Ask the Author

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  • Posts: 7
Post #781
Okay, this is a slightly random question. I was reading the "Destroyer" thread and you mentioned that you haven't had it figured out from the beginning what it was.

I was just curious, about how long were you writing the story with the Destroyer idea before you figured out what it was actually going to be?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #782
Okay, this is a slightly random question. I was reading the "Destroyer" thread and you mentioned that you haven't had it figured out from the beginning what it was.

I was just curious, about how long were you writing the story with the Destroyer idea before you figured out what it was actually going to be?
Depends on what you call 'with the Destroyer idea'. Originally the War of the Legends Just Happened. Then sometime while I was writing the ILCOE, some comment somebody made (asking about Chaletwo or something) made me respond with some vague cryptic stuff about how he was the Preserver, whereas Mew was the Creator, and hmm, who might the Destroyer be? This was a completely spur-of-the-moment thing and then I just thought it was a cool idea. Then for the longest time my ideas about the Destroyer were quite silly, and then I had other ideas which were more interesting but made no actual sense, and then sometime… probably 2006-7-ish? I finally figured it out and suddenly everything made sense.



  • Posts: 15
Post #783
What person in the story is most like you and how?

I read and write up to 5 fanfics at a time. So if I get confused Deal. With. It.
Which Starter Pokémon are you?
Your Result: You are…Chimchar!

Very tough, with a rebellious streak! You aren't afraid to stand up to someone. When around a group of friends you may act as the strong, silent type. You can get angry at someone someday accidently and hurt their feelings…be careful.
Result Breakdown:

Quiz Created on GoTo Quiz

I'm not naive or lazy. witty, thoughtful, yes. And I can be tempramental if you upset me…….

Butterfree has edited this signature for being way, way too big. Don't go adding all that stuff back in.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #784
What person in the story is most like you and how?
Nobody is that much like me, to be honest. I guess Mark, maybe, in that he's kind of shy and quiet, but I'm a hell of a lot more assertive than him even as he's starting to occasionally stand up for himself. May has a lot more in the way of conscious similarities to me because she started as a self-insert, but of course she ended up developing waaaay in the other direction and is considerably less shy and quiet than I am. Both of them are also considerably less silly and geeky. (The only real geek characters in the story are Sparky and Nurse Joy of Stormy Town, but he's decidedly more awesome and she's decidedly more snarky.)

Long story short, I'm not writing myself in any form and at this point any similarities beyond vague facts like May's birthday are pretty much incidental.



  • Posts: 15
Post #785

I read and write up to 5 fanfics at a time. So if I get confused Deal. With. It.
Which Starter Pokémon are you?
Your Result: You are…Chimchar!

Very tough, with a rebellious streak! You aren't afraid to stand up to someone. When around a group of friends you may act as the strong, silent type. You can get angry at someone someday accidently and hurt their feelings…be careful.
Result Breakdown:

Quiz Created on GoTo Quiz

I'm not naive or lazy. witty, thoughtful, yes. And I can be tempramental if you upset me…….

Butterfree has edited this signature for being way, way too big. Don't go adding all that stuff back in.


  • Posts: 31
Post #786
What person in the story is least like you and how?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #787
Um. Rick? Because I don't have insecurity issues a mile wide?



  • Posts: 16
Post #788
Are any of the character information tidbits that occur to you, to provide answers to the questions in the Ask the Characters topic, of vague importance in the fic?

Scytherian Poetry

  • Posts: 114
Post #789
Was there a special signifigance in May choosing a type of Pokemon that was not especially helpful to her? Don't answer this if it involves spoilers.

Have you finished Black/White yet?

"Life is too important to be taken seriously"


  • Posts: 1783
Post #790
Are any of the character information tidbits that occur to you, to provide answers to the questions in the Ask the Characters topic, of vague importance in the fic?
Occasionally it's something I already knew and was going to be significant. Occasionally the question makes me think about something I hadn't thought about before, find it interesting and then possibly make something of it. So yes, sometimes.

Was there a special signifigance in May choosing a type of Pokemon that was not especially helpful to her? Don't answer this if it involves spoilers.
"Special significance"? You make it sound like you're thinking of plot significance or symbolism or something. As it happens my characters generally only ever do things for exactly one reason: because that's what they choose to do. You can read plenty of interesting things into the fact May chose to capture a Stantler, but I'm not sure I'd call that "special significance".

Have you finished Black/White yet?
Well, I finished my Japanese White ages ago (though it depends on what you mean by "finish"). As for my English Black, I'm currently trying to get a Reshiram that does not suck epically.



  • Posts: 2
Post #791
How do you write your chapters? Do you write them in bursts, or do you take your time and write it over a long period (By over a long period I mean slowly but constantly updating the chapter until completion.)

It's really cool how you have a forum for this too.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #792
How do you write your chapters? Do you write them in bursts, or do you take your time and write it over a long period (By over a long period I mean slowly but constantly updating the chapter until completion.)
It varies, but even on my biggest writing sprees I very, very rarely write the whole chapter in one go; I don't recall it happening ever, actually. Usually I write a few sentences or paragraphs sometime when I feel like it, then write a few more next time I feel like it and so on, though because that's kind of ridiculously slow, most of the writing ends up being done on those relatively rare occasions where I happen to go on a writing spree and actually do pages at a time.



  • Posts: 1
Post #793

in the anime, ash knows mewtwo personally.
how is it possible, if according to the fic mewtwo died 999 years ago?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #794
in the anime, ash knows mewtwo personally.
how is it possible, if according to the fic mewtwo died 999 years ago?
In chapter 25 Chaletwo explains that Mewtwo was taken back in time by Chalenor and was still there when the War happened.

The number of times I get this question confuses me. Heck, it's even brought up again in chapter 39, so it's not as if it's just that single mention.



  • Posts: 20
Post #795
You said your motivation is/was writing the end. Does that mean you don't like it? :0

In memory of the poor Sealeo that my brother evolved…I'm so sorry! I never should have let him make you into an ugly Walrein!


  • Posts: 1783
Post #796
No. That would be wanting it to be over, not wanting to write the end. I do in fact genuinely want to write the end. And then ramble on about it and how it came to be while pretending somebody cares. And then rewrite the whole fic yet again in the hope of making it slightly less embarrassing.

Which is to say, yes, I like it. It's my itsy bitsy slightly deformed nonsensical poorly-plotted brainchild and I can't imagine my life without it. :3



  • Posts: 20
Post #797
It amazes me that there are 5 pages of people who have never posted anything on the forums.

In memory of the poor Sealeo that my brother evolved…I'm so sorry! I never should have let him make you into an ugly Walrein!


  • Posts: 20
Post #798
@Butterfree: I would care what you had to say about the ending :)

In memory of the poor Sealeo that my brother evolved…I'm so sorry! I never should have let him make you into an ugly Walrein!


  • Posts: 16
Post #799
Is it fathomable in Ouen for humans to (rarely) marry Pokémon? (particularly humanoid ones like Machoke.) (After all, a man was once ordered by his village elders to marry a goat.)

Since that is a weird, awkward sort of question, the second one should be more relevant.

Are Pokémon used commercially (in technology, electricity production, to purify plumbing, etc.) in Ouenn, or are they mostly treated as intelligent animals in the scheme of the economy?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #800
It amazes me that there are 5 pages of people who have never posted anything on the forums.
I imagine quite a few people register solely to receive chapter updates by e-mail, without having any interest in posting at the forums. Plus, all forums get people registering without posting. You'd be surprised how many people make accounts at places and never do anything with them.

Is it fathomable in Ouen for humans to (rarely) marry Pokémon? (particularly humanoid ones like Machoke.)
No. There's still a massive taboo against intimate human/nonhuman relations of any kind, though with developments like Fury the Hitmonchan that might potentially change in the future.

Are Pokémon used commercially (in technology, electricity production, to purify plumbing, etc.) in Ouenn, or are they mostly treated as intelligent animals in the scheme of the economy?
Pokémon trained by human employees are used commercially for various tasks. Commercial computer systems have their own Porygon, Water Pokémon are employed by the fire department, etc. Electricity production in particular is not practical, however, as Pokémon can't produce a constant flow of electricity for very long without becoming exhausted; you'd either need completely unmanageable numbers of Pokémon or to overwork them far beyond the point of abuse.


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