Comments on The Ouen League – Chapter 48: The Second Preliminary

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Latias spirit
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 48: The Second Preliminary

Letal evolved! This is one of the best stories I have ever read.

[01/10/2016 04:59:55]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 48: The Second Preliminary

Letal’s whole body expanded, legs and neck lengthening and paws bulging out to make room for the oversized claws; the other Pokémon watched it as if mesmerized, unable to attack her while she was protected by the evolutionary glow. She lowered her head as new blades began to grow out of the sides of her mask to match the new length of the top blade.

The white light faded, and she was a Letaligon just like Megan’s.

About time.

[06/28/2012 01:14:17]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 48: The Second Preliminary

Skemmtilegur kafli þrátt fyrir bardagann. Bæði var bardaginn lifandi, og umhverfið skemmtilegt með pöllum í lausu lofti. Svo finnst mér mjög skemmtilegt hvernig þú lýsir hugsunum Marks, bæði þegar hann er að skipuleggja bardagann, og eins í bardaganum sjálfum. Hann hefur ekkert allt of mikið sjálfstraust, og er mjög gagnrýninn á sjálfan sig. En hann sigrast samt á hverri þraut.

Jæja, spurningar: wax poetic…no true trainer wants their pok… to evolve?
Af hverju á Megan marga pokemona, var ekki takmarkað við sex stk sem mátti hafa í bardaga?
Letal didnt have a native ground type to boost?
Og að lokum, af hverju thanks to Scyther?

Reply: "to wax poetic" er orðatiltæki. Hér var vísað í það að í pokémon-teiknimyndaþáttunum þróast fæstir pokémonar aðalpersónunnar og nokkrir kjósa sérstaklega að þróast ekki þó þeim sé boðið það, og í sögunni vilja sumir þjálfarar líkja eftir þessu og gera í því að vilja ekki láta pokémonana sína þróast. May finnst þetta mjög asnalegt.

Það má eiga eins marga pokémona og þú vilt, en þú getur bara haft sex með þér í einu, svo að það eru aldrei fleiri en sex í hverjum bardaga fyrir sig. Mark vissi ekki fyrirfram hvaða þrjá Megan myndi velja fyrir bardagann.

Það var Lunatone sem "didn't have a native Ground type to boost its potency"; Earth Power er sem sagt Ground-árás en Lunatone er ekki Ground pokémon. Þegar pokémonar nota árásir af sama "type" og þeir sjálfir eru þær sterkari en annars. Dragonite og Scyther eru báðir veikir fyrir Rock árásum, og Lunatone er Rock pokémon, svo að Lunatone á auðveldara með að meiða þá heldur en Letal. Mark er þarna að átta sig á því að þó að Letal sé veik fyrir Earth Power er hann í rauninni að fara úr öskunni í eldinn með því að skipta henni út.

"Thanks to Scyther" vísar í það að Scyther var ennþá standandi þegar Mark skipti honum út. Eins og Aaron White vann bardagann í síðasta kafla með því að skipta út mjög særðum pokémon og ná síðan fram "jafntefli" með þeim síðasta telst Mark hafa unnið þennan bardaga 2-1 vegna þess að Scyther rotaðist ekki, þó hann hafi verið mikið meiddur.

[06/11/2011 22:06:13]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 48: The Second Preliminary

i love that battle between Letaligon and Letal8D. seriosly all battles should be like that.

[04/12/2010 13:01:45]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 48: The Second Preliminary

is the destroyer Mitch?

[09/11/2009 15:56:54]

Caldazar Atreides
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 48: The Second Preliminary

Nice chapter. Really, it was very gripping.

…Okay, I read it weeks ago and didn't review, so I'm somewhat fuzzy on teh details, but Leta's evolution into Letaligon at least stuck to my mind. Crowning Moment of Awesome.

I just read your update from September 5th and was a little surprised at the time frame you gave for Oneshot A. Just how many chapters do you project this fiction will have left?

Reply: At least twenty or thirty in my current estimates. I've just had half of what's going to happen in that time in my head for a long time.

[09/09/2009 16:49:03]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 48: The Second Preliminary

I meant Can't, not "Can'". And where is Alan? He should be somewhere. And ………..forget about it.

Reply: Alan didn't come with them to the League. There was this whole goodbye scene in chapter 42, remember?

But really, if you want to ask questions that are not actually comments on the story, you should be registering at the forums. :/ You don't need to give any personal information, not even an e-mail address, so there's no reason not to.

[08/31/2009 15:29:24]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 48: The Second Preliminary

What's happening with the IALCOTN?
I …looked around, and I can' remember (or see) the last time you talked about it on the Quest Blog. …..of course I didn't even read past September…

Reply: Nothing much. The ILCOE is a lot more interesting than writing the same chapters yet again, so I've been focusing on that.

[08/31/2009 15:27:27]

random guy
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 48: The Second Preliminary

whatz your last name

Reply: Why on earth would you want to know?

[08/31/2009 15:25:00]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 48: The Second Preliminary

Oh, and what about the character bios? I've seen the boring Mark and Charmander for over a year. You said you were working on it…

Reply: I am working on it. I'm a little stuck since I randomly decided to try to explain the details of Leta family genetics and how their shininess works and I've yet to get it to completely make sense.

[08/29/2009 22:44:56]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 48: The Second Preliminary

I can't believe I'm already rereading the chapter…. What'll happen to letaligon next? And what's going on with Alan?

…And who's "Vilhjalmur"?Is that your last name or a parent?… I'm sorry I'm going into your personal life instead of the Quest for the Legends…. And I'm sorry for those disturbing comments from half a year ago…

Reply: Vilhjálmur is my father's name, yes.

[08/29/2009 22:42:25]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 48: The Second Preliminary

i think the story is great
i cant wait for the finished story
i think its exciting

[08/26/2009 15:39:59]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 48: The Second Preliminary

That was epic win! XD Literally! :D

[08/23/2009 22:50:20]

Sonar Mew
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 48: The Second Preliminary

Ooh, this chapter, of all others, is probably the most exiting :D

Can't wait for the next one!

[08/20/2009 07:34:55]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 48: The Second Preliminary

AMAZING STORY. I've been reading on this story for quite a while, and you've had me since the beginning. Quest for the Legends is a role model for my own Pokémon story, and I can only hope it will come out anywhere near as good as this one. Kudos to TQFTL!

Your loyal fan,
~Kinkajou Karata

[08/08/2009 03:44:58]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 48: The Second Preliminary

Loved the whole fic so far. Letal's evolution was a surprise too. Keep it up.

[07/30/2009 13:55:40]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 48: The Second Preliminary

This was a truly epic battle. I can't believe that Letal(igon) evolved! And there I was, expecting that she would never evolve and you would write a spin-off on how she killed her father <.< >.>

[07/10/2009 13:08:42]

Asbjørn Jacobsen
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 48: The Second Preliminary

I love your fanfic Dragonfree, it is without a doubt the best I have ever read. Your battle scenes are amazing. I just have one question, how often do you post new chapters? I stayed up every night for the last four nights, just to find out what happens next. I can't wait for the next Chapter.

Reply: How long it takes me to write a chapter varies immensely; I have written a chapter in two days, and I have taken six months to get one done. Normally I believe it's something between one and two months, though.

[06/28/2009 17:05:09]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 48: The Second Preliminary

I love your battle seaquences! The ones I write myself are a bit boring at the moment…

I think in an earlier chapter Letaligon said that once she had evolved she wanted to be relesed so she could challenge her father. Can't wait to find out if she does or not!!!

Reply: She did, but in chapter 41 she had an agreement with Mark that if she went with them to the League, she would stick with him until it was over and then they would return to Ruxido to release her.

[06/27/2009 20:40:28]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 48: The Second Preliminary

Wow- your battle scenes are amazing! I very much liked this chapter, especially Letal's evolution! I have a dumb question, however- is Earth Power a real move, or one made up for the fic?

Reply: Earth Power is a real move introduced in Diamond and Pearl. It is basically a Ground-type version of Psychic, and Lunatone does learn it (it's a Platinum move tutor move).

[06/25/2009 00:12:41]

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