Comments on Part II: Friendship

Pages: 1

Latias spirit
Story: Scyther's Story
Chapter: Part II: Friendship

I need to test an error.

Reply: Thanks for letting me know of that! I can't believe I never noticed this error in all the years this site has been up.

[01/14/2016 21:17:22]

Latias spirit
Story: Scyther's Story
Chapter: Part II: Friendship

Sorry I sent that twice.

[01/14/2016 21:11:59]

Latias spirit
Story: Scyther's Story
Chapter: Part II: Friendship

This seems great. I can't find any mistakes but I don't really pay attention to stuff like that anyway.

[01/14/2016 21:10:40]

Latias spirit
Story: Scyther's Story
Chapter: Part II: Friendship

This seems great. I can't find any mistakes but I don't really pay attention to stuff like that anyway.

[01/14/2016 21:10:20]

Story: Scyther's Story
Chapter: Part II: Friendship

Skemmtileg goðsagan um skýin, mánann og sólina.

[03/13/2012 12:17:03]

Story: Scyther's Story
Chapter: Part II: Friendship

I have a syther named Razor. She was named after a person from a non-poke'mon story of mine, though.

[05/02/2010 20:05:21]

ShinyRedEon =D
Story: Scyther's Story
Chapter: Part II: Friendship

Love it ^-^, also it's interesting to find out more about how Razor knew Stormblade and Shadowdart.

[04/14/2010 08:12:50]

Story: Scyther's Story
Chapter: Part II: Friendship

Under part "VI", it says:

"The humans called it ‘creativity’. The Scyther called it ‘unnecessary wondering about trivial things’."

It sort of jumped out at me. I'm wondering if it is meant to say:

The humans called it ‘CURIOSITY’. The Scyther called it ‘unnecessary wondering about trivial things’.

I could be wrong. Please clarify?

Reply: No, it's meant to be creativity. It's talking about stories and how few Scyther actually bother to think about 'trivial things' enough to want to create some sort of an explanation for them, the way us more creative humans have done with religion through the ages. The comparison isn't quite parallel, since the creativity isn't exactly the wondering part, but this was the basic idea behind what I was trying to say.

[01/01/2010 02:27:24]

Story: Scyther's Story
Chapter: Part II: Friendship

"Some of the older Scyther told of how once the moon had caught up with the sun and nearly extinguished her fire, but she had gotten away narrowly and the eternal race had continued."

Is it just me, or is this a reference to a solar eclipse?

Reply: Yes, it is.

[04/06/2009 22:19:29]

Pages: 1