they? I don't see any pages while I'm reading chapters.

If you say so.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #860
Where in the Pokémon world is Ouen? Does it border any canon regions the way Kanto and Johto do?
I've never placed it exactly, but it doesn't neighbor any canon region.

In the Quest Blog you mention pages a lot, but what are they? I don't see any pages while I'm reading chapters.
I write the story in a Microsoft Word document, which has pages. When I talk about how many pages a chapter is, I'm just talking about how long it is in a way that's a bit less cumbersome to talk about than word count. Generally I write something like 400-500 words per page, depending on how chunky the paragraphs are.


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