Comments on The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)

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Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 26: Dead or Alive

I feel like May should have reacted more to somebody's coming back to life, or at least said, "I miss you" or something along those lines. I don't know, but she acted as if this happened to her everyday. If they're good enough friends to travel around the world together, May should have missed him or felt something. Otherwise, this was a great chapter!

Reply: This is an old chapter and I don't know what the hell I was thinking when I wrote it.

[11/16/2011 00:23:50]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 10: The Mew Hunter

"An abandoned Charmeleon, a baby Eevee who didn’t know what Pokémon training was, a Sandshrew who had just gained his very first bit of confidence, a starved, weird Gyarados, and a depressed Scyther."

This part just made me crack up. I know it's not necessarily funny, but the exact wording you used for Gyrados was just too much.

Also, you forgot to mention Dratini.

And finally, the Pokemon Mark catches all seem too obvious. Honestly, it actually surprised me when Scyther leaped out the window rather than just join Mark right away. And I've noticed that while half of Mark's team can talk as well as a few other occuring Pokemon, the only one that surprised people was Gyrados. They all reacted when Gyrados spoke, but when Charmeleon, or Scyther, or Kabutops spoke, they just acted as though it were normal.

Reply: Dratini wasn't mentioned because there wasn't anything off about him to Mark's knowledge that could have been listed in that sentence.

Gyarados is the only Pokémon that actually, physically speaks human. The other Pokémon aren't speaking human; they're speaking Pokémon speech, which is translated in the narration because Mark understands it (as established in the first chapter).

[10/30/2011 21:22:24]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 9: Mew's Escape

Oddly enough, the Pokemon that it asked me to type in the name for was Larvitar…..

Anyways, that was super-duper sad, I almost cried when you described poor Mew.

[10/30/2011 20:52:21]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 2: The Book

I have always thought about what your average Mewthree would look like, and I guess this is a pretty good idea. Scary, wish I could've known what the one it's tied with is. You probably did that for suspense, right?

[10/30/2011 18:58:57]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 57: Three Conversations

Þetta var frábær kafli, Hlín. Samtölin algjörlega frábær. Og líka flott að byrja kaflann í miðjum bardaga. Breytingin á May dýpkar, án þess að verða óraunveruleg. Þetta er mjög trúverðug persóna sem þú hefur skapað, og hennar þroskaferli mjög trúverðugt.

Enskan í fyrri hluta kaflans fannst mér sums staðar ekki nógu vönduð. Orðalagið, orðaröðin á setningunum var ruglingsleg eða illskiljanleg, kannski voru smáorð sem hefði mátt sleppa.

[10/03/2011 22:28:45]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 58: Sins of the Mother

"I think we ought to read only the kind of books that wound and stab us. If the book we are reading doesn't wake us up with a blow on the head, what are we reading it for?" Franz Kafka

I like what you are doing, Butterfree. I could have my little words here, but what would they be next to yours?

[09/26/2011 03:13:12]

Idiot who forgot what was going on
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 57: Three Conversations

Wait, what? When did Scyther die? I forgot.

Reply: In chapter 10, before he joined Mark. The Mew Hunter's Fangcat fought him and killed him, but Mew resurrected him.

[09/26/2011 03:05:17]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 58: Sins of the Mother

o saddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd is chapter 58 the troll

Reply: What?

[09/21/2011 20:32:52]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 56: The Ouen Safari

Stuttur kafli. Þú lýsir því vel hvernig May er að þroskast og breytast. Hún er bæði meðvitað að reyna að gæta orða sinna gagnvart pokemonunum, og svo ómeðvitað er hún meira hugsi og alvarlegri, einhvern veginn.

Ég skil ekki af hverju er allt í einu talað um Chaletwo í pokebolta, er hann ekki inni í hausnum á Mark?

Reply: Hann er á báðum stöðum. Líkamlega er hann í pokébolta sem er inni á tölvukerfinu, en hann er búinn að tengja sig hugrænt við Mark til að geta talað við hann. Þarna er talað um að Chaletwo hafi samþykkt að vera sendur út í líkamlegu formi, þ.e. pokéboltinn hans tekinn út af tölvukerfinu og hann síðan sendur út með venjulegum hætti.

[09/02/2011 10:59:24]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 58: Sins of the Mother

…oh. My. Arceus. This is one of the best chapters I think I've ever read, Butterfree.

[08/17/2011 02:05:25]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 58: Sins of the Mother

letalligon ;_;

[08/16/2011 11:02:03]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 58: Sins of the Mother

I… I just…
I've never commented on this before (as far as I can remember), but these past few chapters have just…
They're starting to make me tear up, okay? I've really connected with your characters and now that they're all separating and fighting with each other it's really just starting to get to me.
On a side note, I'm not entirely sure why but the very end of the bit with Stantler made me want to cry. Specifically, her bit about her old trainer. It was touching.
Anyway, you're a very good writer and you're rather inspirational to me. I hope that someday my writing can be half as good as yours.

[08/13/2011 05:04:36]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 55: Unprepared

Þetta er verulega skrítið í byrjun:
Af hverju vill Mark ekki hleypa Gyarados út? Samt getur hann hleypt honum út í bardaga…in Sandslashes place?
Demantarnir eru um háls Gyarados og háls einhvers annars, var það ekki?
Svo er Gyarados í sjónum, svo honum var hleypt út.

Annars er þetta fínn kafli.

Reply: Chaletwo hefur áhyggjur af að Gyarados myndi reyna aftur að brjóta gimsteinana ef honum væri hleypt út og látinn eiga sig (þarna voru þau bara að bíða og pokémonarnir voru úti að drepa tímann). Á meðan fylgst væri með honum, eins og þegar þau eru að undirbúa bardaga, gæti Gyarados hins vegar ekki brotið steinana án þess að það væri tekið eftir því og þá mætti einfaldlega kalla hann aftur inn í kúluna, svo Chaletwo telur það óhætt að hleypa honum út (það er líka hálfnauðsynlegt, þar sem Gyarados er mikils virði í bardaga og þá sérstaklega á móti drekum). Hver þjálfari getur hins vegar bara haft sex pokémona með sér í einu, svo til að hafa Gyarados með í bardaganum þurfti hann að koma í staðinn fyrir Sandslash (sem hefur takmarkaða getu til að ráðast á fljúgandi dreka). Mark skiptir Sandslash út fyrir Gyarados áður en hann sést úti. (Það er gefið í skyn með "…he called, taking out his Pokédex and the Ground Pokémon’s ball", þ.e. hann er að fara að nota pokédexið til að skipta á Sandslash og Gyarados, eins og hann var að tala um að hann ætlaði að gera.)

Gyarados er með gimsteinana sem Suicune er í. Spirit, sem May á, er með gimsteinana sem Entei er í.

[08/07/2011 16:44:08]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 58: Sins of the Mother

;w; so beautiful…

[08/06/2011 02:38:23]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 54: Reunion

Þetta var fínn kafli, en mér finnst samt skrítið að þau tali opinskátt saman um morðið inni í byggingu, þó hjúkkan og enginn sé viðstaddur. Það getur einhver komið, einhver staðið bakvið súlu, það geta verið öryggismyndavélar.

[08/05/2011 12:08:27]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 58: Sins of the Mother

Oh everyone's writing emotional stuff. Well, this chapter gave me a deep sort of feeling in my tummy. I was thinking how can a epic battle have such a short chapter. Then I thought it must be in the next chapter (I never really read the update thingies). Then I thought for a second: Letaligon has a sister?? Lol. All in all, I give this chapter a 9/10.

[08/04/2011 17:19:40]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 58: Sins of the Mother

Did you get the name Sins of the Mother from Modern Warfare mission Sins of the Father? It's in Act 2.

Reply: It is intended as a parallel to "sins of the father", but "sins of the father" is not a phrase invented by Modern Warfare; it's a common phrase and it originates from the Bible, with the whole thing about visiting the sins of the father upon the children and grandchildren and so on through the generations (God is a vengeful jerk like that).

[08/04/2011 17:15:22]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 58: Sins of the Mother

Sadly, I was hoping for a great battle… sort of a letdown, but a great chapter nonetheless.

[08/03/2011 18:41:07]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 5: The Lake of Purity

this story is amazing. ive read up to chapter 43 but my comp crashed. its been a year but ive started reading from the beginning and i cought a lot of stuff that i didint at first. u know, i know some professional gamers/hackers, if you want, i can send your story to them and get a game made out of it. it seems perfect for it too! i even got the whole gayrados thing set out. when you encounter it, it will be in the red and easy to catch. please write back, and if you feel like checking out what will be done if you agree, please go to the website: it has loads of hacks and rmxp games. i can definitly find someone to help you.

Reply: Somebody has offered to make a ROM hack out of this before, but it didn't really go anywhere, so I'm kind of skeptical unless somebody seems really dedicated to the idea of making it (as opposed to dedicated to the idea of getting somebody else to make it). If you were to talk to somebody who'd actually have that dedication on their own terms, I'm all for it and by all means have them contact me (I already have a PC account as Dragonfree), but what with how few hack projects actually get anywhere, I like to be a bit cautious.

[08/03/2011 15:14:35]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 58: Sins of the Mother

…Wow. This chapter was rather depressing. I vicariously felt Letaligon's feeling of defeat when she found out her father was dead…. A great return to a nostalgic place in the story with a morbid twist.

Amazing. I would tell you to churn the next chapte out quickly, but I'd be being both rude and impatient-sounding, as well as probably annoying you. Ha.

[08/03/2011 05:08:08]

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