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  • Posts: 1783
Post #901
Chaletwo: Why don't you just not wait for the War of the Legends to begin, kill all the other Legendaries with your eyes, and then become the new Creator? (apart from plot reasons!)
Chaletwo: …are you serious? Is everybody this convinced I'm a giant jerkass who doesn't really care about stopping this thing?

And it wouldn't even work, besides. Remember how Mew is a true immortal and can't be killed except during the War? Remember how we don't know who the Destroyer is but he's probably also a true immortal? Remember how the War will happen if even one legendary is out there when it happens?

Chaletwo: What is your relationship, if any, with other Legendary pokemon?
Chaletwo: I'm vaguely acquainted with most of them. Mew I know well, Molzapart I'm friends with, most of the others I've talked to from time to time but don't know that well.



  • Posts: 2
Post #902
wow thanks for the quick reply.


  • Posts: 18
Post #903
Mark: what happens if in a trainer battle, a pokemon uses roar and sends out chaletwo?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #904
Mark: what happens if in a trainer battle, a pokemon uses roar and sends out chaletwo?
Mark: Um, I'm not carrying Chaletwo with me. He's on the PC and in my head, but not in any of my Pokéballs unless he needs to be sent out.



  • Posts: 18
Post #905
ok then, what happens if a hacker enters your PC and opens chaletwos ball?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #906
ok then, what happens if a hacker enters your PC and opens chaletwos ball?
Mark: Uh? You can't open balls on the PC.



  • Posts: 1
Post #907
Mark & May: Why dont you nickname your Pokemon?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #908
Mark & May: Why dont you nickname your Pokemon?
Mark: Um, well, I'm not very good at names, and their species' names become their names when you use them for them, you know? It's not like they're not individuals because their name is the same as the name of their species. It's still their name.

May: I nicknamed Spirit, because she was unique - she wasn't just a Vulpix. But otherwise nicknames aren't necessary. They don't care what you call them, so long as they know what it is.



  • Posts: 18
Post #909
what I mean mark is that, a hacker withdraws chaketwos ball then opens it


  • Posts: 1783
Post #910
what I mean mark is that, a hacker withdraws chaketwos ball then opens it
Mark: I'm pretty sure the PC system is supposed to be very secure. I mean, I've never heard of anybody hacking into it.



  • Posts: 18
Post #911
butterfree: do you find that beautifly and dustox are just ripoffs of you (bueat for typing and dustox for psychic moves)


  • Posts: 1783
Post #912
butterfree: do you find that beautifly and dustox are just ripoffs of you (bueat for typing and dustox for psychic moves)
Butterfree: What?

(Seriously, this is meta language. In-universe, it doesn't make any sense to ask if some Pokémon are "ripoffs" of another.)



  • Posts: 18
Post #913
Butterfree & raichu: What are your favorite moves?


  • Posts: 16
Post #914
Mark's Dragonite: Are you designated the "legendary substitute" in training exercises more often than the others because you are a Dragon-type?

May's Stantler: Do you think May's other Pokémon care as much for her mental health as you do?


  • Posts: 9
Post #915
Alan: is it okay now to ask questions about May? If so, please answer!


  • Posts: 1783
Post #916

Butterfree & raichu: What are your favorite moves?
Butterfree: I like Sleep Powder. Putting opponents to sleep helps me a lot.

Raichu: I'd have to go with Thunderbolt. It's fast and does a lot of damage.

Mark's Dragonite: Are you designated the "legendary substitute" in training exercises more often than the others because you are a Dragon-type?
Dragonite: Well, we try to take turns, but I do think I've landed the role a bit more often than the others, probably because of that.

May's Stantler: Do you think May's other Pokémon care as much for her mental health as you do?
Stantler: It doesn't seem like it, from what I've seen. Most are focused on her abilities as a strategist. I don't blame them; it's how most Pokémon think.

Alan: Did your father tell you anything about Paul? If so, do you think he and May have something in common?
Alan: I… suppose so. From what he told me Paul was very focused on having the strongest Pokémon possible, and May has shades of that… or had, at least. I really don't know how she's changed by now, though.



  • Posts: 16
Post #917
Mark's Jolteon: Do you miss Mark petting you?
Alan's Rapidash (Diamond): Have you ever talked at length with May's Stantler?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #918
Mark's Jolteon: Do you miss Mark petting you?
Jolteon: Sometimes… but I understand it wouldn't be possible now.

Alan's Rapidash (Diamond): Have you ever talked at length with May's Stantler?
Diamond: Not yet, no.



  • Posts: 13
Post #919
May: Why did you release Quilava? Even if she didn't want to evolve, wouldn't she still be useful in the legendary battles?


  • Posts: 8
Post #920
to all willing to answer: if there was a movie based off of your lives, who do you think would play you?

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