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  • Posts: 11
Post #761
Yes! I knew there was someone who watched it like I watch it now! I have seen it 13 times, and I would watch it more but I am buried in homework. x_x

What do you read in general, either online or offline?

So, yeah.

Doctor Horrible Count: 30 viewings


  • Posts: 1783
Post #762
What do you read in general, either online or offline?
Not as much as I'd like. :P Primarily fantasy and nonfiction offline, and a select few pieces of Pokémon fanfiction online with the occasional spur-of-the-moment extra getting taken on once in a blue moon.


Scytherian Poetry

  • Posts: 114
Post #763
Do you have some sort of counter that tells you how many people have read your fic?

"Life is too important to be taken seriously"


  • Posts: 1783
Post #764
Do you have some sort of counter that tells you how many people have read your fic?
No. Best I can do is FanFiction.Net stats.



  • Posts: 31
Post #765
In the universe in which the 'fic operates, when a trainer dies, can a next of kin step in and take the Pokemon, rather than have them released? What about if it was in their Will?

Also, how are Pokemon deaths investigated? Most trainers are on the road, so there will be little evidence, aside from eye-witnessed…

I've also got another question. Mark constantly seems to bag on himself about his lack of training ability - yet, he collected eight badges, and did okay the League. Is it really that big of an accomplishment to make it to the League?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #766
In the universe in which the 'fic operates, when a trainer dies, can a next of kin step in and take the Pokemon, rather than have them released? What about if it was in their Will?
Generally it's according to the Pokémon's wishes, unless those wishes conflict with somebody else's (i.e. if the Pokémon wants to be taken in by somebody who doesn't want it). Of course, Taylor's clones were taken in by Rick anyway because it's not as if anybody's about to stop him.

Also, how are Pokemon deaths investigated? Most trainers are on the road, so there will be little evidence, aside from eye-witnessed…
If the one killed or the one doing the killing was a wild Pokémon, there is no investigation. As I said before, Pokémon aren't big on human court systems. If a trainer's Pokémon kills another trainer's Pokémon, the trainer of the victim can press charges and will then just have to have the other trainer's name/picture/etc.

I've also got another question. Mark constantly seems to bag on himself about his lack of training ability - yet, he collected eight badges, and did okay the League. Is it really that big of an accomplishment to make it to the League?
Making it to the League, no. Mark actually did do pretty well, though; it's just that he credits that to his Pokémon and doesn't feel like he had much to do with it.



  • Posts: 31
Post #767
This will be weird, but…

If you had to describe yourself with one of the tropes on TV Tropes, what would it be?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #768
Real people generally aren't tropes, much less one single trope. :/


Scytherian Poetry

  • Posts: 114
Post #769
Yeah that's confusing.
What's your favourite Eeveelution?

"Life is too important to be taken seriously"


  • Posts: 93
Post #770
Do all of the trainer's Pokemon actually have specific natures that you've recorded somewhere? I know that Sandslash's Careful nature was mentioned once, but none of the other
Pokemon's have been.

Still waiting desperately for the next chapter.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #771
Yeah that's confusing.
What's your favourite Eeveelution?
Ha, sorry, I never saw this. Either Jolteon or Leafeon.

Do all of the trainer's Pokemon actually have specific natures that you've recorded somewhere? I know that Sandslash's Careful nature was mentioned once, but none of the other
Pokemon's have been.
No, not really. I think sometime years ago I made up natures for some more Pokémon in Mark's team, but I think I gave up because I didn't find any that really suited some of them.



  • Posts: 31
Post #772
I can't decide what my favorite Pokémon is, can you help me?

Just joking. But, as it is similar to my actual question, I couldn't help it.

What is your favorite Pokemon?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #773
What is your favorite Pokemon?
When asked I usually list Charizard, Butterfree, Scyther, Flygon, Grovyle and Dialga, in that order. Ninetales and Quilava kind of belong somewhere up there as well. And, of course, with generation V I have to add Bachuru to the list.

Why, yes, there is a suspiciously high concentration of my favorite Pokémon across Mark, May and Alan's teams.



  • Posts: 69
Post #774
I wonder how grovyle came to be on that list :o


  • Posts: 1783
Post #775
It's actually been on it since it was first revealed in 2002. I saw the sprite and there was instalove. Grovyle was the reason I was curious about elyvorg's fic, not the other way around. (Hence why Alan had a Grovyle long before I'd ever heard of elyvorg.)



  • Posts: 7
Post #776
If either Mark, May or Alan had to die, who would it be? And how do I get the picture on my signature to not have a white background?

I am ButhelChank, hear me roar!


  • Posts: 31
Post #777
I love Flygon, I just hate that it's a Dragon-type, which, in the only games that it's easily available, is all Special. That's why I reluctantly decided not to use it.

Maybe they'll make a new XD or Colosseum-esque game with it in it to go along with Black and White with it on it.

Speaking of Colosseum and XD, what are your thoughts on them?

Oh, one other thing. What was your team on your first playthrough of Diamond / Pearl?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #778
If either Mark, May or Alan had to die, who would it be?
Alan. Mark dying would be boring and May dying would just be a waste when she has all this character development to go through.

And how do I get the picture on my signature to not have a white background?
By making a picture that doesn't have a white background. Get a good paint program that can create transparent images, if you're using Paint.

Speaking of Colosseum and XD, what are your thoughts on them?
They were fun, atmospheric and had awesome music. I'd have liked them to be a little more properly story-based and I hated Poké Spots, but otherwise I liked them. Though I never got around to finishing XD; it was one of those games I went through training everything I got and I was somewhere on Citadark Isle with grossly underleveled Pokémon and kept losing to one of the Cipher guys. I'd like to see Genius Sonority make another Pokémon console RPG.

Oh, one other thing. What was your team on your first playthrough of Diamond / Pearl?
Something like Infernape, Staraptor, Luxray, Scyther, Gastrodon and Roserade. Later I added several more and started to rotate them (Butterfree, Leafeon, Charizard, Jolteon, Espeon, Lucario…).



  • Posts: 2
Post #779
Hi, what do you think it is that has made this fic so popular?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #780

I'd go with persistence, really. It's been around so long, posted in so many places, that it's inevitable that by now a lot of people would have stumbled upon it at some point. It's also relatively accessible and mainstream in writing and subject matter, which helps to not put off the average Pokémon fanfic reader once they've stumbled upon it (while not as many people would be keen on reading about, say, a fictional Scyther society obsessed with death or scientists debating their right to abort Pokémorphs they made while drunk).


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