How long, for a Pokemon fanfiction, do you think the avarage chapter should be?
Uhh, I'm really not the right person to ask about anything having to do with "average chapters"; I'm the person whose chapters vary between three pages and twenty-seven based on what is happening. Generally, a chapter should feel something like an episode of a TV show: it should have a storyline and structure in itself. Something of note needs to happen in the chapter and it needs to close off reasonably after that.
Hmmmnn, what would you think if I told you tat you are my my role model? I ask you for a lot of advice, even though you may not really notice it…(God, that was embarrsing. I don't know why, though.)
Uh… o.O Okay? I'm probably not an exemplary role model, but do what you want.
What are your faverite video games, outside of Pokemon?
StarCraft (though I'm ashamed to say I've never actually finished it), the Ace Attorney series, and the Heroes of Might and Magic series.