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May: Ha. At least you have a shred of common sense. And why does it matter if there is Pokemon here or not? How do you even know there are more than your worlds? I could still kick your ass. Steal Volcaryu from Carl and make him use Eruption. Brainwash him first.
Mark: What is YOUR opinion on the Waraider herd? Do you think between the two/three/four of you, you might be able to pull it off?
"Do you think I enjoy telling you who you can screw and who you can't?" -Shadowdart
Don't worry about the world coming to an end today, cause' it's already tomorrow in Australia!
May: Are you thick? Of course it matters whether there are Pokémon there. If you've never had a Pokémon battle, you're not going to be any good at it. That's how skill works.
Mark: I don't know. It sounds pretty impossible, but… I guess we'll just have to try, right?
May: VIRTUAL REALITY? Duh……My friend and I battle everyday. If a few Pokémon appeared in front of me, I'd know exactly what to do.
(Hmm, I like Leah, she seems rational and actually has a plan)
Leah: Have you ever though about using a Bio-Tracker or something like that for hunting Latias? Once you see them….Bloop. You can now set the tracker and done. Now you always know where Latias is! (Bio-Trackers are in your Pokémon world, right?) Also…um…next time you see a legendary you could just whip a Master Ball at it. If you don't have one, Mark does. Just steal it, it's free.
"Do you think I enjoy telling you who you can screw and who you can't?" -Shadowdart
Don't worry about the world coming to an end today, cause' it's already tomorrow in Australia!
May: Fat chance. Somebody pop your overinflated ego with a needle.
Leah: Oh, I've caught Latias already. The only ones left now are Mew, the Waraider herd and the Color Dragons.
Used my Master Ball already too, actually. Mark probably needs his.
May: *Pop* It didn't work, my head is still big and I can still kick your ass. Idiot.
Leah: Oh, I guess you don't need a bio-tracker then. Who did you use the Master Ball on? (Sorry if it's in the fic, I'm to lazy to check.)
Alan: Who is your mother?
"Do you think I enjoy telling you who you can screw and who you can't?" -Shadowdart
Don't worry about the world coming to an end today, cause' it's already tomorrow in Australia!
^Sorry, steele, it won't work. I've tried every roundabout way of asking, and still, nothing.
Leah: That was Lugia. He was one of my first ones and he basically destroyed my team, so…
Alan: She- *abducted by author*
Mark: Who's Alan's mom?
May: See above.
(Yeah, I know Butterfree won't let them answer, I just wanted to see if they know, since famous people's romantic lives seem to be well known)
Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.
… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.
Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!
Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…
Mark: Um, it's Ash's wife, presumably?
May: What's with you people's interest in his mom? Why do you care? Do you know her or something?
Mark: I meant her name.
Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.
… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.
Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!
Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…
SCYTHERWTFNO! I was trying to make it sound like a friendly question and not like I was trying to reveal the secret. YOU RUINED MY GLORIOUS ATTEMPT! T_T Kidding.
Whomever Ash's wife is: What is your full name?
Charlie: Which do you like being most? Charmander, Charmeleon or Charizard? You appear to like being a Charmander most? Oh, while we are making LIGHT CONVERSATION, who is Alan's mother?
Leah: Other than all of them nearly destroying your team, were the legendaries peaceful? If they were, you should meet up with Mark and Chaletwo so they can explain the situation/ explain it yourself. Maybe they would help? It would be nifty to have a legendary on your side.
"Do you think I enjoy telling you who you can screw and who you can't?" -Shadowdart
Don't worry about the world coming to an end today, cause' it's already tomorrow in Australia!
Just give it up. You're not going to get her name. (And you couldn't ask her anyway, since she's not a speaking character in the fic.)
Charlie: Um… I prefer being a Charmander, yeah, but I don't mind being a Charizard for things like big battles. And I don't like looking tiny next to my little brother.
Leah: Well, Chaletwo was all, 'oh, no, we can't tell them about it, because there would be chaos if they knew, etc.' Personally I don't see why they can't just communicate like intelligent beings and figure it out, but you know how those legendaries are.
To any scyther:if a female mates with more than one male and lays an egg how do they know who the father is
Scyther: One of them takes on the role of the father anyway. It can even be someone she's never mated with. The important thing is someone is formally there as the father for the sake of the ritual and officially has the duty to share his prey with the Descith until its First Prey.
Chaletwo: Why so serious? Also, do you know anything about the Waraider herd? Are they all the same type or all different? Can they fly? Are our heroes way over their heads? Is Lady Gaga really a man?
"Life is too important to be taken seriously"
Sorry about the triple post. My psp enjoys doing such things.
"Life is too important to be taken seriously"
Chaletwo: They're all different types, and yes, they can fly. I don't know how hard it's going to be to try to catch them, but hopefully it will be possible. And who the hell is Lady Gaga? Somebody from your world?
Chaletwo: If one of the Waraider herd is caught, how will the otherss react? If you don't know, which seems more likely, how do you think the others will react? and do you have even the vaguest plan about going about capturing them? Personally, I'd pick off either the strongest or the weakest to take on first. Maybe a Pokemon with Explosion would help?
Still waiting desperately for the next chapter.
Chaletwo: If one of them is caught and the others get away for some length of time, uh, supposedly the balance of the world will be skewed and all sorts of disasters will happen. But that's most likely just stories. They are very tight-knit, though; I don't think they'd ever be content with taking us on one at a time.
Ha, Scytherian Poetry.
Razor: Would you have found it fun to continue killing Micheal Willows if Mark hadn't found you? I thought you still followed a few Scyther ethics.
Nightmare: How did it feel to be beat by a moron, as you called Razor? Weird? Bad?
"Do you think I enjoy telling you who you can screw and who you can't?" -Shadowdart
Don't worry about the world coming to an end today, cause' it's already tomorrow in Australia!
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