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Mitch: No, there have been no Scorplack stings since I last talked to Mark. Most of them are wise and stay to the mountain paths. *smile*
I have given out several badges in the meantime, however.
May: How did Tyranitar react when Hellfirehoundoom hugged him without another thought?
Letalligon: Why do you want to kill your father?
Mark: Will you still be friends with May, now that she beat you?
Well blazheorio889 (Can I call you blaze?) lucky for us May would not consider the idea to sue us. She would kill us in our sleep!
Now….The questions.
Razor,Stormblade or any other Scyther who feels like answering a question: What is the punishment for mating with an adolcent?
Mark: What is your favorite band
May: Same as above
Alan: Same as above
"Do you think I enjoy telling you who you can screw and who you can't?" -Shadowdart
Don't worry about the world coming to an end today, cause' it's already tomorrow in Australia!
ivymeleon, the question you asked Letalgion has been answered several times already, along with several overs.
Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.
… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.
Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!
Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…
May to ivymeleon: Just the usual, flinching away a bit. Seriously, though, leave him alone. Hasn't he made it clear he doesn't want you touching him or hugging him or crawling all over him or whatever the hell you're doing?
Letaligon to ivymeleon: He thought I was worthless because I wasn't shiny. I will show him I'm better than him.
Mark to ivymeleon: Huh? I mean, she's beaten me before, and I'm not exactly a sore loser or anything. o_O
Razor to steele: The Scyther swarm doesn't have punishment. If you disgrace yourself, it's you who has to repent for it with suicide of guilt.
Mark to steele: Um, do you actually know any Pokémon-world bands? o_o
Well,no. Any real world bands?
I'll send you some CD's.
"Do you think I enjoy telling you who you can screw and who you can't?" -Shadowdart
Don't worry about the world coming to an end today, cause' it's already tomorrow in Australia!
Mark: "Real world"? o_O
Oh… did I say that? No… I said um……. steele's world! Here's your CD's! Hope you like metal!
*Hands mark a crap-load of CD's*
"Do you think I enjoy telling you who you can screw and who you can't?" -Shadowdart
Don't worry about the world coming to an end today, cause' it's already tomorrow in Australia!
steele, I'd prefer to be called Blazhy if you must shorten my name (I know, it's a chore to type).
Mitch: Something I've been wondering for a while: has your Scorplack stung you after you'd caught it?
Sheesh, stupid database wipe >.> I can't remember what was in my signature! Oh well, something new then I guess.
Current quote: I had a dream… I dreamed that I was eating a ten-pound marshmallow, and when I woke up the pillow was gone.
Mitch: No, he has never stung me after being caught. We're quite good friends now.
Mark: Since your out saving the world and stuff, I decided to make you your own brand of cereal………..Hero O's! *Hands over bowl of cereal* So…..What do you think?
May: Same as above
Alan: Same as above
"Do you think I enjoy telling you who you can screw and who you can't?" -Shadowdart
Don't worry about the world coming to an end today, cause' it's already tomorrow in Australia!
Seeing as we're all asking freaky questions…
Sparky and Mitch:
Why is the sky blue?
This should be fun.
Look behind you!
Mark: *blank look*
May: What did you put in those exactly?
Alan: Um, thanks?
Sparky: Otherwise all those Swablu would really stick out. ;)
Mitch: Because of the properties of electromagnetic waves of different wavelengths.
Mark: *Stares back blankly*
May: It's a secret recipe!
Alan: Your welcome!
"Do you think I enjoy telling you who you can screw and who you can't?" -Shadowdart
Don't worry about the world coming to an end today, cause' it's already tomorrow in Australia!
Sparky's answer to piplup's question really cracked me up. *imagines Swablue in an orange sky*
Sparky and Mitch: Do you guys have any hobbies? Playing an instrument, drawing, gaming…? (It'd be interesting if Mitch was a gamer)
Sheesh, stupid database wipe >.> I can't remember what was in my signature! Oh well, something new then I guess.
Current quote: I had a dream… I dreamed that I was eating a ten-pound marshmallow, and when I woke up the pillow was gone.
Mitch : What's the most disturbing thing you've ever seen. Visionwise or not.
Bloop. No longer being as active as I was. Starcraft mapmaking and friends have become the main source of my attention. I shall be on a few times a month, but I probably won't comment stories and crap. Have fun guys and girls.
Sparky: I enjoy surfing the Internet, watching sci-fi, reading webcomics and playing video games, though the last one is most fun with Nurse Joy.
Mitch to blazheirio889: I like to read, largely nonfiction but also fiction of various flavors. I'm interested in biology, so a lot of my books are on that. And, of course, in my professional interests, a lot about poisons, venom and antidotes.
Mitch to InnerDemon: Once I was asked to help identify a venom. The victim's skin had begun to melt before we could figure it out; I was very shaken by it. Sadly, by that point it was too late.
God. That's freaky.
Razor : What was going through your mind when Mark said he was done training after his Quest for the Legends? :O
Bloop. No longer being as active as I was. Starcraft mapmaking and friends have become the main source of my attention. I shall be on a few times a month, but I probably won't comment stories and crap. Have fun guys and girls.
Scyther: I don't really know. I think I never thought that far, but of course I can't cling to him for the rest of my life. Some part of me still didn't realize until then that it must come to an end someday.
Gee. That just made me sigh. Anyways. I know I'm being annoying >:].
Sparky : Why are you always so happy-go-lucky?
Flora : Flame at anyone else for no absolute reason any time lately?
Bloop. No longer being as active as I was. Starcraft mapmaking and friends have become the main source of my attention. I shall be on a few times a month, but I probably won't comment stories and crap. Have fun guys and girls.
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Forum Index - Back to The Quest for the Legends