Comments on The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)

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Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Final Stretch – Chapter 73: Recuperation

Spennandi kafli og einlægur. May er hrædd við eigin hugsanir og tilfinningar, sem getur auðveldlega orðið að þráhyggju. Það er áhugavert. Hlakka til framhaldsins

[06/23/2017 07:15:58]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Final Stretch – Chapter 74: Unraveling

ive been following this fanfic for like twelve fucking years i am ready to see the end!!!! omgomg excitement

[06/19/2017 23:25:45]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Final Stretch – Chapter 74: Unraveling

Wow, seems I made a lot of similar remarks in the last comment I made at the end of last year, and that would be because I reread the previous few chapters to get back into things, so sorry about the repetition.

Reply: Don't worry about it, haha! I really appreciate all your comments and look forward to them.

[06/19/2017 21:50:25]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Final Stretch – Chapter 74: Unraveling

I can't lie. I cried a little when Rob showed up.

And I almost did out of nostalgia as Mark did the drawings of previous epic moments in the story. Those moments were practically part of my childhood, and it puts so much into perspective. Those may have been triumphs, but faced with apocalypse it made them feel so bittersweet as they ultimately may have amounted to nothing.

It really felt desolate and like the story COULD come to its suddenly dreary end before they found Mew, and only knowing there are two more chapters after this made me feel safe that everyone wouldn't be slaughtered soundly.

One of the huge things I love about this fic is the stark contrast between the fantastical and far-off threat of legendary wars and said apocalypse, and the more domestic and equally lethal threat of Rick's assualt – almost more terrifying because it's tangible. And I love the conflict that comes of this.

I don't think I will ever find the words to describe my adoration and admiration of this fic, or to describe the impact it's had on me, being a presence in my life for probably half of it or more. (And TCoD as a whole!!!!!)

I can't wait to see how it concludes. With each of the sparse amount of chapters that have been coming out the past several years, I am torn between devouring the words as fast as I can read and savoring each and every sentence. I'll stop rambling now.

[06/19/2017 21:42:00]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Final Stretch – Chapter 72: Rick

Hver kaflinn á fætur öðrum meira spennandi en sá á undan. Gott að fá upprifjun á því að Rick hafi kastað pokebolta með Mew að Mark og beðið hann að taka hann og fara með hann. Þessu var ég löngu búin að gleyma. Hvernig tapaði Mark Mew aftur?

Reply: Mark sleppti Mew einfaldlega lausum - þetta var áður en hann var fenginn til að reyna að fanga alla goðsagnapokémonana, svo það var engin ástæða til að halda honum. Þetta verður reyndar rifjað upp í 74. kafla líka.

[04/28/2017 06:34:40]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Final Stretch – Chapter 71: Shattered

Allt að gerast. En það er ein málsgrein sem er óljós. Hún byrjar á "And you yelling at your Vibrava…" Ég var lengi að átta mig á því hver sagði þetta við hvern, og þó ég gæti klórað mig fram úr því þá er vísað í atburði sem urðu fyrir svo mörgum köflum síðan að það er ómögulegt að rifja það upp. Það er aftur á móti góð upprifjun á fundi Marks og Mew Hunters, alla vega rifjaðist það upp fyrir mér. Ein klaufavilla eða tvær þar sem vantar skáletur þegar Chaletwo talar.

[04/15/2017 09:42:11]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 70: Waraider

Þetta er frábær kafli. Að vísu fannst mér erfitt að fylgja bardaganum, en plottið í lok kaflans kemur á óvart og hefur dýpt og skírskotun til margs í sálarlífi okkar mannanna.

[04/10/2017 07:22:07]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Final Stretch – Chapter 72: Rick

It seems kind of unlikely to me that only one trainer in the whole league had a Tyranitar.

Reply: The Ouen League didn't have that many participants (less than a hundred people), and Tyranitar are supposed to be pretty rare - Mark and May only found Dratini and Larvitar when they did because they happened to be in the right place at the right time (I wrote it very shoddily at the time, but that was certainly meant to be the idea).

Note that that's just the participants - it's quite possible there was somebody in the (much larger) audience who had a Tyranitar. Rick is obviously not thinking terribly rationally here; he heard there was a trainer, looked up the teams of the League participants to try to find that trainer, found May, then made up a narrative where it absolutely has to be her, which only coincidentally aligned with the truth, and latched onto it.

[12/31/2016 21:47:46]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Final Stretch – Chapter 72: Rick

Oh man, this chapter really drives home how close to the end we really are… It feels almost surreal to see Mark now reminiscing to events so long ago, events us as readers are just as nostalgic for. And Rick is so terrifying in the way only a regular, insane human can be. Mystical end-of-the-world threats mean so little when a man tries to kill you with his bare hands. And Mewtwo^2… I was terrified their Pokemon WOULD just BAM be dead in an instant with how much Mewtwo^2 just doesn't give a crap about any preestablished rules of Pokemon.

And as it has been for so long, hitting the end of the chapter STILL feels like being a dog racing in delight only to be stopped harshly by its chain when the words just run out. HNNNNGGHH. My need to know what will happen next is so burning. It's so heartening to see more TQftL after so long and so sad that finally, FINALLY, we are seeing the end of it.. Of this version at least.

[12/25/2016 02:04:05]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Final Stretch – Chapter 71: Shattered

Oh man it has been so so long since I've been hit with Rob's feels and my love for him is as strong as it has been for years, I never would have thought we'd actually get to see totally unfiltered words from him to himself, this is just wonderful.

[12/25/2016 01:48:31]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Final Stretch – Chapter 72: Rick


[12/06/2016 19:48:34]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 70: Waraider

I've just done a massive catchup binge of pretty much every chapter from this year & I am hooting + hollering at this chapter, it is so great


Was this their underlying concept from the start, or a matter of "what am I going to do with these eight horses my twelve-year-old self came up with"?? Immediately catapulted from uninteresting preteen muse to absolutely brilliant

Also it helps that I find horses flipping out the funniest thing, so these seven screeching horses trapped in a box of black fire as the earth collapses around them is. really good

You already nod to it in the next chapter, but I really like that mark shines in this chapter & he doesn't need to be a stomping, headstrong 'hero' to do so! That all he needs is to Bee Himself
I'm a huge fan of stories that employ diplomacy and Friendship (note: not The Power Of Friendship To Fight An Enemy To Death, that's against the point); also, weird psychology-based reality-bending; so I'm extremely fond of how this chapter wraps up. Also, because horses. Anyway keep doing you

PS I love that ur mum reads ur pokemon fanfiction!!!

[12/06/2016 19:47:47]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Final Stretch – Chapter 72: Rick

Awwh what a nice moment between Mark and Charizard, this is going to be a sweet chapter- oh sweet jesus no.

To be fair I didn't really see any kind of meeting between them and Rick going well. I was just going "This is not a good idea! He's not going to be happy to see you!" Also oh no Floatzel. :(

We're entering the endgame here, and I love it.

[11/27/2016 02:37:17]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Final Stretch – Chapter 71: Shattered

Jeez. I guess it's divine law that happiness and admiration can't exist so close to the last chapter. Mark and May seem to be headed for rock bottom, but I'm hoping they'll just break through rock bottom and keep heading further downward.

It's cool how the group fell apart so naturally. Tyranitar turning himself in was unexpected, and it's interesting how he lied about the circumstances of Taylor's murder. A lot of this chapter pulled out references to earlier ones, and given the TV report's emphasis on the police, plus how the League Finals proved that Mewtwo^2 can ignore Dark-type immunity, I'm not counting on Tyranitar's real role remaining buried for long.

Speaking of earlier references, the focus on Rick and the Mew Hunter suggests that genuine human antagonists are returning and it's odd to be reminded of how they've already been met and survived. After so many legendary fights and insane Pokémon, dealing with some human insanity seems weird for seasoned legendary hunters.

The Mew Hunter's diary gave him some good characterization, and I enjoyed seeing how he justifies his actions to himself. I don't think I'll see him again, but I really look forward to the next chapter and possibly getting insight on how Rick sees the world.

[11/19/2016 20:53:50]

... Anonymous
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 53 Extra: April Fools

… … … … … … … "I must release my poor pokemon from their horrible balls! That way I can release them and die to then next wild pokemon I see!" -Taylor

Reply: I'm… genuinely not sure what point you're trying to make there. You do realize this is a joke chapter and none of it's supposed to make sense, right? If anything, the sentence you're mocking is one of the most sensible parts of it.

[10/22/2016 12:21:28]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 70: Waraider

It says strong spirit spirit form instead of strong spirit form.

[07/15/2016 03:36:57]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Pokémon Festival – May 25th: Chaletwo's Arrival

Ah hah! I've got it! The Destroyer is… Chalenor! (He is very very most likely not, but if he is then I will my non-existant hat.)

[07/08/2016 01:32:06]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 70 Extra: Not Alone

It's awesome. Chaletwo has issues, Waraider and friends have issues, and there's a Pachirisu who's too much of an innocent precious Poffin to understand issues. I feel horrible for reading it and want to give them all hugs. 10/10.

Waraider's gotten a lot of characterization despite having so little screentime (fictime? paragraphtime?) when compared to the main cast, and he's completely defied my attempts to figure out what exactly his issues are beyond a few hazy guesses regarding internal conflict and uncertainty.

You've really created an amazing character in Waraider, and even though the structure of the fic is discouraging me from hoping to see more of him, it'd be nice if it happened.

[07/01/2016 03:58:45]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 70 Extra: Not Alone

I like Waraider even more now. I think there should be a comma in between "So he leaves them alone and retreats to some of the places that he likes" and "where he feels a little better,"?

[06/29/2016 15:20:51]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 31: Spirit

In the sentence "“Um… Chaletwo sorta… broke into my dream tonight,”" I think it should be last night instead of tonight.

Reply: Yeah, definitely. We use the same phrase for it in Icelandic and I didn't realize "tonight" is strictly "the upcoming night" in English until later.

[06/21/2016 17:30:04]

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