Comments on The Pokémon Festival – May 25th: Chaletwo's Arrival

Pages: 1

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Pokémon Festival – May 25th: Chaletwo's Arrival

I thought you'd comment on it here, but I'm still confused about why they can only talk when Mark's dead. Chaletwo handwaves it by just saying someone could otherwise always overhear, but 1. someone could overhear Mark talking to May, Alan, and others later about the War, yet Chaletwo never cares about that, and 2. both Chaletwo and Molzapart can speak to people psychically anyway, which presumably can't possibly be overheard.

Reply: I just wanted Chaletwo to kill Mark and then handwaved a reason he supposedly had to; it never made much sense.

[06/03/2024 11:16:20]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Pokémon Festival – May 25th: Chaletwo's Arrival

Ah hah! I've got it! The Destroyer is… Chalenor! (He is very very most likely not, but if he is then I will my non-existant hat.)

[07/08/2016 01:32:06]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Pokémon Festival – May 25th: Chaletwo's Arrival

War of Legends? That was out of the blue.

[06/26/2012 21:44:01]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Pokémon Festival – May 25th: Chaletwo's Arrival


[04/12/2010 10:27:41]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Pokémon Festival – May 25th: Chaletwo's Arrival

I cant wait to read the rest =D

[04/09/2010 02:36:57]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Pokémon Festival – May 25th: Chaletwo's Arrival

Frábær kafli.

Eitt sem ég skildi ekki. Þegar Mark var að horfa á Chaletwo, hugsaði hann eitthvað um Master Ball (hvað er það?). Chaletwo virtist skynja þetta og leit aftur á hann…

[02/03/2010 00:56:53]

Pages: 1