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  • Posts: 120
Post #41
Yeah, as well as re-reading those Shadowdarty parts I also re-read my reviews, and the last one reminded me that I'd been curious about that.

After having thought about it some more, I can't help wondering whether, what with the potential awkwardness of walking up to a complete stranger and asking if they don't mind sharing their kill, some of the more confident adolescent Scyther would be tempted to go into the forest and attempt to catch something without bothering to wait for their official First Prey. Would they?

Sad is happy for deep people.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #42
It almost definitely happens, but officially they can't, so if they did it they'd keep it to themselves.



  • Posts: 2
Post #43
Have you ever thought about translating TQFTL into Icelandic? I think Icelandic is a lovely language and it would be awesome if I could find something to read in Icelandic. (of course my Icelandic at the moment is more or less nonexistant but shh).


  • Posts: 1783
Post #44


For very, very many reasons, but mostly these:

1. It's quite long. Translating it would take years.
2. Nobody would actually read Pokémon fanfiction in Icelandic, meaning it would very much be wasted effort.
3. The few that could read it in Icelandic could just as well also read it in English; it would not expand my audience at all.
4. You can't write Pokémon fanfiction in Icelandic. The games are not translated; we play them in English. The anime translated attack names, but badly, and only a few of them; there is a multitude of attacks whose names quite simply could not work in Icelandic, and even more general concepts. Pokémon city names sound stupid in Icelandic; Icelandic has no words for half of what one needs to write something like this (the closest word to "strategy" we have means "military tactics", for crying out loud); translating decently is a skill.
5. Trust me when I say that you would not be able to read and understand it in Icelandic. The language it would use would not be simple. You would not be able to look up the words you don't know in a dictionary (they take a billion irregular forms and you would have no way of knowing how to convert it to the form you can look up in the dictionary).



  • Posts: 2
Post #45
Heh, that was a silly idea on my part, only now my idea of writing Pokemon/EarthBound stuff in Icelandic (if I ever learn it) is ruined. Ah well.

There's no word for strategy in Icelandic? Wow.


  • Posts: 9
Post #46
What tips would you give to those who want to improve on their descriptive story writing?

Look out behind you!


  • Posts: 1783
Post #47
Well, mostly, just describe what the POV character would notice. :/ I'm no good at description myself, so it's little use asking me much about that.



  • Posts: 9
Post #48
No good at description?

I beg to differ. I think you describe things very well. It's the thing that attracted me to TQftL.

Look out behind you!


  • Posts: 39
Post #49
Did you purposely put a butterfree, charzard, scyther, and gyarados in the fic because they were the mascots for the main site, or was that just a coincidence? ( sorry i cant really word questions that well…)

Ummmm… So… Yea… Theres a Darthjarjar here now… Soon… All the internet forums will be filled with Darthjarjars…


  • Posts: 17
Post #50
How long had you been planning for Floatzel's capture before it happened?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #51
Did you purposely put a butterfree, charzard, scyther, and gyarados in the fic because they were the mascots for the main site, or was that just a coincidence? ( sorry i cant really word questions that well…)
I put Charizard and Butterfree into the fic because they were my favorite Pokémon, Gyarados and Lapras because they were my favorite Water-types, Jolteon and Raichu because they were my favorite Electric-types, Sandslash and Tyranitar because they were my favorite Pokémon that used Ground attacks, and so on (Mark and May's teams were meticulously planned before I really started the fic). Charizard and Butterfree were also the mascots of the site because they were my favorite Pokémon. Scyther became one of my favorite Pokémon after I wrote him into the fic, and Scyther was added in as a site mascot (or at least part of the splash history) after that (again, because it was one of my favorite Pokémon). And Magikarp was put there because I thought the "Splash" joke was too good to resist and I already had an excuse to include Magikarp in the site's collection of potential inhabitants.

How long had you been planning for Floatzel's capture before it happened?
Uh, a couple of hours. I was writing chapter 43, had Mark and May out at sea, her needing a new Water-type, and realized she would do something about it. "Oh, hey, maybe Floatzel?"



  • Posts: 120
Post #52
So did Floatzel's awesome personality just sort of pop out of nowhere when you started writing her?

If so, I salute you.

Sad is happy for deep people.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #53
Well, yes, pretty much. Every character I write has their personality pop out of nowhere when I first start creating a scene with them in, whether I happen to be at the computer typing it when that happens or just somewhere waiting for the bus making something up in my head. It's just the way I operate in general.



  • Posts: 9
Post #54
Have you ever thought about a sequel?

Look out behind you!


  • Posts: 1783
Post #55
That's a bit of a silly question to ask when you don't know how the fic ends. For all you know, it might end with the end of the world, or the main characters might be dead, or any of the other billion ways in which a sequel would be impossible or at least improbable.

And since there are a billion ways after all, I think I might as well say that no, there will most definitely not be a sequel. When the fic is over, it is over, and it would be quite impossible to make a sequel that would make any sense as a sequel and be interesting.



  • Posts: 24
Post #56
What is your attitude to your in-game Pokemon? Do you see them just as pixels, or give them personalities, etc.?

Has writing TQftL changed the way you view your in-game Pokemon?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #57
I don't give them personalities or think of them as characters, but I'm extremely attached to them. You could say they're kind of like pets: they exist on their own as mute, nonhuman creatures that I love because I've been with them so long. The most emotional loss of my life (no friends or relatives that I knew well have died within my lifetime) was when my Yellow version save file, and thus my Pokémon, were deleted, but I don't do anything with them outside of playing the game.

And no, writing this fic has not changed the way I view my Pokémon.


Sands Buisle

  • Posts: 351
Post #58
Are you going to update the character page with ones from ILCOE?

Edit:What is your normal battle team?(I like to use particular pokemon all the way [or nearly all the way] throughout the game.)

Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.

… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.

Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!

Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…


  • Posts: 1783
Post #59
Theoretically, yes, but I'm probably too lazy to ever actually do it.

I have a different team on each of my Pokémon games, and after finishing the game, I generally start training up more Pokémon that I like (either aesthetically or just because I enjoy using them). Right now my Diamond "team" rotates between Infernape, Staraptor, Luxray, Roserade, Gastrodon, Scyther, Butterfree, Jolteon, Leafeon, Espeon, Charizard and Lucario, though I possibly forgot one.


Sands Buisle

  • Posts: 351
Post #60
Are you going to make a romance between Jolteon & Letal?

Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.

… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.

Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!

Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…

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