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  • Posts: 23
Post #141
Megan: Are you the same Megan who met Mark briefly in Cleanwater City? If so, did you remember him and were you suprised when you got selected to battle him?

Mew's Last Chance: The Golden Stone is back. Expect more chapters soon!

Chapter Two Statis: Just getting started


  • Posts: 1783
Post #142
Megan: Hm? Cleanwater City… oh, that kid? Yeah, come to think of it, I guess that was him. I didn't notice until you mentioned it, though.



  • Posts: 123
Post #143
Gyarados(Mark's gyarados from the purity lake):
Why exactly do you call suicune a murderer?
I dont think its because you need dirt to live, you know.
P.S. I didnt reach any/the part which the reason he called him a murderer is explained…

Torterra will save us!

…We're doomed if turtwig wont take the job….

Sands Buisle

  • Posts: 351
Post #144
Suicune nearly starved Garydos to death.

Letalgion: If you found out your father (and the rest of your shiny family) were dead, what would you do?

Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.

… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.

Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!

Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…


  • Posts: 123
Post #145
Probably party away the night.
sandstorm, are you still on?

Marks's charizard, or whoever might answer:
In chapter 37, you charizard seems to fall in love. Does this (state) keep on, or does it stay only until chapter 38 when they leave carl and his pokemon?

Torterra will save us!

…We're doomed if turtwig wont take the job….

Sands Buisle

  • Posts: 351
Post #146
<Whisper> They don't know they're part of a story! <Whisper>

Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.

… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.

Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!

Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…


  • Posts: 123
Post #147
<whisper> Im only asking them how thy feel and wether this keeped on getting 'smeared'! <whisper>
(secret langauge) these zochalim are quite funny after all. I hope you got the message.

Torterra will save us!

…We're doomed if turtwig wont take the job….


  • Posts: 1783
Post #148
Letalgion: If you found out your father (and the rest of your shiny family) were dead, what would you do?
Letaligon: Why would they be dead?

In chapter 37, you charizard seems to fall in love. Does this (state) keep on, or does it stay only until chapter 38 when they leave carl and his pokemon?
Charizard: I don't know what 'chapter' stuff you're talking about, but, um, well, she is pretty… but it would be kind of hard to pursue anything serious with a Gym leader's Pokémon, wouldn't it?



  • Posts: 123
Post #149
I guess so…
Mark: what wil yuo do with your pokemon once your done with whatever a trainer can do?
Will you free them?
1)I guess letalgion would like to taste revenge on her herd.
2)Idk about charizard, but I have an idea..
3)no idea about gyarados.
4)I guess jolteon likes you and will stay.
5)Same for scyther as you are his lifes meaning.
6)dragonite- any ideas what you want to do?
7) Sandslash, I guess you'll go back to your friends, but didnt they expel you…?

Torterra will save us!

…We're doomed if turtwig wont take the job….


  • Posts: 120
Post #150
All of Mark's Pokémon except Letaligon answered the question of what they'd do if/when Mark quit training a few pages back.

Sad is happy for deep people.


  • Posts: 123
Post #151
Thanks for telling me.

To mark: How happens that whenever your pokemon do a foolish mistake(especialy charmander, when he was at the poke frenzy contest and in the fire gym battle) you never did anything to free them from that problem?
To May: why are you so selfish? Pokmon are persons, friends, not battle machines you choose by type!
I myself beat cintia with a team of 6 pokemon, all of them on first or second form, most having 3 forms.
Side note: I know the character may and I insist she will read it!(lol)

Torterra will save us!

…We're doomed if turtwig wont take the job….


  • Posts: 1783
Post #152
Mark: What do you mean? Trainers couldn't interfere in the Pokémon Frenzy Tournament, and I didn't really have the time to try to snap him out of that Attract or whatever it was at the Crater Town Gym before she'd taken advantage of it.

May: You too? I'm getting really sick of all this Pokémon-are-your-friends blather. Yes, yes, they're alive and I should love them for who they are and all that, but that doesn't change that Pokémon battling is a competitive sport. If you're going to be any good at it, you need to make a well-constructed team and they need to be fully evolved to live up to their full potential, with a few notable exceptions. I don't care what Pokémon you used to beat some video game; this isn't a video game. This is a real competition and you can't just go into it waxing poetic about how Pokémon are your friends and expecting to get anywhere. It's too bad if some Pokémon don't like it or generally aren't up to it, but then I can release them and use some others that are. I'm not some sort of a monster trying to be mean.



  • Posts: 123
Post #153
To charizard: how did you feel when that *disgusting* (the asteriks's are there to indicate I REALLY mean it) used attract on you? quite embarrasing huh? did you feel when you fought in carl's gym and fell for the dirty, and cheap, tric? I presume you know what I mean…hehehehe…
(A rather powerfull looking gible chuckles)

Torterra will save us!

…We're doomed if turtwig wont take the job….


  • Posts: 1783
Post #154
Charizard: What, the Jynx? Attract doesn't exactly leave you much mental room to feel embarrassed while it's happening, but it's quite so afterwards. *shudder* I try not to think about it.

As for the incident in Carl's Gym… well, I certainly wouldn't say it was unpleasant while it was happening. It's very awkward now to have fallen for it, but it seemed perfectly nice at the time.



  • Posts: 34
Post #155
Scyther: Y'know, this may sound slightly morbid, but how exactly does a Leta taste like? I figured that because of all the metal it eats, the meat would kinda taste… metal-like, but I've heard that the meat's actually quite excellent.

Sheesh, stupid database wipe >.> I can't remember what was in my signature! Oh well, something new then I guess.

Current quote: I had a dream… I dreamed that I was eating a ten-pound marshmallow, and when I woke up the pillow was gone.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #156
Scyther: Mmm, mostly their blood has a very rich taste, probably metal-like now that you mention it. But the meat is very tender and nice. You don't want to touch the skin much, but the meat is fine.



  • Posts: 123
Post #157
I always hated the smell of metal..better not taste it!

Torterra will save us!

…We're doomed if turtwig wont take the job….


  • Posts: 93
Post #158
Stormblade-How has your life been since Shadowdart killed himself? If it's gotten worse, you have my sypathy.

Still waiting desperately for the next chapter.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #159
Stormblade: It has been better, I suppose. They're all dueling to choose a new Leader now. Nightmare is still with the swarm, though she only really hangs out with me. I miss him a little, but I suppose I'm glad he escaped from what he had become.



  • Posts: 123
Post #160
Stormblade- are you ever planning to tell nightmare about Razor and, well, his feelings?

Nightmare- how is it like being the only scizor in the swarm? it must be prie and shame at once. After all, you have the toughest body.
Also- how did you feel from the moment you became a Scizor?
Last question- Why did your trainer release you?

Torterra will save us!

…We're doomed if turtwig wont take the job….

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