Comments on The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)

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Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 55: Unprepared

As always, there's a big shock letting itself out on us in the most disconcerting way. You've really got me interested on how the plot's going to continue now, because Alan going is going to hurt the group sooner or later.
But this way it will give them a chance to cool off. Alan saying "they're not coming" to Diamond gave me the impression that he wasn't at all happy in their company, more then he could handle.

The conversation between Mark and Chaletwo are … very real, in a way that Chaletwo's not being idealistic to explain himself. He's gone straight to the truth, but it's great to listen to. If you wanted me to feel confused about whether following Chaletwo's doing the right thing or not, then you've suceeded admirably. I guess I can see his side of the arguement, but I agree with Mark's more.
Suicine's master plan …. that was just surprising, because after Chaletwo described him as a 'gentlman' it just didn't seem like he'd pull that sort of a plot on Gyrados.
Oh and since I don't check in that often, it helps when you describe Alan's pokemon as the pokemon they are instead of thier name, so I can remember who's who, though I geuss I won't need to remember that now that he's gone back home …

[09/30/2010 22:12:26]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 35: Suicune

Óvænt endalok. Suicune dauður, en breytti Gyaradosi. Það var eitt sem ég skildi ekki í bardaganum, þeir voru alltaf að kafa, var Suicune ofan í vatninu allan tímann?

Reply: Nei, Suicune var ekki í vatninu. Þú ert væntanlega að hugsa um orðið "dive", sem getur þýtt að kafa en þýðir líka að steypa sér almennt, t.d. á flugi.

[09/22/2010 00:29:35]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 3: Vuiiii!

I love this series you've inspired me to make my own fanfic!

[09/19/2010 21:15:56]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 34: Return to Cleanwater

Mjög myndrænt inni í hellinum, í skóginum og við vatnið. Líka hvernig veðrið breyttist í Stormbænum. En voru ekki tveir aðrir pokemonar sofandi í þessu sama fjalli? Þurfti ekki að ráða niðurlögum þeirra líka áður en þrumuveðrinu slotaði? Og var ekki Suicune stórhættulegur í fyrsta kaflanum, stórhættulegt að vera við vatnið þegar hann birtist? Nú er Chaletwo að segja að hann drepi engan o.s.frv.

Reply: Nei, hinir tveir eru í tveimur öðrum fjöllum og orsaka ekki þrumuveður.

Það var Gyarados sem drap fólkið sem var við vatnið á kvöldin, ekki Suicune; fólk bara hélt að það væri Suicune af því að það vissi ekki af Gyaradosi. Þetta kom fram þegar Gyarados birtist fyrst.

[09/09/2010 00:10:42]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 53 Extra: April Fools

Hee hee, that was funny. I get that it's not a play on the real story or anything, making fun of it or anything. This was simply a fun, run-of-the-mill April Fools joke. That came before the real chapter. >3<

[08/31/2010 21:33:37]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 55: Unprepared

This is really interesting. Alan leaving is a nice twist, didn't really expect that. Also, the color dragons were pretty nice. Your story is really shaping up. >3<

[08/31/2010 20:59:04]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 55: Unprepared

bleeeeeh, alan.

although, i can't say i'm surprised, Ash's kid would probably would have issues. unsurprising, but i sort of want to slap alan now, because i don't think (feel like??) he realizes what a jerk he's being right now in the middle of his personal quest for good. ._.

he seems like a different person now than when you first meet him… but then again, so does may. characterbuilding! woot!

yeah, i don't think alan will ever really get over this whole fiasco until he lets go of… uhh, everything. yeah i don't think he'll get over it.

and is it just me, or did someone else notice that alan sort of has an ego? like it's his business to fix everybody or rag on people repeatedly if they're wrong. like only he is right, and 'screw you other points of view, this is pokemon abuse!!'

not to say that it is a bad thing exactly, it makes him a nice person when he isn't being disgusted with you… it's just… wrong place and time for that sort of worldview, alan. in effect, grow up.

bwah :33

but anyways, i really liked this chapter. x33 too bad we prolly won't see alan getting all up in may's grill for stuff for a while. i sort of enjoyed seeing that, sadistically P:

and now i stop rambling.

[08/28/2010 12:14:14]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 55: Unprepared

Alan left because he's a very empathetic person who hates seeing violence or mistreatment of pokemon, and May does that all the time. Just being in her presence makes him sick now, since Taylor died. SInce the only thing they need to do now is training, Alan has no reason to be near her, and wants to leave so he doesn'tt feel horrible the entire time.
At least that's how I saw it.

Great chapter, Butterfree - It was nice to see a failure on the legendary capturing for once. What was it that you were talking about with one of the characters doing something not planned though? Was that Mark throwing the Master Ball? If so, can you tell us what the Master Ball *was* planned for?

Reply: No, it was Alan leaving. The chapter was supposed to just end with them realizing they needed a lot more training before being able to do this, but then all of a sudden Alan just got fed up and left. And since I didn't have anything planned for now that actually requires his presence, I just let him go instead of trying to force him back into the plan. I think it's more interesting this way, anyway.

Technically, they also completely failed at catching Suicune - it was just that then he got killed afterwards anyway.

[08/28/2010 07:49:12]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 55: Unprepared

to Shadow Serenity, if you look back, it shows that he transfers pokeballs and gets one of them from the PC system…i think

Reply: Shadow Serenity was talking about a different part from the one you're thinking of, where, yes, it was quite confusing (though he doesn't actually have seven Pokémon out at the same time).

[08/26/2010 23:38:43]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 52: The League Finals

So I just found this gem while reading back through some Ask the Characters questions for no apparent reason:

To May: More of a game world mechanics question, but when you fight Mewtwo^2, are Tyranitar and Mutark totally immune to his telekinesis?

May: Well, they're Dark-types. Psychic powers don't affect them, period.

…this was deliberate of you, wasn't it? =P

Reply: Very. :P

[08/26/2010 19:53:24]

Raitora Kuro Yamiraku
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 55: Unprepared

Awesome chapter.

Alan… oh, Alan. Ever the downer.

I did catch several typos and more grammar mistakes, but I can't name them; I was too caught up in the battle to remember where they were. ^^;

[08/26/2010 16:04:19]

Shadow Serenity
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 55: Unprepared

Ah, this was well worth the wait. :D

One thing I noticed, though, is that when Mark was looking for his pokemon, he is carrying 7: Charizard, Jolteon, Letaligon, Sandslash, Dragonite, Scyther, and Gyarados.

At first I thought that perhaps this was intentional, that you decided to disregard the six-pokemon limit due to the nature of the plot/chapter. But then there was the scene where May actively switched out Mutark, and then actually made a comment about carrying 6 pokemon. Therefore, I assume Mark wasn't meant to have all seven on him at the time.

[08/26/2010 14:36:55]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 55: Unprepared

….Wow. I had a hard time keeping up with that. In a good way, I mean.

[08/26/2010 14:27:34]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 55: Unprepared

this chapter is really good but i dont get why alan left

[08/26/2010 09:20:33]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 33: Thunderyu

Góður kafli. Ég las bardagann nákvæmlega, því ég skynjaði mikilvægi hans. Og May var sem sagt ekki nógu góð við pokemonana sína í síðasta kafla. Ég las hann ekki nógu vel til að skilja það, en jæja.

[08/25/2010 23:41:57]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 54: Reunion

Watch your language. other than that it was a great chapter

Reply: Tell that to Rick, not me. :P

[08/25/2010 17:53:58]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 32: The Birthday Party

Jæja, nóg af bardögum í þessum kafla. May vann en Mark tapaði, annars skautaði ég hratt í gegnum þetta allt saman.

Reply: Það skiptir reyndar máli að þó að Mark hafi tapað þá gaf Sparky honum samt "badge", þar sem han tapaði út af því að Scyther var enn drukkinn eftir gærkvöldið (þrítugasta kafla). Hann þarf sem sagt ekki að keppa við Sparky aftur.

[08/22/2010 22:19:41]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 31: Spirit

Fann nafnið á pokemoninum, ekkert mál. Þetta var skemmtilegur kafli. Eitt óljóst, er Chaletwo hálfgerður Guð? Er hann ósýnilegur, talaði hann í gegnum Mark, eða var þetta bara rödd úr himninum sem May og Alan heyrðu og skildu?

Reply: Chaletwo er hugarorkupokémon (psychic), sem þýðir að hann getur annars vegar talað inni í hausnum á Mark, þannig að bara hann heyri, og hins vegar látið það heyrast á ákveðnum radíus í kringum Mark. Chaletwo sjálfur er ekki á staðnum, hann er inni í Pokéball, en hann hefur sérstaka tengingu við Mark til þess að geta átt hugræn samskipti við hann og þau.

[08/22/2010 20:59:38]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 32: The Birthday Party

An excellent chapter. I love the way everything was described in detail.

[08/21/2010 19:08:27]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Pokémon Festival – May 23rd: The Pokémon Frenzy Tournament

Is the Umbreon May's Raichu fought the same one in your Mew one-shot? 'Cause it sure seems like it…o.o;

Reply: No; these fics don't happen in the same continuity. They're completely unrelated. Though it's actually amusingly plausible now that you mention it.

ADDITION: Somehow I didn't notice this when I originally replied, but that wasn't May's Raichu; it was some random female Raichu. May didn't enter any of her Pokémon in the tournament.

[08/17/2010 18:06:17]

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