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  • Posts: 10
Post #721

What I meant by the Destroyer question, was if let's say Zapdos was teh Destroyer, would it be aware that it was the Destroyer? Or would it be just as clueless as anyone else until the very end?

Shadow Serenity

  • Posts: 17
Post #722
I don't think Butterfree wants to give that information out, regardless of the answer, because it could possibly give away who the destroyer really is. It's supposed to be a part of the main plot, after all.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #723
Yes, I know what you meant. I'm just not going to tell you the answer because you're not supposed to know everything about the Destroyer. One of the key mysteries in the story right now is the utter lack of information about the Destroyer, who or what he is or how he "works", and this is very deliberately so. Telling you this in particular wouldn't give away who the Destroyer is or ruin the plot, no, but it is information that you're simply not supposed to know. All I will tell you about the Destroyer, ever, is what Chaletwo knows, and if you try to ask me about something he has no idea about, you won't get a word. Sorry.



  • Posts: 16
Post #724
Are the "interesting characters" interesting from the start, or do you experience a burst of impulsive brilliance at some point in their characterization that makes them fun/funner to write?

Do they ever have conversations in your head in entertaining hypothetical situations?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #725
Are the "interesting characters" interesting from the start, or do you experience a burst of impulsive brilliance at some point in their characterization that makes them fun/funner to write?
Well, when I initially create characters, it's usually in the form of "Okay, I need a guy here who does this; let's call him Bob." It's then as I proceed to explore Bob and why he does what he does that he may or may not become interesting. So they definitely aren't inherently interesting from the start, but the elements that make them interesting once I start exploring them have often been there from the start; it's not that all of a sudden I make them interesting so much as just that I discover that they're interesting. I don't really like to think of any part of my character writing stemming from anything that could be called brilliance.

Do they ever have conversations in your head in entertaining hypothetical situations?
Not really. They live within the world of the story; I frequently think through scenes from both the past and future of the story in my head, but they don't appear as voices commenting on unrelated situations or anything.



  • Posts: 16
Post #726
Do you think it is possible that Sandslash will ever become a vaguely interesting character for you? Will Sandslash probably only become vaguely interesting if he is released for some reason, lost, or mauled apart in a most fun-to-write manner? (or some alternative means of peril)


  • Posts: 120
Post #727
Nobody knows that,
When you say this, do you mean that literally no currently-existing character in the entire fic knows whether or not the Destroyer is aware of being the Destroyer, or just that nobody in terms of the main protagonists, as in Chaletwo, Mark, May, etc, knows that?

Sad is happy for deep people.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #728
Do you think it is possible that Sandslash will ever become a vaguely interesting character for you? Will Sandslash probably only become vaguely interesting if he is released for some reason, lost, or mauled apart in a most fun-to-write manner? (or some alternative means of peril)
Who knows? I mean, he doesn't have anything particularly interesting planned, but the characters have surprised me before.

When you say this, do you mean that literally no currently-existing character in the entire fic knows whether or not the Destroyer is aware of being the Destroyer, or just that nobody in terms of the main protagonists, as in Chaletwo, Mark, May, etc, knows that?
It means that Chaletwo, and thus by extension everyone who learned about the War from him, does not know that and as far as he knows nobody else does either (barring the tautological, i.e. that if the Destroyer knows he is the Destroyer, obviously he also knows that he knows he is the Destroyer).

For the purposes of questions about the Destroyer, the mechanics of the War or other important plot-related knowledge, I'm not the all-knowing author; I'm just somebody Chaletwo has explained this all to in detail. The completeness (and accuracy) of the information I can give out will reflect this.



  • Posts: 69
Post #729
Who was the Creator before Mew?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #730
Mew answered this in Ask the Characters a while back: it was a bird legendary named Iriesce. She was not recreated.



  • Posts: 69
Post #731
Well, there goes that theory. Actually hang on, just to be incredibly sure: who was the Creator before her?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #732
I could make one up on the spot, but I think it's easier to just tell you that wherever you're going with this, you're on the wrong path. The Creator before Iriesce has no significance. Neither does she, really, as a matter of fact; she's just a background detail.



  • Posts: 70
Post #733
I've noticed an error or something in these forums. Where there are only a couple of posts on a new page, clicking 'Last Page' takes you to the one bofore it. Is there a reason for that?

LOOK! Some people have a Signature here!


  • Posts: 1783
Post #734
Hm, does that happen for you too? It happens for me because the way it calculates what's the "last page" is done from the "Replies" count which is stored individually for the thread; that should be lowered when people delete posts, while I can see deleted posts so the actual total of replies (and thus pages, if there are enough deleted posts) is higher than it assumes when it calculates the last page. I would have thought that only happened for me, though, since you can't see deleted posts. I'll look into it.



  • Posts: 31
Post #735
Are there any YouTubers that you watch regularly?

Does your fruit aversion also apply to fruit juice (i.e. Apple Juice or Lemonade)?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #736
Are there any YouTubers that you watch regularly?
No. I'm not big on watching videos; it forces you to stop everything else you're doing (I'm a compulsive multitasker) and plays sound so you have to do it where and when it's not going to disturb anybody else. Obviously I'll do it if I know the video is something I'm interested in, but as far as I'm concerned YouTube is a resource to be accessed when I need something in particular, not really something to kill the time with.

Does your fruit aversion also apply to fruit juice (i.e. Apple Juice or Lemonade)?
No; it's about the texture. I'm not particularly a fan of any fruit juice I've tasted, but it doesn't make me gag and I'll drink it if there's nothing better available (though that isn't often, since I prefer water and Icelandic tap water is awesome).



  • Posts: 10
Post #737
Do you ever see something a fan has speculated on and implement their speculations at all? For example if a post here read "if such and such happened, such and such might not do this" or something to that effect, would you consider this when writing whatever it applies to?

Also, do you have a vegetable aversion at all?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #738
Do you ever see something a fan has speculated on and implement their speculations at all? For example if a post here read "if such and such happened, such and such might not do this" or something to that effect, would you consider this when writing whatever it applies to?
No. I'm extremely averse to anything that could be construed as stealing other people's ideas, so generally, if people post suggestions of what "should" happen or the like that aren't just what would have happened anyway, I'd be more likely to go out of my way to do something completely different.

Occasionally, something people say inspires me to think of something, but then it's always indirect, not a direct implementation of what they suggested.

Also, do you have a vegetable aversion at all?
Not really. I don't particularly like most of them, but there are also others I do like, and the texture doesn't bother me.



  • Posts: 16
Post #739
Do you have a cat? If not, do you think you would like one?


  • Posts: 70
Post #740
Her 'about me' page on the main site says she does.
I have a cat. He's tabby and his name is Brandur Tási Snotruson, although nobody actually uses his name and we all have different nicknames for him.

LOOK! Some people have a Signature here!

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