Comments on Chapter 65: Three Dragons

Pages: 1

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 65: Three Dragons

Funny, having Mew tell the legendaries that the previous war was just a one-time thing seems like it would require her to come up with a pretty elaborate story about how that could be. Like, what exactly would cause all the legendaries to suddenly slaughter each other, every single one of them, and how could Mew really assure everyone that it would never happen again? Whatever the case, it seems like the legendaries would at least *try* to do something to to prevent the situation from happening again if they actually knew about it. Like, if Mew spun it as Arceus having come down and cast judgment on the legendaries for their sins (reasonably close to the truth), then I would expect to see at least some of the legendaries adhering to their own kind of religion where they try to be good so Arceus doesn't show up and slaughter them all in the future. Or if Mew said that one legendary became super powerful and basically started all the murdering, etc., I would expect some kind of agreement or something between the legends to try and prevent anyone from getting so powerful again. Like I'm trying to think up a scenario where Mew would have fabricated something and Chaletwo's capture plan (or the beasts' soul gems) were the only measures anyone was taking to prevent a future war and having trouble coming up with one.

I agree that the current set-up, where the legendaries in general don't seem to realize that there ever was a war or question why Mew made them a thousand or so years ago, doesn't make a lot of sense. And probably the humans would have noticed all this nonsense going down unless someone mass-memory-modded them every time or something (and even then there would be physical evidence…). idk. It's a tough problem.

Just curious as we get into the NaNo chapters, do you think that NaNo was good for this fic overall? Like here, you basically rewrote the entire chapter, so you weren't able to use the draft for all that much. Do you think you might have finished faster if you hadn't done that NaNo sprint and then had to do so much editing afterwards, or do you think figuring out some of this stuff that didn't work on the first go-round ended up helping?

Reply: Like I said in there, the current canon is that Mew just made it sound like it happened out of nowhere, had never happened before, and nobody knew why - no elaborate story, no Arceus coming down, just one big question mark. It's pretty hard to take measures against a complete unknown. It does leave some earlier dialogue in the fic sounding a a bit odd, like Entei and Chaletwo both indicating they'd fully believed they'd never die for a thousand years (surely at least for a while at first they'd have worried about whether something like that could reoccur), and that's the sort of thing I mean by writing it more like that was the case from the start.

It might actually be more robust for Mew to just go with it not involving them going mad at all, and just saying it was a regular old war where they'd split into factions over some disagreement and then killed each other. Obviously then it's pretty reasonable for the legendaries not to spend their time worrying about that just happening when they're all broadly getting along fine barring individual rivalries. Mew would need to fudge something about the whole Chalenor dying issue, though - if he was supposedly the Preserver, he should be a true immortal, so a mundane war shouldn't be able to kill him. Maybe Chaletwo thinks only Mew is a true immortal. Hmmm.

I think the fic did benefit a lot from me writing out this bad rough draft of the entire rest first and then being able to have a full overview while I thought about how I wanted to change it. Writing and publishing a chapter at a time, I would almost certainly have done a much worse job building things up, especially when it comes to May's arc.

[07/15/2019 18:34:19]

Person using an e-reader to browse the Internet
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 65: Three Dragons

I've found a sentence in this chapter with a confusing pronoun, which I assume is a typo.
This one is at the beginning of the 16th paragraph from the bottom. May's Mutark uses the pronoun "their", which is not used for it anywhere else that I have read so far.

Reply: That's referring to Racko and Pamela, not to Mutark; they were on Dracobalt's back earlier, and after Preciure tore them off, Mutark took their place there.

[07/10/2019 11:35:46]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 65: Three Dragons

Wouldn't Alan's arm be hurt by May catching him like that?

Reply: May's flying down at the same speed he is at the time, so no.

[04/03/2016 17:47:34]

Latias spirit
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 65: Three Dragons

… I just realized that this is the last chapter so far.

[01/13/2016 04:43:40]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 65: Three Dragons

Þetta var skemmtilegur kafli, þó ég hafi ekki gaman af bardögum. Alla vega máttu rifja upp fyrir mér: Var Dragoreen ein af Legendary pokemonsystrunum? Hún leiddi þau á vitlausan stað í leit að bræðrunum, ekki satt? Þannig að bræðurnir voru ekki í Acaria heldur í Scorpio þar sem er hlýrra. Og hvað var þetta með Robin og Tyranitar? Eitthvað sem May er ósátt við, einhver mistök sem Robin gerði?

Reply: Jú, þú manst rétt hver Dragoreen er.

May átti Tyranitar. Hann drap Taylor (strákinn sem vann meistarakeppnina), og May veit að það var að hluta til henni að kenna, vegna þess að hún tók ekki eftir að Tyranitar var í raun ofvaxið barn. Robin grefur undan sjálfstraustinu hjá May, vegna þess að Robin er jafngóð í bardögum og hún en sýnir pokémonunum sínum athygli og virðingu sem gerðu það ljóst að hún hefði ekki gert sömu mistök varðandi Tyranitar. Í upphafi síðasta kafla vissi Robin ekki að Tyranitar hefði drepið Taylor og spurði um hann, og hún leit upp til May. Þetta var mjög stressandi fyrir May, sem fannst hún ekki eiga það skilið og óttaðist hvað Robin myndi finnast ef hún vissi af morðinu. Á endanum ákvað hún að ljúka þessu af með því að segja Robin frá því. Það er þetta sem þeir voru að tala um varðandi May, Robin og Tyranitar.

[06/26/2015 18:19:39]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 65: Three Dragons

Someone asked about a TQftL e-book on your tumblr, and I don't feel like resurrecting my old dead tumblr to reply, but maybe you could tell them that there are tools that can automatically convert stories on into .epub or .mobi files, I forget which (not that you can't convert between them, anyway). I remember using one to get TQftL on my Kindle to reread a few years ago.

[05/18/2015 01:08:40]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 65: Three Dragons

"Venoir gave him a poisonous glare"

[05/14/2015 02:55:30]

Pages: 1