Comments on The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
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Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 53 Extra: April Fools
Ultimate cheeseball! that was cheesily stupid. The best part was when - Taylor: i can feel . . love . .. XD
but xtremely hard to believe. why would may like mark?! i seriously dont think i would run around smooching guys after failing . . .
but good one anywayz
[06/23/2010 11:52:16]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 53: Away
Wow! Cool story!
I've read all of your chapters, but haven't reviewed untill the latest - this one.
I really like your battle scenes. Throughout the whole league, I could feel that each battle was going to have a degree of epicness to it.
Your deaths are a always surprising though … when Tryanitar crushed Taylor, it was like Scyther all over again (when he attacked Nightmare's trainer). I couldn't absorb it fast enough, but it was still what happened.
I can't tell if the story's over or not though, since you put 'extra' below it … I'm assuming it's not though, if it was, that's just leaving too many things untended too.
But maybe May will finnaly change her approach with Pokemon? ;) I like geussing what'll happen.Reply: Hi, and thanks for reading. No, the story is not over - the "Extra" is just one of several extras that come with a few random chapters (they're also found on the menu). In fact, I'm currently reading over chapter 54 and will be posting it in a bit.
[06/23/2010 00:39:24]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 53: Away
Marks sudden revalation that tyranitar was underdevoled seemed out of character to a degree.Reply: Mm, somewhat uncharacteristically insightful, maybe, but even then, I don't think it's too much of a stretch. After all, Tyranitar's speech was earlier described as childish, and his logic and general demeanor are very childlike as well. It shouldn't take a monumental revelation to figure maybe he just really is a child. Of course, I'm the author, so I'm not the best person to judge.
[06/21/2010 01:07:27]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Pokémon Festival – May 23rd: The Pokémon Frenzy Tournament
I though Dragonair voluteered……and Sandslash….Ohhh they volunteered to not be in, sorry aboout that part of the comment. Right. Awesome story, well the bits I've read so far, I haven't had time to read the rest but I intend to do so at some point. Yaaay! There's a Charizard in the story. I'm hoping Dragonair wont evolve into a Dragonite coz they're fat and not as elegant as Dragonairs and Dratinis. I hoped Eevee would become a Jolteon, I should have put that in a different chapter. Oh well, gr8 story, can't wait to read the resst!
[06/20/2010 20:59:03]
Shadow Techie
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 53 Extra: April Fools
I forgot to say that this being an April Fool's day joke is not bad in theory, but I really didn't think it would be that warped of a cliche.
[06/20/2010 20:33:15]
Shadow Techie
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 53 Extra: April Fools
This chapter is almost sickening after reading the real chapter 53. I did like the bit about Chaletwo not being her boyfriend, but the whole thing sounded more like a eulogy rather than an April Fool's extra. It's almost sad that this couldn't happen in the "real world". I personally think that you shouldn't poke fun at an emotional event of this magnitude, even if it is fictional.Reply: The April Fools' chapter was originally posted before the real one, so rather than a painfully cheerful humourous 'eulogy', as you put it, it was initially just a completely ridiculous cliché-ridden chapter which turned out afterwards to be a twisted version of an extremely dark one. When you say it, I guess it might be awkward to read after the real thing, though reading it before also risks making the reader unable to take the real chapter seriously; it's a bit of a dilemma.
In any case the intention was not to make fun of the events of the real chapter, since as I said, this one came first. I apologize if it struck you as being in bad taste.
[06/20/2010 20:25:53]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 53 Extra: April Fools
I really didn't think it was so bad, but I guess I would have died a bit inside if I'd thought it was the real chapter.
[06/16/2010 13:22:37]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 1: The Pokémon on the Road
"It was early May. May was something that Mark subconsciously connected to the bad knot in his stomach that formed every year…"
Coincidence?Reply: I don't remember exactly what I was thinking when I wrote that (I mean, it was six years ago), but since obviously I already knew who May was at that point, I don't think I'd have written that without at least snickering to myself.
[06/07/2010 00:54:56]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 37: Carl
"Alan screamed, “Mist, Whirlpool!”"
Screamed seems… somewhat over-the-top, did you perhaps mean shouted?
Also, will we ever get to see Vicky's 'Standard Techniques'?
[06/03/2010 21:31:02]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 27: Past, Present and Future
Scyther says in this chapter that there is a leader pair in the swarm, but in Scyther's Story there's only one leader. Why is this exactly?Reply: Retcon. I wrote this chapter and said there was a pair, then I thought more about it and realized that didn't really make sense so I changed it.
[06/03/2010 18:46:53]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 30: The Dragons of Ouen
Hvað er goatee?
Frumlegt að borgin sé undirlögð af þrumuveðrum. Mér kemur Bergen í hug. Þar rignir stanslaust allan veturinn, en 3 mánuði á ári er sumar og sól. Þess vegna hafa íbúarnir alls ekki flúið burt. Þeir þreyja rigninguna sumarsins vegna.Reply: Hökutoppur.
[06/03/2010 18:00:59]
That guy, from that place
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 53 Extra: April Fools
Butterfree? How did you not throw up from disgust, blind yourself with bleach, or break your computer from the horrible writing while making this chapter? …And if you DID blind yourself, can I borrow that bleach?Reply: It was hard, but I survived. *passes the brain bleach*
[06/02/2010 23:59:13]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 37: Carl
[05/31/2010 13:44:02]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 5: The Lake of Purity
[05/30/2010 20:00:46]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 31: Spirit
Wad Caletwo just making exuces when he said he was to weak to use death stare on them? Or did he just not want to kill his creations?Reply: That's open for interpretation. :P Not wanting to kill his own creations is at least part of it.
[05/08/2010 00:51:53]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 29: Stormblade and Shadowdart
Þetta var frábær kafli. Útskýrir margt. Ég á samt fullt í fangi með að fylgjast með, muna allt úr fyrri köflum o.s.frv.
[05/07/2010 21:52:04]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 6: The Mammal, the Monster and the Mental Change
Raikou is not a tiger. And It's one of my favorite legendays, too.Reply: Yes, it is. Or rather, obviously it's a Pokémon, but yes, it definitely is "tiger-like". It's a big yellow four-legged furry creature with black stripes, and even if you could argue with Suicune and Entei, I've never heard anyone give a single convincing argument for Raikou being more canine than feline.
[05/05/2010 22:02:31]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 53 Extra: April Fools
This… is… so perfectly lame! The esscense of love! *snorts*
[05/04/2010 15:06:19]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 16: The Third Badge
For some reason, I picture Mega Sting working like an inverted Trump Card; it would start out powerful then weaken with usage.
[05/03/2010 01:14:30]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 9: Mew's Escape
I find it funny that Mark knows a mere fraction of what most Pokemon fans know.
*Edit* Hmmm. I don't think it was this chapter now, but in one of the earlier ones, Mark kept commenting about not knowing his Pokemon's attacks/such.Reply: …wait, huh? What is Mark not knowing in this chapter? o_O
[05/03/2010 00:47:28]