Comments on The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)

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Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 61: Mewtwo

Wait, did I miss something or is Mewtwo referring to Mew as a she, and Chaletwo referring to Mew as a he?

Reply: And May refers to Mew as an it. In the world of this fic, Mew is genderless and has no pronoun preference; any pronoun is acceptable, and which one is used depends on the character speaking. Entei also used 'she' for Mew in chapter 51 (where this was commented on), and in some backstory material I've written from Mew's point of view, the pronoun used in the narration flips between scenes.

Some other legendaries are like that as well, but Chaletwo uses 'he' as a default, and Mark (and thus the narration) pretty much picked that up from him.

[06/04/2012 20:45:49]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 60: The Swarm

This is a really nice story! When are you gonna update, Dragonfree!?


Reply: It probably won't be too long. You can follow the progress with the next chapter on the Quest Blog (the top is up-to-date with the current status).

[04/14/2012 18:46:05]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 53 Extra: April Fools

Oh, gosh. This really makes me laugh. Especially the part where Taylor thanks Mew for bringing him life, which points out that even HE knew that he didn't have one. I wonder how many MarkXMay shippers squeed before they realized this wasn't cannon. :)

[04/10/2012 01:57:24]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 11: The Lizard and the Mantis

Did you know that you left out Dratini in recap of Mark's team last chapter, and you left out Gyrados this chapter? I get why you would leave out Gyrados this chapter (with there being no water and all), but I just thought I'd let you know in case you didn't mean for it to happen. Thanks!

Reply: Dratini wasn't mentioned because so far as Mark knew, he didn't have any particular issues. It wasn't a recap of Mark's team so much as a recap of the issues of Mark's team.

[04/06/2012 02:33:16]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 60: The Swarm

Love it! :D I can't wait till the next chapter!

[03/17/2012 09:39:32]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 60: The Swarm

Wow!! Razor finally goes back to his past! I actually remembered really clearly his whole backstory - well, the general idea any way. It's amazing how Shadowdart turned out like that, but I geuss that's what something like the Code does to you. Like in real life. It was melancholy, expecially when Stormblade was sitting there, looking in the stars, and it fit.
I'm glad Razor's finally seeing new things, like with the Code. I was scared he actually might leave, but thank goodness he's staying. He sounds like he's going to be happier now.

[02/12/2012 01:07:00]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 60: The Swarm

Nice job! Nightmare will make a great leader, even though there are a few Scythers who clearly won't like her.

Nightmare's mindset made my head spin for a bit too… o_O

[02/04/2012 19:03:18]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 53 Extra: April Fools

LOL! God, I should've read this sooner. This is hilarious, might I suggest handing a copy of this out to everyone who believes these two should get together?

[01/29/2012 15:28:27]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 59: December

Ágætur kafli, en mér fannst hann samt svolítið ruglingslegur.
Ég átti erfitt með að skilja t.d. stat approximation og crazy stats. Hvað er þetta stats? Er það hvar pokemonarnir eru staðsettir þá stundina? Spurningamerkin sem koma fram á skjánum þegar Mark flettir upp á goðsagnapokemonunum, koma þau af því það er búið að ná þeim?

Skildi ég rétt að Puragon er ekki ístýpa, en lítur út fyrir það. Hún hefur aðlagast ís og eldi, en í grunninn er hún fljúgandi dreki?

Ég hef áhyggjur af því að þau eru að missa pokemona núna þegar þau þurfa á öllu sínu að halda til að ná síðustu goðsagnapokemonunum. Nú er Scyther líka farinn.

Reply: Stats er stytting á statistics og merkir í þessu samhengi tölur yfir hversu öflugur viðkomandi pokémon er á mismunandi sviðum, svo sem vöðvastyrk, þoli, viðbragðsflýti og svo framvegis. Pokédexið getur mælt eða áætlað þessa hluti þegar pokémon er fangaður. "Crazy stats" vísar til þess að þessar tölur séu fáránlega háar miðað við það sem gengur og gerist, enda eru goðsagnapokémonar sérlega öflugir.

Pokédexið hefur innbyggð gögn um þekkta pokémona, þannig að ef það skynjaði til dæmis Scyther þá myndi standa "Scyther" á þessum lista sem Mark var að skoða. Það hefur hins vegar ekki innbyggð gögn um goðsagnapokémonana, svo þeir birtast sem spurningamerki á listanum; Mark veit bara hvaða spurningamerki er hvað út frá gögnunum sem standa.

Þetta er nokkuð rétt túlkað hjá þér. Málið er sem sagt að Raudra lítur út fyrir að vera eldtýpa og notar aðallega eldárásir, og Puragon lítur út fyrir að vera ístýpa og notar aðallega ísárásir, en þær eru báðar flug- og drekatýpur, sem merkir að þeirra helsti veikleiki eru ísárásir, þrátt fyrir að bæði eld- og ístýpur hafi gott þol gagnvart ísárásum.

Það er ekki ennþá víst að Scyther sé farinn fyrir fullt og allt; það kemur í ljós í næsta kafla, sem er frá hans sjónarhorni.

[01/15/2012 10:43:33]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 59: December


[01/09/2012 14:37:52]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Pokémon Festival – May 22nd: The Attack Approval

This is probably nitpicking, I know, but Ash called Charmeleon "it" during the Attack Approval battle, even though he knows his gender. Everything else was great, though.

[12/29/2011 04:29:02]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 59: December

I'm excited to see where this both sides of the story goes. For one thing, now that they know the type status of the dragons, they might have attack advantage, but if having to fight all 3 the level difference must be crazy. Also wondering what will become of Scyther and I hope he doesn't leave for good. I like him with Mark.. but we shall see!
Also, I enjoyed Stantler chewing out Alan. It's time for him to let things go and see the bigger issues. Still wondering if a vengeful crazed gym brother is lingering around the corner somewhere… :)

[12/17/2011 17:19:45]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 59: December

"I shouldn’t comporomise that just because I feel weird about it, no matter how justified." Spelling error.

Reply: Fixed. Well, technically I fixed it yesterday, but I forgot to respond.

[11/28/2011 13:24:43]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 59: December

Can't wait for the next chapter. I loved the spin-offs, can't wait to see how Scyther's gonna react to the Shadowdart fiasco. (Wait, did I spoil the story for people? Nuts)

[11/28/2011 06:01:47]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 59: December

"The suicide was breeding to begin with."
So they kill themselves to make young?
…or that could be a mistake, and the sentence should be: "The breeding was suicide to begin with."

Reply: You're semantically misinterpreting it; the wording is as intended. Chaletwo is saying she committed suicide by breeding to begin with, not as a result of what her children did. It is written that way around to make the suicide the subject of the sentence: he's not discussing the fact that breeding was suicidal (he's already established that), but the fact that the actual suicidal act happened before the modern Color Dragons were even born. Basically, the sentence breaks down as "[The suicide was] [breeding to begin with]", not as "[The suicide was breeding] [to begin with]".

Or, if that's incomprehensible, basically it amounts to this:

"She committed suicide by throwing herself off a cliff because her children were fighting."

"Actually, the suicide was when she screwed their father."

Is it that hard to take that meaning away from it? I can't really read that sentence your way; the "to begin with" doesn't quite seem to fit.

[11/28/2011 00:35:22]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 59: December

Oh my. (That's about all I can say, since I haven't read the story in FOREVER).

Very dramatic, as usual. I like the twist of neither of them guessing the Color Dragons' types correctly. Is there any way to tell by looking at them, or do you have to see what moves they use?

Also, I'm half-heartedly coming up with my own region. Could you share some insights as to how you got the idea for Ouen and what direction you took it in? Thank you.

Again, very nice work. =D

Reply: The Color Dragons both look and use moves as if they were Fire/Water/Ice/Poison-types, hence why Mark and May simply assumed that was what they were. Game-wise, they'd even have abilities that give them a STAB-equivalent boost for those types of moves. But in reality, defensively, they all work simply as Dragon/Flying-types, double weakness to Ice and all.

I didn't exactly "get the idea" for Ouen so much as just… start writing, make up random town names and gym leaders, and eventually make a map around those. There isn't really a central concept of any kind behind it; I just wanted to make up a region, so I made up places that sounded cool and stuffed them into a haphazardly strung-together region which then got development as I wrote.

[11/27/2011 19:05:16]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 59: December

Oh, my. Another one of those informationy/calm/transition chapters that segue(sp?) into a really, really eventful one. I see a lot of character development that encourages a lot of hope for the relationship between May and everyone and her soul-searchingness.
I'm even more pumped for what happens next now. Scyther is one of my very favorite characters and though given the current state of the swarm, I'm not worried for his life, but there's just so many ways that could turn out. This chapter is one of those that adds to the characters' likeability, and makes it very easy to cheer for and want the best for them.
We're all on our toes for the coming developments, I'm sure.

[11/26/2011 21:37:41]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 59: December

i noticed when mark is talking bout his pokedex is says "pokemon had had been withing a certain radius" should i be he had?

Reply: "That had", actually. Fixed.

[11/26/2011 19:57:24]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 13: The Black Desert

Odd that Game Freak decided to make a poison/dark type scorpion pokemon in generation 4. things that make ya go hmm…

[11/23/2011 18:37:43]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 58: Sins of the Mother

Fallegur kafli, yndislegur. Þú skrifar af mikilli dýpt og næmni. Ég get ekki gagnrýnt neitt í þessum kafla, hvet þig bara til að halda áfram á þessari braut.

[11/17/2011 18:12:39]

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