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  • Posts: 15
Post #801
what kind of pokemon fics DO you like to read and stick with and if i reccomended one would you read it?

I read and write up to 5 fanfics at a time. So if I get confused Deal. With. It.
Which Starter Pokémon are you?
Your Result: You are…Chimchar!

Very tough, with a rebellious streak! You aren't afraid to stand up to someone. When around a group of friends you may act as the strong, silent type. You can get angry at someone someday accidently and hurt their feelings…be careful.
Result Breakdown:

Quiz Created on GoTo Quiz

I'm not naive or lazy. witty, thoughtful, yes. And I can be tempramental if you upset me…….

Butterfree has edited this signature for being way, way too big. Don't go adding all that stuff back in.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #802
what kind of pokemon fics DO you like to read and stick with and if i reccomended one would you read it?
There isn't really a "kind" of fics I like to read and stick with. If it's good (or intriguingly bad) and I happen to be in a reading mood and bother to actually read it, I might if I don't happen to get distracted by something else before I finish. That's about it.

You can recommend something if you like, but it's very unlikely I'll actually read it. I have about fifteen tabs open with fanfics right now, and that's just the ones I've actually opened and started to read, not including all the ones I really want to read someday.



  • Posts: 93
Post #803
When do you think you'll feel like working on that re-write of Scyther's Story? Or did something make you scrap it for now? What all else is in the way of focusing on that? I remember it was quite a while ago when you last mentioned the re-write in the blog.

Still waiting desperately for the next chapter.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #804
When do you think you'll feel like working on that re-write of Scyther's Story? Or did something make you scrap it for now? What all else is in the way of focusing on that? I remember it was quite a while ago when you last mentioned the re-write in the blog.
I didn't scrap it, but I put it aside for a bit, mainly because as so often I was getting stuck on some transitions and would rather focus on the main fic, Morphic, etc.



  • Posts: 93
Post #805
In class today, while learning about the Hindu 'gods', I noticed that the main ones are considered the Creator, Brahmah, the Preserver, Vishnu, and the Destroyer, Shiva.
Is this a coincidence at all? It just struck me as odd..

Still waiting desperately for the next chapter.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #806
In class today, while learning about the Hindu 'gods', I noticed that the main ones are considered the Creator, Brahmah, the Preserver, Vishnu, and the Destroyer, Shiva.
Is this a coincidence at all? It just struck me as odd..
Nope. That whole idea was shamelessly lifted from Hindu mythology.

Granted, I didn't actually think of that until I noticed that Mew had created stuff, and Chaletwo was a guardian of life, and that totally meant it was the same and I should make somebody be the Destroyer, too.



  • Posts: 8
Post #807
do you yourself have a facebook account? would you ever make one for the fic?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #808
do you yourself have a facebook account? would you ever make one for the fic?
I have a Facebook account, but it's personal and in Icelandic and I have no interest in changing that. I only signed up so I could contact a friend of mine and basically never go there unprompted, so no, I'm not really interested in making a Facebook page for the fic or anything else that I do.



  • Posts: 8
Post #809
Do you think you would ever have a shiny Pokemon make an appearance in the fic?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #810
Do you think you would ever have a shiny Pokemon make an appearance in the fic?
"Would ever"? There have already been two shinies, first Christopher's Scizor and then Letaligon's father. I think more shinies would really just start to stretch believability.



  • Posts: 34
Post #811
Do all Scyther swarm share their belief in the Code, or is it only the Ruxido swarm?

Sheesh, stupid database wipe >.> I can't remember what was in my signature! Oh well, something new then I guess.

Current quote: I had a dream… I dreamed that I was eating a ten-pound marshmallow, and when I woke up the pillow was gone.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #812
Do all Scyther swarm share their belief in the Code, or is it only the Ruxido swarm?
The Code predates this particular swarm. As far as they know it's all of them, though it could be possible that somewhere there exist swarms that don't have it.


Scytherian Poetry

  • Posts: 114
Post #813
"Stormblade gave a very small nod. “He used his left scythe, too. It was the one he used to kill the old Leader. Sometimes I wonder if that meant anything.”"

I watched a movie recently called "The Night of the Hunter". It was about a preacher who went around killing widows for their money in the 30's. But that's not the point.

He had the word "Love" on his right hand, and "Hate" on his left. This is weird, because he killed these kid's mother with his left hand (the hate hand). In a biblical sense, the left hand was the hand of darkness and Lucifer and Hell and all that jazz.
Could this be similar to what you wrote in this chapter? Just a bit of speculation.

"Life is too important to be taken seriously"


  • Posts: 1783
Post #814
The Scyther don't have any inherent prejudices against left scythes as opposed to right scythes. But Shadowdart's left scythe in particular was the one the Leader had been repeatedly cutting into, leaving it jagged, unsharpened and otherwise not a 'proper' scythe (which was how Shadowdart won the duel - the Leader had his right scythe pinned in place but forgot to worry about the left in an offensive context). When Stormblade speculates on if the fact Shadowdart chose to kill himself with his mutilated scythe meant anything, he's more thinking maybe it was a sign that Shadowdart realized how much like the old Leader he had become and therefore deliberately subjected himself to the same unusual fate.



  • Posts: 37
Post #815
I just realized that you said that Shadowdart was a darker green than other scyther in Fall of a Leader, or maybe Scyther's story, and when I looked at serebii to see if/where I could get a scyther in black, I noticed shiny scyther are dark green, so is Shadowdart a shiny scyther?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #816
I just realized that you said that Shadowdart was a darker green than other scyther in Fall of a Leader, or maybe Scyther's story, and when I looked at serebii to see if/where I could get a scyther in black, I noticed shiny scyther are dark green, so is Shadowdart a shiny scyther?
No - shinies also have orange/red joints, which Shadowdart doesn't. It's just that there are slight individual color variations, and Shadowdart happens to be on the darker side of the scale (Stormblade, meanwhile, is lighter than average). It's a very small difference and you'd probably not really notice it if you aren't a Scyther - shinies are much more significantly different.

There's also a weird thing I put into Scyther's Story for some silly reason about how females are darker than males, but I'm planning to remove that detail when I revise Scyther's Story and The Fall of a Leader because it was really extraneous and kind of stupid.



  • Posts: 37
Post #817

I noticed that the suicide thing that the scyther practiced was kinda like the way of the samurai, any connection?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #818
I noticed that the suicide thing that the scyther practiced was kinda like the way of the samurai, any connection?
Sort of, though it's not intended to be based directly upon it; it's more just the basic idea of ritualized suicide as repentance. The Scyther do it for different reasons, since their thing is less about honor and more about their idea of morality.



  • Posts: 37
Post #819
Cool, and thanks… your story made me want to catch some scyther, but then I realized it was nearly impossible to catch in every game.


  • Posts: 34
Post #820
Out of curiosity, how are Razor and Stormblade supposed to notice Shadowdart in the revisions? Didn't they snicker at him because his colouration was close to that of a female's?

Sheesh, stupid database wipe >.> I can't remember what was in my signature! Oh well, something new then I guess.

Current quote: I had a dream… I dreamed that I was eating a ten-pound marshmallow, and when I woke up the pillow was gone.

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