Comments on The Ouen League – Chapter 50: Friendly Competition
Pages: 1
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 50: Friendly Competition
"It's a bit cheap how lucky Mark is getting with all this paralysis, isn't it?" He uses it a ton, so he could get lucky sometimes. Though it may happen in a couple of other battles too. Not sure.
[06/07/2024 02:17:04]
Latias spirit
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 50: Friendly Competition
I want to imagine all these battles in game form.
[01/10/2016 15:49:13]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 50: Friendly Competition
I uh… just noticed. Near the end of the chapter, Mark says "You can stay with me in Sailance if you want, but I can also take you back where I caught you, or wherever you like.” Is the Effect no longer a thing? How can his pokémon choose to stay with him in Sailance if they will eventually become unconscious permanently by doing so? He wouldn't be able to live in Sailance and still have his pokémon at all, right?Reply: The Effect is a thing in the IALCOTN - not in the ILCOE. As I keep emphasizing, the two versions are not consistent with one another. In the ILCOE, wild Pokémon generally stay away from that part of Ouen, instinctively just not liking the place, but the precise reasons are a mystery and they suffer no adverse effects if they do come there.
Come to think of it, I should really note this on the Ouen Map page - it was made more to go with the IALCOTN initially (like most of this minipage), but it's bound to be pretty confusing when I've mostly been writing the ILCOE for the past several years.
[04/09/2013 04:14:39]
Shiny Charizard
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 50: Friendly Competition
I basically skipped the entire chapter because I already knew that Mark lost. It was obvious, you've been pointing out May is a stronger trainer than Mark throughout the story.
[06/28/2012 01:35:58]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 50: Friendly Competition
Ég var mjög hrifin af sálfræðinni í þessum kafla. Eins og þegar Mark er á tauginni yfir því að May geti lesið hugsanir hans.
Svo pokemonar geta kallað sig út úr pokebolta sjálfir, og afturkallað sig inn í boltann líka. Mér finnst dálítið skrítið að það komi fyrst fram núna í 50 kafla.
Spurningar: Nightmare failed to kill you? Er vísað í bardagann í 49 kafla?
Og af hverju ætti Nightmare að vilja drepa fyrrum kærasta sinn?
Mutark stækkar og verður grimmari, en er samt ekki að þróast? Hann er áfram Mutark,ekki satt?
Ég sá tvisvar eða þrisvar sömu prentvilluna. Fist varð first.
Reply: Það hefur komið fram oft og mörgum sinnum að pokémonar geta afturkallað sjálfa sig eða komið út af sjálfsdáðum. Af minnisstæðari dæmum kallaði til dæmis Lapras sig sjálfa inn í boltann í 33. kafla áður en bardaginn byrjaði, rétt eftir að hún neitaði að berjast fyrir May, og Gyarados sendi sig sjálfur út í 35. kafla til að ráðast á Suicune. Það voru heldur ekki fyrstu skiptin; til dæmis kallaði Scyther sjálfan sig inn í kúluna í 18. kafla (minnir mig) o.s.frv.
"Nightmare failed to kill you" vísar í baksögu Scythers, nokkrum árum áður en sagan byrjar. Þau voru aldrei saman heldur var hann bara skotinn í henni. Á einum tímapunkti skoraði hann hana á hólm í bræðiskasti eftir að hún móðgaði hann, í einvígi upp á líf og dauða. Hún vann en drap hann ekki, sem stríðir mjög gegn lögum og venjum samfélags þeirra þar sem slíkt er túlkað sem ótti við dauðann og skömm fyrir þau bæði.
Mutark er áfram Mutark þegar hún stækkar, jú. Þetta er sérstakur eiginleiki tegundarinnar og tengist ekki þróun, enda breytist hún aftur til baka eftirá.
Furðuleg innsláttarvilla og furðulegt að ég hafi ekki tekið eftir henni fyrr. Ég laga þetta þegar ég kem heim.
[07/07/2011 16:02:00]
ShinyRedEon =D
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 50: Friendly Competition
WOW that battle is THE battle of awsomeness.
[04/13/2010 03:08:55]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 50: Friendly Competition
Absolutely amazing chapter, like the rest. I love the item descriptions, since they really seem to add more to the intensity of the battle. It was good to see Mutark battle too. I did find one problem though; Blaziken can't actually learn Mach Punch in the games.Reply: …huh, it can't? Damn it, I could have sworn it could. <_< Ugh, another thing to try to replace.
[03/19/2010 00:07:15]
Scytherian Poetry
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 50: Friendly Competition
Was it only me who got really disgusted when Mutark came out with the spiky ball thing? [insert vomiting noise here] A great chapter, Butterfree! Gotten over your Buffy/Angel infatuation yet? The chapter craving is getting stronger!Reply: Disgusted in what sense? Because I agree that it's certainly very ethically questionable to give a Pokémon a Sticky Barb in the hope of making it hurt it and activating an ability, but the vomiting part makes it sound like the squicky kind of disgusting, which I'm not sure I get. o.O
No, not over the infatuation. You'd better get used to waiting, because as they say, you ain't seen nothing yet. Chapter 34 took me six months. :P
[12/15/2009 10:16:36]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 50: Friendly Competition
When will the next chapter be released?Reply: When I've written it. See the FAQ.
[12/08/2009 11:13:04]
Scytherian Poetry
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 50: Friendly Competition
Hey, Butterfree.
Firstly, I hate you for all the sleep I missed because of your damned fic!! *Falls asleep on keyboard, wakes up with keyboard marks on face*
Secondly, I love you for the same reason!!!
Thirdly, I have some advise for you! No, I'm not trying to make you do anything differently, but just hear me out. I read some of the blog posts about chapter 51 and onwards, and how you aren't in the mood for writing. To fix that, all you really need to do is read through you fic once or twice. All the way through. Without any shortcuts. Tedious, I know, but i'll explain why.
While reading, search for any characters that could make a comeback (Victor, Mitch, Rick, Alan). Think up a problem for them, and how Mark fixes it. Write it down. There's a new chapter! Of course, It might not go anywhere, or even adhere to the plotline, but it's a chapter nonetheless.
Also fix a few problems for the other characters (May's Lapras, Mark's Letaligon, etc). Providing new problems is also an option, maybe make May lose her next league battle against Taylor, make her so angry that she has to come back next year. There's a few nice little back up plans for you if you run out of ideas!Reply: Well, see, that isn't my problem at all. I don't need ideas for stuff to make a chapter out of; I already have the entire rest of the story planned out and know exactly what is going to happen in chapter 51, and 52, and every chapter up to the final chapter. I'm just not in the mood to write it, which is entirely unconnected to my very plentiful supply of ideas.
But really, "Maybe make May lose her next league battle against Taylor"? Do you honestly think I wouldn't have something as significant and in as near a future as THAT very carefully planned already? o_O I'd need to be a blabbering idiot to have never given any thought to what happens with May's remaining league battles, even if I didn't have the entire rest of the fic planned. I appreciate your enthusiasm to help, but I'm really not desperate enough to start ripping off readers' ideas.
Plus, Mark really isn't the problem-solving type. At all. I can't recall a single problem he has come anywhere close to fixing during the entire story so far. Suggesting fixing problems as filler material is nice when fixing other people's problems is a natural thing for the character to do when nothing important is happening (e.g. most TV shows, which tend to be about people who unlike Mark are pretty competent at what they do), but in this case it is really… not.
But thanks anyway. Glad to hear you've taken an interest. :P
[12/07/2009 01:27:08]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 50: Friendly Competition
I would've loved the match to end in a draw, I love both characters way too much.Reply: Well, unfortunately, who wins a battle depends on the ability of the trainers and Pokémon involved, not on how much you like the characters. :P
[12/04/2009 01:56:11]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 50: Friendly Competition
Sorry for posting this late, but if the pokemon chooses to be with Mark in the end at Sailance, won't they suffer from the "weather effect"?Reply: You're confusing it with the IALCOTN. In the ILCOE, there is no named Effect at all; Pokémon don't like being there, but they don't suffer any adverse effects from being there, either.
[11/30/2009 10:30:23]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 50: Friendly Competition
Whoa. This is
1. Action packed.
2. The best chapter ever! (for me, anyway)
3. A real tearjerker.
Good job.
[10/24/2009 07:14:51]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 50: Friendly Competition
Awesome. :D
[10/17/2009 03:54:24]
Raitora Kuro Yamiraku
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 50: Friendly Competition
OMIGAWD. Wow. …Man, I wish you individualized Blaziken more. I mean, Blazey's my favorite Pokemon, and I had hoped, with the inevitable, cliched battle taking place between Mark and May, he would have more of a personality. You know, all sexy and awesome and stuff. XDDD (And hey, did anyone else see a bit of Scyther/Mark going on? I mean, not saying that was your intention, but that's just the vibe I got from it. XD)Reply: But I don't like Blaziken and the fact May replaced Quilava with him is a symbol of the dark side of her agonized psyche! :<
…okay, not really, but I think Blaziken has better things to do during battle than trying to be sexy for you. :P The amount of personality one can stuff into a short portion of a League battle is rather negligible unless the Pokémon happens to have a personality that shows itself particularly well in how it battles, such as Floatzel, or it gets a lot of opportunity to improvise. Blaziken had neither. And unfortunately, like most of May's Pokémon, Blaziken is not an important character in this story, and while his personality will show if there happens to be a situation where it would, I currently have no plans to go out of my way to include it.
No comment on Scyther/Mark. :P
[10/10/2009 04:57:07]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 50: Friendly Competition
During the battle against Tyranitar and Letaligon: "…the flow of sand around him jerking as if in sympathy." Please forgive me for being dense, but what does it mean for the sand to be jerking about sympathetically? Why is Tyranitar suddenly sympathetic? However, this is a very nice chapter; this is one of the best Pokemon fanfics I have seen!Reply: The idea was just to say that Tyranitar was feeling pain, and that disrupted the flow of the sand, as if it were personally responding to Tyranitar's pain as opposed to just being induced by his presence.
[10/08/2009 21:34:59]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 50: Friendly Competition
Wow. The battle was incredible and Mark did really well. I wonder what's going to happen to Scyther?
[10/08/2009 20:09:17]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 50: Friendly Competition
yes, I have a little bit of Criticism, I'm not trying to be rude, but it's "Dove" not "Dived", but other than that, the chapter was great. It was kinda obvious Mark would lose, but who doesn't once in a while?Reply: Both "dove" and "dived" are correct. I like to use "dived" because, one, it is actually the original form ("dove" is an Americanization originally incorrectly imitating verbs like "drive" that has simply gained enough common usage to be considered correct), and two, "dove" makes me think of the bird.
[10/08/2009 10:53:47]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 50: Friendly Competition
First comment again! Whoo. :]
Oh my gosh. This was awesome but sad :[. Ahh! Mark's done training nooooo!
[10/08/2009 00:26:51]
Pages: 1