Comments on The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)

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Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 16: The Third Badge

The buying antidotes would still make sense if it was just security for the future now that her and Charmeleon have been traumatically poisoned once. Though I guess the idea is that Scorplack venom wouldn't be helped by an antidote at all.

[06/01/2024 13:46:21]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 16: The Third Badge

The buying antidotes would still make sense if it was just security for the future now that her and Charmeleon have been traumatically poisoned once. Though I guess the idea is that Scorplack venom wouldn't be helped by an antidote at all.

Reply: In chapter 14 May specifically said it was for the Mitch fight, though, which then turned out to be nonsense because you can't use items in the gym battle anyway - that's what I was commenting on.

[06/01/2024 13:33:24]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Final Stretch – Chapter 74: Unraveling

Damn, damn, I was so convinced that Rob was going to be killed. Deliberately this time. He said he’d sooner die or release Mew, and everyone was so desperate, and it was all falling apart and I thought someone might actually order a Pokemon to attack and kill Rob. And then they’d need to deal with that too. I had such a feeling of dread.

On a related note tho. I think my favorite part of TQFTL is the incredibly messy fallout of Tyler Lancaster’s death. Neither Tyler nor Rick are really good people, they do a lot of really, really dubious things, like hypnotizing law enforcement and treating Pokemon as tools more than partners.

And like. May is a much better and more fair battler, everyone agrees. But if this were the Pokemon anime, there’d probably be an extended arc around how treating your Pokemon as friends is a far superior strategy towards pushing them to win. But also everyone still viewed her are objectively the better trainer, and they’re not wrong but she’s still a kid. She’s twelve. She’s twelve and the police never listen to her and everyone is calling her a murderer, judging her, saying ‘you should have known better! You should never have let this happen! This is all your fault!’

And they’re not wrong, she did play a major part in it happening but. She’s 12 and the world is ending and everyone is calling her a murderer, and she’d never been the most friendly or likable kid before but no one wants to be a murderer. And at 12, that’s gotta mess you up.

I really love the conflicting morality in TQFTL. Robin and Alan want to do the morally correct thing, but in doing so come off as not seeing the big picture, or unempathetic towards how this whole ordeal affected May. Chaletwo wants to save the world, but he’s also so terrified of dying. Mark got caught up in something so much bigger than himself.

I think Alan and May’s character development is amazing, too. It’s sad they haven’t entirely made up, but I’m delighted Alan apologized for how he acted towards May.

Also did not realize you releases a slightly edited version. Hopping over there now— so excited to at last read the ending!

Reply: <3 Thank youuu, I really appreciate comments like these!

[06/23/2022 10:38:10]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Prologue

So here I am. I legitimately don’t recall the last year I read a chapter of this story— probably 2014 or 2015 at the very latest. But recently I was hit with the urge to reread a couple old Pokemon fanfics I loved, and I heard this one had been completed. So I wanted to read it from start to finish.
Before I get started, tho, I wanted to say congratulations. It’s difficult to finish a story, requiring a lot more than just motivation. You did something amazing, and deserve to feel proud for it. I can’t wait to re-experience the whole tale, complete.

Reply: Aw, thank you! <3 Only saw this now, but if you're still making your way through it, I just put up a slightly edited version that fixes various minor things and also has an improved version of chapter 76 - probably you'll want to swap over to that one.

[06/09/2022 12:23:21]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 29: Stormblade and Shadowdart

Late, but just a thought - couldn't "slaves" serve as a replacement for the use of the term "robots"? Perhaps it would be redundant with the use of "slave" later in the chapter, but then again, they're far enough apart it sounds okay when I think about it.

Reply: Yeah, definitely! That was one of the changes I made in the ILCOE patch version I just put up, which makes many such line edits I talk about wanting to change in the commentary.

[06/08/2022 01:24:50]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 57: Three Conversations

Fun Fact, this was the very first chapter of this fic I ever read. Yes, I know that's terrible, but I don't give a damn about spoilers and I was hooked from the first paragraph. Original fake Pokemon? Pokemon death? Named character death that everyone apparently has PTSD about? Oh Boy! I needed to read this from the beginning right away. Nine years later, I still get a warm nostalgic feeling whenever I get to this chapter. What a snapshot of these characters!

Reply: Aw, thank you for sharing that! Brightened my evening to (finally) see these comments - thrilled you're coming back to the fic.

[11/28/2020 15:13:22]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 49: The Rage of a Scyther

I fully admit that the League arc chapters are the ones I come back to the most, and for a silly reason. I love the strategizing that goes on in them. Mark mulling over weakness-countering moves for his team in this chapter is so relatable, I absolutely have a notebook somewhere with a team weakness list just like that written down for all my teams. Love this arc, love this chapter, love that little stream of conscious strategizing section.

[11/28/2020 07:30:38]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 53 Extra: April Fools

Not sure what I like more, both versions having Taylor falling on his back or the fact you snuck a "questioned" in there like from the earlier chapters.

[05/19/2020 14:54:09]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Final Stretch – Chapter 74: Unraveling

Well, I was definitely fooled, because I assumed Rick's Mewtwo² was just a clone of a clone and never seriously considered it an actual legendary that might be affected by the War. I'd also thought that if that WERE the case, then not only would they have to catch all the legendaries, but then they'd have to make sure Rick didn't have a single one of his clones out at the exact right moment also, and there was just no way they'd know when that was going to be. (I was also swept up by thinking of Rick and the War as two separate threats, though, too, so consider that a success.)

Honestly this is probably my favorite chapter after confronting Rick. It really does build this looming feeling of tension and dread, the Mew Hunter twist was actually pretty clever, and that feeling of "wait, was that the pulse?!?!" and the immediately following "oh no something is very wrong" was a fantastic climax.

[09/16/2019 04:05:12]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Final Stretch – Chapter 72: Rick

I'd just like to say, this is my favorite chapter in the fic. I distinctly remember reading this the night it came out (very early morning?) and then being absolutely mortified at Floatzel being murdered, and then Spirit too (despite the fact that they were quickly revealed to still be alive in the narrative, because I couldn't shake the feeling that, no, this particular author would totally leave that as a morbid twist for the next chapter). I'm really glad they survive, and I really like the but where Weavile only attacks after seeing Floatzel injured, but very few fic moments had left me in that sort of horrified shock.

[09/01/2019 22:58:59]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 65: Three Dragons

Funny, having Mew tell the legendaries that the previous war was just a one-time thing seems like it would require her to come up with a pretty elaborate story about how that could be. Like, what exactly would cause all the legendaries to suddenly slaughter each other, every single one of them, and how could Mew really assure everyone that it would never happen again? Whatever the case, it seems like the legendaries would at least *try* to do something to to prevent the situation from happening again if they actually knew about it. Like, if Mew spun it as Arceus having come down and cast judgment on the legendaries for their sins (reasonably close to the truth), then I would expect to see at least some of the legendaries adhering to their own kind of religion where they try to be good so Arceus doesn't show up and slaughter them all in the future. Or if Mew said that one legendary became super powerful and basically started all the murdering, etc., I would expect some kind of agreement or something between the legends to try and prevent anyone from getting so powerful again. Like I'm trying to think up a scenario where Mew would have fabricated something and Chaletwo's capture plan (or the beasts' soul gems) were the only measures anyone was taking to prevent a future war and having trouble coming up with one.

I agree that the current set-up, where the legendaries in general don't seem to realize that there ever was a war or question why Mew made them a thousand or so years ago, doesn't make a lot of sense. And probably the humans would have noticed all this nonsense going down unless someone mass-memory-modded them every time or something (and even then there would be physical evidence…). idk. It's a tough problem.

Just curious as we get into the NaNo chapters, do you think that NaNo was good for this fic overall? Like here, you basically rewrote the entire chapter, so you weren't able to use the draft for all that much. Do you think you might have finished faster if you hadn't done that NaNo sprint and then had to do so much editing afterwards, or do you think figuring out some of this stuff that didn't work on the first go-round ended up helping?

Reply: Like I said in there, the current canon is that Mew just made it sound like it happened out of nowhere, had never happened before, and nobody knew why - no elaborate story, no Arceus coming down, just one big question mark. It's pretty hard to take measures against a complete unknown. It does leave some earlier dialogue in the fic sounding a a bit odd, like Entei and Chaletwo both indicating they'd fully believed they'd never die for a thousand years (surely at least for a while at first they'd have worried about whether something like that could reoccur), and that's the sort of thing I mean by writing it more like that was the case from the start.

It might actually be more robust for Mew to just go with it not involving them going mad at all, and just saying it was a regular old war where they'd split into factions over some disagreement and then killed each other. Obviously then it's pretty reasonable for the legendaries not to spend their time worrying about that just happening when they're all broadly getting along fine barring individual rivalries. Mew would need to fudge something about the whole Chalenor dying issue, though - if he was supposedly the Preserver, he should be a true immortal, so a mundane war shouldn't be able to kill him. Maybe Chaletwo thinks only Mew is a true immortal. Hmmm.

I think the fic did benefit a lot from me writing out this bad rough draft of the entire rest first and then being able to have a full overview while I thought about how I wanted to change it. Writing and publishing a chapter at a time, I would almost certainly have done a much worse job building things up, especially when it comes to May's arc.

[07/15/2019 18:34:19]

Person using an e-reader to browse the Internet
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 65: Three Dragons

I've found a sentence in this chapter with a confusing pronoun, which I assume is a typo.
This one is at the beginning of the 16th paragraph from the bottom. May's Mutark uses the pronoun "their", which is not used for it anywhere else that I have read so far.

Reply: That's referring to Racko and Pamela, not to Mutark; they were on Dracobalt's back earlier, and after Preciure tore them off, Mutark took their place there.

[07/10/2019 11:35:46]

Person using an e-reader to browse the Internet
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 35: Suicune

I have found a missing punctuation mark. It is at the end of the 16th (I think) paragraph. After the word 'electricity' the paragraph ends without any sentence-ending punctuation. Sorry I can't be more detailed about the location; the e-reader can't show me that section of the chapter and the comment field at the same time.

[07/07/2019 01:38:40]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 52: The League Finals

A total unrelated ramble, but the league strategising + scythers continuing stagnation on the code + the entei then chaletwo convos - makes me think a lot about like, theorising the distribution of human versus pokemon intelligence!! Like I can believe despite the full apparent ability of pokemon for complex reasoning, maybe what places human adults on top is like… emotional intelligence. Or like I know youve said before, the abstract intelligence of perceiving patterns & broader-picture thinking. Its super interesting to think that in a world with other sapient beings, the disparities are in much more subtle ways, & then carrying on to consider how itd affect these scenarios. (Quite frankly I too easily forget the disparities amongst people. /cough) And I enjoy deeming its why legendaries are socially exactly on par with eleven year olds. :L
Im pretty sure stantler knocks a leg off my ideas here (not like its important to 100% adhere to BUTTERFREES CANON, KING WORK OF FICTION hahaha - just idly throwing things round), but im ready to justify outliers at the speed of light, or maybe her capability for strategic abstract thought is far outclassed by humans as a counterbalance. Something like that. (Also you can draw a line between this & letals own strategic intelligence vs… her emotional lol)

Also fury stands out so far in this regard I do declare he voluntarily took on human education haha. Everyone has the ability to grow beyond themselves!!

[05/11/2019 19:06:24]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 39: The Workings of the War

So here we're onto the chapters that were posted the second time I fell out of reading the fic. Yes, somehow, I fell out of reading it right before the Volcaryu battle, which is absurd. I think it's because I was in college or something? I dunno. But either way, I didn't read these chapters until at least during the league arc.

It's kind of amazing looking back at this being literally the only speculation fuel we had all the way until chapter 61! I'm pretty sure I remember never buying the Articuno-as-Destroyer theory lol. But the greatest red herring the fic ever threw us was time-traveling Chalenor. It's amazing that even when multiple people began to suspect that he was not the Preserver, not one of us managed to extrapolate that he could not time travel. In future revisions, I'd definitely recommend capitalizing on that.

I definitely feel you with the struggle for how on earth to preserve mysteries in serially published fiction. I'm pretty happy with the solution I came up with, but it was definitely difficult.

[02/17/2019 23:18:41]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 19: Good or Evil?

Can't wait to hear more about Anonymous Dirtbag! Oh wait.

[10/24/2018 19:20:07]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 11: The Lizard and the Mantis

I don't know if anyone else mentioned this already, but I also thought it was interesting to note how Mark thinks to talk to Scyther and introduce him to the rest of the team, while he's never so much as had a passing thought about that in regards to his other pokemon.

Reply: Mark actually sends out Sandshrew with the intention of introducing him to Charmander just after catching him! He just gets interrupted by May and then forgets about it entirely, and then makes no attempt at all to do it for Dratini.

[09/10/2018 00:41:07]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 77: Home

Jæja, þá er sögunni lokið. Þetta var afskaplega fín saga. Hérna í lokin voru ýmis nöfn á stöðum og pokemonum rifjuð upp, og mönnum eins og Carl. Við það rifjuðust atburðir upp líka, td vatnið með Suicune og Gyarados, hvernig Mark laug að Carl, Scyther og móðir hans og vinkona/kærasta, man ég það rétt? Drekarnir einn inni í fjalli, annar man ekki alveg… Alla vega, flott hvernig þú hnýtir alla lausa enda í lokin, td May og morðið.

[08/23/2018 13:15:14]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 8: The Master of the Clones

Okay, for real, Rick's line "let's hope it was just some random kid" was glorious. What happened to the nurse who went to fetch him to tell him there was a random kid waiting to earn his badge? Who knows, Rick is busy not caring that strangers are screwing with his gym!

Also I've totally been pronouncing it "Mewtwo-Squared" the entire time this story has been updating. I thought it was a neat little detail since it's supposed to be a super-clone of a super-clone, so like, exponentially stronger than the original, hence the "squared"… and I'm actually a little disappointed that that's not really how it was intended.

Reply: I mean, that's what I meant when I said I felt it made more sense in some imagined mathematical abstraction of super-cloning! I just didn't want to pronounce it "squared" because that's not a very powerful-sounding word. Hence "to the power of two", which then ultimately got shortened. Please do continue to pronounce it Mewtwo-squared.

[08/14/2018 23:06:07]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 77: Home

I've been following this fic for 12 years now, and while I'm sad to see it's over, I'm so happy that I got to see it end. The difference from that early version I read with the "Char! Char!" to this is night and day. Now I need to re-read it - after Chapter 50 I hadn't checked in on this in a long time, so the memory of Chapters 1 - 50 is hazy to me!

Thank you for writing this. If you ever start writing original fiction, I'm sure you'll have a lot of us lining up to read it as well! :)

Reply: Thanks for reading! Since you mentioned rereading, if you're interested, you can follow the weekly retrospective commentaries I'm making on each chapter from the beginning.

[08/07/2018 11:37:28]

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