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  • Posts: 11
Post #121

I feel like an idiot now but that's ok.
Thankies for pointing that out.


  • Posts: 200
Post #122
Mark: Have you ever had any regrets about going on this 'Quest for the Legends', so to speak? Also, what would you think if some girl wrote some story about your adventures?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #123
Mark: Well, I wish I didn't have to, but I don't have much of a choice, do I? I mean, when I know what's going on, I couldn't just go home and do nothing about it.

Somebody writing about me… that would be weird, but kind of cool. I just hope they wouldn't use my real name.



  • Posts: 200
Post #124
That makes me think, is Mark his real name? (retorical)

Scyther: Only you could make self-mutilation look cool. (Oh, god, I hope he doesn't hunt me down, tie me to a pole, and force me to open up my arms with a razor.)


  • Posts: 1783
Post #125
Scyther: …



  • Posts: 10
Post #126
Gyarados: How exactly does that Dragon Beam thing work? I know you close your eyes and turn grayish, and then you fire the beam, but could you explain a little more? Or is there nothing more to explain?

Too bad Suicune can't explain.

Alan: Do you ever plan to tell Molzapart about Thunderyu, Volcaryu, and Polaryu?

Look behind you!


  • Posts: 5
Post #127
May: If you could have any Pokemon from any of the currently explored regions, which six would you pick?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #128
Gyarados: I… don't know how it works. Somehow I drain all the energy from my body and use it to attack. I only discovered I could do it.

Alan: I've told him already. We've… well, pieced it together. I just don't understand why Chaletwo would keep something like this from us. Couldn't it have helped if he'd told us everything about their powers, at least? Couldn't he… you know, change them, if he's the one who made them in the first place? Why didn't he even tell Molzapart before we set out to capture all the legendaries?

May: Well, depends on what I'd be going up against. You have to pick your team with respect to what your opponent has, you know? And where you'll be battling, what kind of strategy you want to employ, that kind of stuff.



  • Posts: 10
Post #129
Letal: If you don't evolve, do you still want Mark to release you to challenge your father? Or will you just stay with Mark?

This question may have been covered already, I don't know.

Look behind you!


  • Posts: 1783
Post #130
Letal: …I'm leaving. What point would there be in staying if nothing will come of it?



  • Posts: 200
Post #131
Letaligon: Feeling awesome now that you evolved. No doubt you're a bit nervous, though.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #132
Letaligon: Why would I be nervous? I feel great. Finally I can leave and complete what I started.



  • Posts: 120
Post #133
Letaligon: So, you're confident you can kill your father now. Don't shiny Letaligon have some kind of stronger armour that would give him an advantage, though?

Sad is happy for deep people.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #134
Letaligon: It's stronger but also heavier. I'll be quicker. I can take him down.



  • Posts: 34
Post #135
Letaligon: Just out of curiosity, have you seen your father use moves that Letaligon learn by TM/can't learn normally? With all the training and whatnot, it seems to me you're at a bit of an advantage.

Sheesh, stupid database wipe >.> I can't remember what was in my signature! Oh well, something new then I guess.

Current quote: I had a dream… I dreamed that I was eating a ten-pound marshmallow, and when I woke up the pillow was gone.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #136
Letaligon: My father can't do anything any ordinary wild Letaligon can't. That is why I went with Mark; to become more than he will ever be.



  • Posts: 120
Post #137
Pichu kid: How do you feel about losing?

And to the Pichu kid's Pikachu, if I'm allowed to ask it: Does it bother you that your trainer is a really bad battler?

Sad is happy for deep people.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #138
Pichu kid: That girl makes all her Pokémon evolve and keeps switching them out while I treat them with love and kindness and trust them to win! I know I'm the better trainer. It's not about who wins or loses. It's about loving and respecting your Pokémon!

Pikachu: Nah, not really. He's a nice kid and usually we don't even do that badly - we did get all the badges, after all. He just doesn't really belong in a place like the League, where you have to switch all the time, all the Pokémon are evolved and the trainers choose their teams to counter what their opponent has.

We'll just move on to another region and have more adventures there, I guess.



  • Posts: 34
Post #139
Aaron: Just out of curiosity, how many times have you pulled the suicide tactic before?

Meagan: How did you manage to train pages of Pokemon, all to decent levels? Seems like a lot of work to me.

Sheesh, stupid database wipe >.> I can't remember what was in my signature! Oh well, something new then I guess.

Current quote: I had a dream… I dreamed that I was eating a ten-pound marshmallow, and when I woke up the pillow was gone.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #140
Aaron: Well, we can only do it when the situation makes it possible, so we couldn't exactly do it a lot. We did prepare it for one battle a while ago, though, and used it then, as well as in a few later ones. Maybe four or five times in all?

Megan: That's just the way I work. I like getting to know new Pokémon, exploring places with them and training different techniques. I love how unique each one is. So I dunno, I just spend a lot of my time with all my Pokémon figuring out their strengths and their best strategies.


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