Ha, I can't even remember what 6th grade was like (even though I remember my schedule and where my locker was o_O), but I'm constantly thinking, "Oh, I recently started Pokemon, I haven't been reading this fic for that long, I'm a noob on the forums…"
And then I remember that I started on Pokemon three years ago x_x
If I started TCoD about a year after that (when I had enough time to spare from the obssession over my Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald games) then I've been reading this fic for about two years, and maybe I've been on the forums for one and a half. I can't check accurately, though, since (in the words of Vendetta - I mean, TES - "the forums crapped themselves and died."
I can't remember clearly, but I think I came in while Chapter 33 was in progress. Or earlier. Or later. I really don't know. I am very sure that I came in before the Quest Blog and Scyther's Story.
And I've been on this site so long that I've begun to develop Butterfree's personality, rambling on and on about the same pointless thing… And have begun to write stories in my head about Scyther.
(Now that I look at it again, this thing looks so long it looks more like something I'd write on my own blog (if I had one) rather than a comment on someone else's. Yep, I have a Butterfree thing going on here.)
(Oh and I will continue to bore you… for a bit longer! My first spammifier was Unown A. So I typed in Unown A.
I was WRONG.)