Ask the Characters

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  • Posts: 349
Post #321
Sparky and Mitch: How much wood can a woodchuck chuck wood?
Mark: Who do you consider your strongest pokémon?
May: Same as above
Anyone: Why are all my questions wierd?

"Do you think I enjoy telling you who you can screw and who you can't?" -Shadowdart

Don't worry about the world coming to an end today, cause' it's already tomorrow in Australia!


  • Posts: 1783
Post #322
Sparky to InnerDemon: You know what they say. Always look on the bright side of life. ;)

Flora: I don't flame at people for absolutely no reason! For the love of God, since when was being a bit annoyed flaming?

Sparky to steele: I think you mean "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" See, if you don't get it right, it just doesn't make any sense!

Mark: Well, Dragonite is a Dragonite. You can't really argue with that. Letaligon is strong too, but because her range of moves is a lot more limited, it's easier to take her down. So, well, you saw Dragonite in that match against May. But of course the others do better in other situations, and I don't know if Dragonite would be stronger than some other Dragonite, so it's kind of hard to call him unequivocally the best. They're all great and I'm proud of them.

May: Right now I think Skarmory's pretty great. I've been kind of disappointed in Tyranitar recently, but hopefully he'll come together and be even better.

Chaletwo: You ask weird questions because to you, we're just fictional characters you can annoy with whatever inane comment you think of.



  • Posts: 349
Post #323
Whoa. Good explination.
Sparky and Mitch (Who are now very popular): Why is fire hot?
(This will be wierd)

"Do you think I enjoy telling you who you can screw and who you can't?" -Shadowdart

Don't worry about the world coming to an end today, cause' it's already tomorrow in Australia!


  • Posts: 34
Post #324
Mitch: So, exactly what kind of venom was it, the one that melted the victim's skin?

Sheesh, stupid database wipe >.> I can't remember what was in my signature! Oh well, something new then I guess.

Current quote: I had a dream… I dreamed that I was eating a ten-pound marshmallow, and when I woke up the pillow was gone.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #325
Sparky: I've always thought what a person finds hot is their own business. :3

Mitch: *stares at Sparky with a disturbed expression and forgets to answer for himself*


Emerald Espeon

  • Posts: 5
Post #326
I'm kind of curious now… :P

Sparky: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


  • Posts: 34
Post #327
I'm sorry, but I couldn't help laughing at Sparky's and Mitch's responses. You forgot to answer my previous question to Mitch, though.

And because you know we all love asking Sparky and Mitch random questions:
Sparky and Mitch: How do you think it'd feel like to get struck by lightning? And on another note, how exactly do you feel when we suddenly ask you all sorts of random questions, anyway?

Sheesh, stupid database wipe >.> I can't remember what was in my signature! Oh well, something new then I guess.

Current quote: I had a dream… I dreamed that I was eating a ten-pound marshmallow, and when I woke up the pillow was gone.


  • Posts: 349
Post #328
To Sparky and Mitch (Again): Please answer!
1. You look like Updog.
2. You look like Crackindude.
3. Someone told me you looked like an owl.
Asking people wierd questions…. I love this job!

"Do you think I enjoy telling you who you can screw and who you can't?" -Shadowdart

Don't worry about the world coming to an end today, cause' it's already tomorrow in Australia!


  • Posts: 103
Post #329
Michael Willows : How did your Pokemon react when you released all of them? (Or did he? I vaguely recall reading Nightmare going back to her swarm.)

Aaron White : Was May a hard opponent?

Bloop. No longer being as active as I was. Starcraft mapmaking and friends have become the main source of my attention. I shall be on a few times a month, but I probably won't comment stories and crap. Have fun guys and girls.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #330
Sparky to Emerald Espeon: I like to think it can chuck however much wood it likes. You can't just lump all woodchucks together as if they don't have individual tastes and preferences. ;3

Mitch to blazheirio888: That venom was from a rare Ouen-native Pokémon named Spinnomer. It's a sort of spider - very rare, but powerful. Normally the venom doesn't do that, but that man had been bitten several times by a high-level one.

Sparky to blazheirio888: That would be quite… electrifying. :D

I don't mind the random questions. The attention is rather flattering and fun. :3

Mitch to blazheirio888 (again): I imagine it would be quite painful if you're a human. A Pokémon, of course, would think little of it - it's not much more powerful than a good Thunder attack.

I don't quite see why you keep asking these questions, and I'm a busy man, but when they're questions, they aren't too bad.

steele, those aren't questions. Please don't just make random statements for the sake of having the characters react to them. Either ask questions or make statements that sensibly prompt an answer. Those warrant a raised eyebrow at most. :/

Michael: I think they were pretty disappointed and confused… in a way I wish I'd told them what was wrong, but then they'd start worrying about me and I don't want that. I tried to continue training, really, but after a while I just couldn't. I just hope they're happy in the wild.

Aaron: Well, yeah; she beat me, after all. I still thought I might win all the way up until the end when she pulled out her Tyranitar. I can't take on Pokémon like that with only one and a half Pokémon left. They still put up a good fight, though.



  • Posts: 103
Post #331
Michael's Flareon : What was your reaction when Michael released you?

Nightmare : After being one of the quickest Scythers, how does it feel losing your agility to wield steel pincers?

Stormblade : You lost the one person you loved and both your friends. How is your life now?

Bloop. No longer being as active as I was. Starcraft mapmaking and friends have become the main source of my attention. I shall be on a few times a month, but I probably won't comment stories and crap. Have fun guys and girls.


  • Posts: 349
Post #332
(BLEEP) Those are questions, but they don't sound like them.
They should get the same response from whomever answers them the answers should be obvios!
1. What's Updog? Get it?
2. What's Crackindude? Notice anything that may be a greeting?
3. Who? You should get this one!
Someone said you look like an owl!
What sound does an owl make? Who!

"Do you think I enjoy telling you who you can screw and who you can't?" -Shadowdart

Don't worry about the world coming to an end today, cause' it's already tomorrow in Australia!


  • Posts: 103
Post #333
What the heck are you saying Steele? o.o

Bloop. No longer being as active as I was. Starcraft mapmaking and friends have become the main source of my attention. I shall be on a few times a month, but I probably won't comment stories and crap. Have fun guys and girls.


  • Posts: 349
Post #334
You don't get it?
What's up dog?
What's Crackin' dude?
An owl says "Who".

"Do you think I enjoy telling you who you can screw and who you can't?" -Shadowdart

Don't worry about the world coming to an end today, cause' it's already tomorrow in Australia!


  • Posts: 1783
Post #335
You're not asking about anything; you're trying to make them participate in a joke so that they will ask a question. Either they play along, in which case the answer is predetermined and there is no need for me to waste my time typing it up, or they don't, in which case it would just be a reaction. You're not asking anything that allows them to properly answer it in character.

Michael's Flareon: I couldn't believe it… I'm still wondering why he did it. But it was impossible to change his mind. He really seemed to have come to hate being a trainer after the Ouen League.

Nightmare: How do you think it feels?

Stormblade was asked practically this exact same question a couple of pages back.



  • Posts: 103
Post #336
Carl : How's Volcaryu doing?

May : Did you believe for a second you could've lost to Mark's Pokemon?

Jolteon : If you could've chosen any Eeveelution, which one would you have preferred?

Bloop. No longer being as active as I was. Starcraft mapmaking and friends have become the main source of my attention. I shall be on a few times a month, but I probably won't comment stories and crap. Have fun guys and girls.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #337
Carl: It is still in the ball, which I have locked inside a safe where it cannot materialize even if it learns to break out of it.

May: Not a chance. I got frustrated at his luck with paralysis a couple of times, but that was just an inconvenience.

Jolteon: I kind of wanted to be a Flareon like my mother, but I didn't mind so much which one.



  • Posts: 103
Post #338
Gyarados : When Mark's Quest is over, what are your plans for the future?

Monarking : Can you sense when humans are in danger for their lives, like a sixth sense?

Mitch : How does the vision thing of yours work? Is it unconcious, you have no control over when you 'see'? Or are you able to concentrate and picture various paths in the future someone or something is choosing to take? Could it be just a vibe you get from a person?

Bloop. No longer being as active as I was. Starcraft mapmaking and friends have become the main source of my attention. I shall be on a few times a month, but I probably won't comment stories and crap. Have fun guys and girls.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #339
Gyarados: I don't know. I'd like to live in the sea, far away. But I don't know what will await me there.

Monarking: You could say that, in a way.

Mitch: It's not visions or seeing - that would imply there are images. It is more akin to simply knowing, or having a very powerful hunch.



  • Posts: 103
Post #340
Mutark : I'm sure any reasonable person would think that drinking your own blood is repulsive. Do you drink your blood solely for the purpose of battling or do you also like the taste?

Dragonite : When you were released, would you have preferred to stay by yourself or be captured by Mark?

Bloop. No longer being as active as I was. Starcraft mapmaking and friends have become the main source of my attention. I shall be on a few times a month, but I probably won't comment stories and crap. Have fun guys and girls.

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