Comments on Chapter 27: Past, Present and Future

Pages: 1

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 27: Past, Present and Future

Skarmory is already present in Johto. Did May just want a lower level one and right away? I'm curious how long that trip was just to get one Pokemon. I don't recall Ouen's location relative to Johto coming up.

Also, Scyther's suicidal feelings are pretty decently written and plausible for his situation, the angst is just over the top - which presumably wouldn't be the case if you write it again while not being 15. I would just note that often the most suicidal people don't tell anyone how they feel, so the part where Scyther is often very eager to explain how suicidal he was and still is comes off as odd. It'd be more likely for Mark or someone else to need to convince him to talk about it. Also, people don't always make attempts to commit suicide when they're at their worst. It's actually more likely that in your most depressed moments, you are suicidal but don't have the energy to do it. Instead, once you start to feel a bit better, that's when you paradoxically have the energy to try. It's a huge risk when people go on anti-depressants and is one of the reasons they're supposed to he watched closely by someone they trust early on with a new medication - the anti-depressants may make them feel better enough that they can manage to kill themselves. Those are the things I'd suggest taking into consideration for the rewrite.

[06/03/2024 13:21:40]

Dylan Buchanan
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 27: Past, Present and Future

Did you plan this? I mean, did you plan for the story to transform into a quest to save the world or was it originally meant to be a simple journey fic?

Reply: The original plan was for it to be about Mark catching legendaries just because. Then I realized that was stupid and was going to make it a simple journey fic, except then I realized the title wouldn't make any sense, so I concocted another plot that would involve catching legendaries. I'd decided on it at least by the time I wrote chapter 11 of the original version, since I inserted random foreshadowing for it there.

[03/14/2014 16:37:19]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 27: Past, Present and Future

Oops double posted the same comment. Sorry.

[06/26/2012 22:12:58]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 27: Past, Present and Future

Well the save the world crap went over well with the Pokemon

[06/26/2012 22:12:21]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 27: Past, Present and Future

Well the save the world crap went over well with the Pokemon

[06/26/2012 22:11:49]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 27: Past, Present and Future

Scyther says in this chapter that there is a leader pair in the swarm, but in Scyther's Story there's only one leader. Why is this exactly?

Reply: Retcon. I wrote this chapter and said there was a pair, then I thought more about it and realized that didn't really make sense so I changed it.

[06/03/2010 18:46:53]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 27: Past, Present and Future

Er mikilvægt að lesa aukefnið?

Mér finnst þessi kafli góður. Hann skýrir ýmislegt, og gefur persónunum meiri dýpt.

Af hverju getur Pupitar ekki hreyft sig?

Reply: Ef það væri mikilvægt að lesa aukaefnið væri það ekki aukaefni. Þú lest það bara ef þú hefur áhuga.

Pupitar er púpa úr steini, svo hann getur mjög takmarkað hreyft sig.

[03/12/2010 00:18:26]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 27: Past, Present and Future

You said Dragonair practiced his flying skills.
That would mean Mark had 7 Pokemon.

Reply: Technically, he was practicing his flying skills at the beginning of the chapter, when Gyarados was not out, so theoretically Mark could have just recalled him by the time they made the campfire, but I don't think I was actually thinking it that far at the time I wrote that.

[04/06/2009 16:49:56]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 27: Past, Present and Future

You may have noticed this, but Ash's Grovyle evolves into Sceptile not too long after it gets a crush on Nurse Joy's Meganium. So Racko should be saying he is Ash's Sceptile's son, right?

Reply: That happened quite a while after that chapter was written and I haven't edited it yet. I should probably do it soon.

[03/22/2009 20:32:58]

Pages: 1