I wrote a chapter with a new pokemon in it but I failed to post it )-:
I'll try to rewrite it.
Chapter 6: Trainer battles just bug me!
Chris and Uri were walking to Lonorock City through the meadows of route 402.
"So, what type of pokemon does the Lonorock Gym leader use? Rock? Psycic?"
"Electrick," Chris answered, looking around for wild pokemon, "You know, Ivy should evolve next time I send her, you too will do great at the gym."
Sudenly, a Roller Skater trainer appeared, "My name is Benya, want a battle?" He asked.
"Sure," Chris shrugged," 2 on 2?"
"Fine with me!" the trainer yelled, jumping back, "Go, Scisor!" He yelled, tossing forward a pokeball, a large, red mantice with claws for hands apeared in a flash of light, "Scisor!" It shouted.
"Go, Ivy!" Chris yelled, tossing her pokeball forward, which opened with a burst of light, but when the light settled in, it revealed a creature which looked like a Balbasaur, but it was larger, had bigger fangs and, instead of a bulb, it had a blooming bud on its back.
"Ivy saur." It hissed.
"She evolved." Uri whispered in amazement.
The battle started with Ivy Paralyzing Scisor with Stun Spore, the rest of it was the two of them swapping Vine Whips and Slashes, in the end, Scissor's Paralysis kicked in, Chris exploited it by getting Ivy to power up and fire a Solar Beam, knocking Scisor out.
"Return," Benya returned his fallen Pokémon," Go, Scyzor!" The Pokémon that appeared looked like a Scyther, but it was much darker, it's Scythes and eyes were neon green, just like the crystals uttering its body. "Scy zor!" It Screeched.
"Ivy, Stun Spore!" Yelled Chris, unintimidated by his opponent's frightening figure.
""Bug Shard," Benya calmly ordered, Scyzor's crystals started glowing and propelled themselves towards Ivy.
"Ivyyyysaaaaur!" Ivy screamed as she fainted," Go Uri! Water Gun, fast!" Chris yelled, Uri fired a jet of water, it hit Scyzor strait in the face.
"X-Scissors" Benya calmly ordered, but to his astonishment, Scyzor didn't move.
"Paralysis," Chris grinned widly," Ivy released some Stun Spores when it fainted, Uri's Water Gun sent them strait towards Scyzor, Paralyzing it. Now, Uri! Use Elemental Caterpult!" The attack hit the immobile mantice square in the chest, unable to withstand the attack, the bug fell in a burst of flames." Bug/Steel Types like Scisor and Scyzor do great against Grass attacks, but they just can't stand Fire moves." Chris explained as Benya returned his pokemon, dumbfounded.
Finally, Chris and Uri reached Lonorock city, suddenly, Uri started feeling really warm, Chris gasped.
"What's going on? What's happening to me!?" Uri yelled, terriffied.
What do you think is going to happen? I'll only post the next chapter in a month/after atleast one person gussed, which ever happens to be first, also, could you answer my previous question? Please?
Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.
… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.
Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!
Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…