Happy Birthday, Quest for the Legends

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  • Posts: 123
Post #21
If we had any spam filters then you, bob, wouldnt be here.

Torterra will save us!

…We're doomed if turtwig wont take the job….

Sands Buisle

  • Posts: 351
Post #22
Twiggy! That's not nice!

Anyway, some of us aren't allowed alcahole.

Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.

… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.

Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!

Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…


  • Posts: 123
Post #23
Ye, some of us. Like me! I would die from over heating if I were to drink. Its killing hot here!
I gues you know where, sandstorm.
Yay he called me twiggy! My favourite pokemon. Anyway I think you can figure where I am..

Edit: Bob, If you are a user who takes part here, then Im sorry for saying that. I sometimes let out some mean jokes, but I dont mean them! Most of the time.. But here its nlot serious!

Torterra will save us!

…We're doomed if turtwig wont take the job….

Fox McCloud


Post #24
I consider it the 7-year anniversary… but I wonder… And this question is directed at Butterfree… Would you call this a birthday or an anniversary…? Subtle difference, but I just want to know…

Whew, blanked out for a second on SpamPoke Ambipom.


  • Posts: 1784
Post #25
Well, I call it a birthday because this fic is my baby. D:



  • Posts: 123
Post #26
Lol! Anyway, I made a new suggestion in the forum is dying thread.

Torterra will save us!

…We're doomed if turtwig wont take the job….


  • Posts: 31
Post #27
I have been reading since you had only chapter 26 :D Happy Birthday Chaletwo and Chalenor!



Post #28
Ha, I can't even remember what 6th grade was like (even though I remember my schedule and where my locker was o_O), but I'm constantly thinking, "Oh, I recently started Pokemon, I haven't been reading this fic for that long, I'm a noob on the forums…"

And then I remember that I started on Pokemon three years ago x_x

If I started TCoD about a year after that (when I had enough time to spare from the obssession over my Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald games) then I've been reading this fic for about two years, and maybe I've been on the forums for one and a half. I can't check accurately, though, since (in the words of Vendetta - I mean, TES - "the forums crapped themselves and died."

I can't remember clearly, but I think I came in while Chapter 33 was in progress. Or earlier. Or later. I really don't know. I am very sure that I came in before the Quest Blog and Scyther's Story.

And I've been on this site so long that I've begun to develop Butterfree's personality, rambling on and on about the same pointless thing… And have begun to write stories in my head about Scyther.

(Now that I look at it again, this thing looks so long it looks more like something I'd write on my own blog (if I had one) rather than a comment on someone else's. Yep, I have a Butterfree thing going on here.)

(Oh and I will continue to bore you… for a bit longer! My first spammifier was Unown A. So I typed in Unown A.

I was WRONG.)


  • Posts: 123
Post #29
I started pokemon over eight year ago,
But started TCoD a month ago. Difference?
One is more bloody and interesting (not to mention scarring!) and on the other there are no comments.

Torterra will save us!

…We're doomed if turtwig wont take the job….



Post #30
Heh, I don't remember when I found TCoD, but I do remember that TQftL was on either chapter 26 or 27 when I found it. I joined the forums on November 26, 2005, which means that I've been at the forums at lot longer than it feels like I've been. o.o Started on Pokémon in 2003 (I wish I was an older fan… actually an older video gamer in general Dx)



Post #31
I believe I started reading this three years ago. Stopped for a year, and came back.

It's come a long way, may it live to make a decade.



Post #32
I know it's a little late (my Internet connection laughs at me behind my back) but yay for TQftL still being in existence! Though on the Introduction page, should the line "six years" now be changed to "seven years"? Unless it shouldn't, then please forgive me.


  • Posts: 1784
Post #33
It should, but I still can't access the server, so it's stuck like that.



  • Posts: 14
Post #34
Pokemon's been a part of my life since I was 4, when Pokemon Red and Blue came out. They were the first games I'd ever played, but now, at 14, TQftL is my favorite way to experience the joy that is Pokemon. I started when the fic killed off Suicune, and I'll stay with it to the end. three cheers for Butterfree and the Quest for the Legends! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!



Post #35
Pokemon has been a part of my life since good old 1999 and I'm not stopping now! Also, Mark seems a bit too lucky. He finds a Dratini (I know that loads were released, but still) and a Letal. Maybe he has some kind of pseudo-legendary connection, since May found Larvitar while she was with Mark.


  • Posts: 1784
Post #36
Leta is not all that rare, though; the Leta family is a lot more common than the other pseudo-legendaries.



  • Posts: 200
Post #37
I learned to read on Pokemon, read extensively on Harry Potter, and read obsessively on this. Yata.


  • Posts: 123
Post #38
Ironically, pokemon made devasting changes to my life. Who would have believed that my english would get good by playing pokemon on my GBA?

Torterra will save us!

…We're doomed if turtwig wont take the job….


  • Posts: 14
Post #39
Pokemon seems to be the place that a lot of people I know started to read, myself included. Err… it was the reason I like to read, anyway


  • Posts: 123
Post #40
Same here.

Torterra will save us!

…We're doomed if turtwig wont take the job….

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