Ask the Characters

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  • Posts: 200
Post #101
scyther: Do you find it creepy at all that we all know your whole history?

anyone who happens to answer: Where are you answering these questions, anyway?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #102
Scyther: Didn't I tell it to Mark myself?

Chaletwo: In the void between chapters. It's a boring place.



  • Posts: 120
Post #103
May: How did your first preliminary battle go? Did you win?

Sad is happy for deep people.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #104
May: It hasn't happened yet. It's at three. Not that I'd worry much; I'm up against some kid who seems to think he's Ash Ketchum and has only mediocre or unevolved Pokémon. Pretty high-leveled, so there was room for doubt, but then I saw him train.


Sands Buisle

  • Posts: 351
Post #105
Chaletwo: What do you believe your chances at this 'Legend collecting' thing (as in the kids)?

May: Have you caught any other pokemon yet?

Alan: Found Reinticune yet?

Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.

… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.

Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!

Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…


  • Posts: 1783
Post #106
Chaletwo: I really don't know. It hasn't been going too badly for Mark so far, but that's because we knew the locations of all these four beforehand, and I wouldn't know how the others are doing. There aren't many left, but there could be reason they've eluded us so far.

May: Other than what? I mean, not since Torchic. I don't think I need any more.

Alan: We've picked up his trail. Been asking some wild Pokémon if they've seen him, and we think we're on the right track, at least.


Sands Buisle

  • Posts: 351
Post #107
Over infusiastic Pichu kid (if I'm allowed to ask him): Do you think you can beat your first parlliminarys opponent?

Mark's parents: So, you saw Mark in his first parlliminary round, do you think he'll get past the parlliminarys?

Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.

… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.

Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!

Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…


  • Posts: 1783
Post #108
Overenthusiastic Pichu kid: Of course! We can beat anyone!

Mark's parents don't technically know he's in the League. Molzapart's memory-messing makes them mentally explain his absence from their house with, 'Oh, he's out on his Pokémon journey,' but not think about it hard enough to realize things like, 'Oh, he's in the League right now; we can see him on TV!'



  • Posts: 120
Post #109
May: Have you told Flygon, Mutark and Blaziken about the mission to capture the legendaries yet? If not, when are you going to?

Sad is happy for deep people.

Sands Buisle

  • Posts: 351
Post #110
Elyvorg, when Flygon was a Vibrava it battled Volcaryu.

Flygon: Do you enjoy battling?

Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.

… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.

Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!

Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…


  • Posts: 120
Post #111
Oh yes, so he did. Okay then, let's see what Flygon thinks - Flygon, how did you feel about being told to battle against a powerful legendary without properly knowing what it was all about, and has May explained everything to you yet?

Sad is happy for deep people.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #112
May: Have you told Flygon, Mutark and Blaziken about the mission to capture the legendaries yet? If not, when are you going to?
May: Well, we had to tell them - otherwise if Chaletwo suddenly whips us off to help Alan, they'd be pretty confused.

Flygon: Do you enjoy battling?
Flygon: It can be fun when I win, but I don't like getting hurt too much. I just want to do my best.

Flygon, how did you feel about being told to battle against a powerful legendary without properly knowing what it was all about, and has May explained everything to you yet?
Flygon: Oh, she'd told me all about it before. After the Suicune fight, I think. Battling Volcaryu was scary, but we have to be brave to keep going.


Sands Buisle

  • Posts: 351
Post #113
anyone accept for Chaletwo: Why are you answering these questions?

Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.

… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.

Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!

Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…


  • Posts: 1783
Post #114
Mark: Uh, because… we're asked?



  • Posts: 17
Post #115
May: Say that the only pokémon you could ever train of the water-type, or that even learned any water-type moves, was a qwilfish. Would you bother with it, or find some way to compensate?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #116
May: Well, Qwilfish has some things going for it. I mean, it's no powerhouse, but neither is Butterfree or Raichu. I just need my Pokémon to be usable. Something like Farfetch'd can't do much of anything, but you can work with Qwilfish. I like to think I can train mediocre Pokémon well enough to make good use of them.



  • Posts: 11
Post #117
Mitch: Are you ever going to appear again?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #118
Mitch: …appear?



  • Posts: 11
Post #119
As in show up in the story.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #120
What do you think Mitch knows about being in a story or what will happen in the future? The characters are not omniscient. This thread is for asking them questions in character, in-world. If you just want to know if Mitch will ever appear again (he will), you should be asking me, in the Ask the Author thread.


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