Dramatic Molzapart

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  • Posts: 1783
Post #1
This is very out of the blue, but I was listening to some dramatic readings on YouTube and something possessed me to create this.

Dramatic reading of the Molzapart portion of "Molzapart and Rainteicune" by the author

I should warn you that I have the most horrible-sounding voice in the world, the worst accent ever, and really should have done more in the way of the 'dramatic' part. And I tripped up a couple of times, and I sometimes misread a little, and a couple of times I'm starting to burst out laughing and you can really hear it.

It might be good to have the text in front of you if you're going to listen to it, so for reference, you can find that in all its awful glory here.

I also recorded myself doing the first couple of paragraphs of the Rainteicune portion in two different attempts at funny voices and once the Alan detour in a normal voice, but unless you really want to hear that I will hide that away forever.

Chapter 54 is… not really coming along, I'm afraid. But uh, I'll try to poke myself to continue with it. Right now I'm in the process of going through some affiliation requests and the like, so. When I'm not taking lengthy breaks to record dramatic readings of my ridiculous fanfiction, that is.




Post #2
… out of curiosity, is this at all inspired by mine and other people's readings of StarKits Prophcy? :o


  • Posts: 1783
Post #3
I saw you talking about dramatic readings in that thread, listened to those, went "Hm, maybe I should find some more dramatic readings of infamous badfics," listened to a few of those and then wanted to do this. So yes.


Mark Aged


Post #4
Hilarious. Your voice is kinda cute, and also perfect for not-really-dramatic readings!


  • Posts: 349
Post #5
My browser won't lemme listen. >_< Buttttttt I'll try more. I wanna hear what you sound like…

"Do you think I enjoy telling you who you can screw and who you can't?" -Shadowdart

Don't worry about the world coming to an end today, cause' it's already tomorrow in Australia!


  • Posts: 120
Post #6
I'm all for hearing the Rainteicune one. =P That one's the more amusing story anyway, thanks to all the logic-fail detours.

Sad is happy for deep people.



Post #7
I was going to take your word for it in that your voice was horrible-sounding with the worst accent 'ever', and I generally prefer not to have my impression of what your voice must sound like mentally as I read your ascerbic commentary, but Mark Aged's remark does intrigue me as to whether your voice really does sound kind of cute.

….it might be the accent; people with New Zealand accents are described to sound "cute", so it might incidentally be the same with yours.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #8
but Mark Aged's remark does intrigue me as to whether your voice really does sound kind of cute.
It really doesn't. And my accent is less a cute consistent set of endearing idiosyncrasies in vowel pronunciation and more some awful attempt at sounding American that does poorly with some English consonant combinations and stress placements and for some reason the word 'English'. It's awful.




Post #9
I'm not sure how or why, but the way you say the word "Pokémon" is the cutest thing ever.

Pure Umbreon

  • Posts: 103
Post #10
Yes, I really want to hear the Rainteicune one as well.

And I think the whole thing went over pretty well. Sure, you made some stress errors, and I felt that the middle didn't have nearly the emphasis the beginning did, but it was rather entertaining anyway. I liked it.

Click if you have the time.



Post #11
Your statement is affirmed to me; I shall not listen to it.

Mark Aged


Post #12
Oh come now, don't be so hard on yourself, your voice really does a cute appeal to it!

*listens to it again*



Post #13
Your voice is so cuuute! 8D I love your accent too. It adds to the drama. :D


  • Posts: 49
Post #14
rayquaza can learn and forget fly look at
you will see.

Shadow "the GhostGirl"



Post #15
shadow, if you've ever read the actual Molzapart and Rainteicune, SHE IS AWARE OF THAT FACT.


  • Posts: 17
Post #16
I would just love to hear a dramatic reading that includes the words, "the pokéball melt."

Raitora Kuro Yamiraku


Post #17
Show us Raintecune. The detours were the most amusing part, in my honest opinion (yes, I have the capacity to type more then four letters, thank you).


  • Posts: 1783
Post #18
…can Rayquaza actually forget Fly? I mean, yeah, it learns it, but I wouldn't think the games have a special exception programmed for Rayquaza to be able to forget a move marked as an HM move, especially since the whole reason you can't forget HM moves is so that you can't get yourself stuck in a place by forgetting the HM move you used to get there.

Anyway, you may or may not remember that Molzapart and Rainteicune was written in 2001, before we had even an inkling that there were going to be games called Ruby and Sapphire, so I was actually right at the time. Fancy that.

I'm starting to think I should record another reading of the Rainteicune portion and try to ham it up a bit more. It'll probably be fun.



  • Posts: 1783
Post #19
…and here we go. Rainteicune, part one.

I actually tried my hand at editing here; there's one sentence I rerecorded and I cut out some fumbling in another spot. I don't know how audible it is if you don't know it's there.

EDIT: Okay, the rerecorded sentence is really, really audible thanks to the sudden lack of background hum (no idea how that happened). The cutting seems to have come out nicely, though.


Pure Umbreon

  • Posts: 103
Post #20
emphasis is much better in this one. Now all that is left is part 2 =D

Click if you have the time.

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