Comments on Chapter 10: The Mew Hunter

Pages: 1

Latias spirit
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 10: The Mew Hunter

I lied, Glaceon was too tempting. This is a great story.

[01/06/2016 22:29:04]

Dylan Buchanan
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 10: The Mew Hunter

Very good, very well written, nice twist that you miraculously made surprising where it usually would have been cliche. Why exactly did you get all of your party in the first 10 chapters? Not that I think any differently for it, just did you plan it that way, was it the spur of the moment, or something else?

Reply: I'd planned a team of Pokémon I liked that I was going to make him end up with (hey, I was twelve) and actually got him most of that within the first five chapters, since at the time I was going to give him a legendary in the sixth spot (again, I was twelve). Scyther joining up was completely spur-of-the-moment, though; in the original plan I was just going to have the Mew Hunter threaten him with a random Scyther but in the process of writing the chapter I came to enjoy the Scyther's character so much I wanted to make him recurring.

Mark's not quite done catching Pokémon even though he has a team of six, though.

[03/12/2014 23:20:11]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 10: The Mew Hunter

I only recently found this but its better than any fanfiction I could EVER come up with!

[06/26/2012 19:38:00]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 10: The Mew Hunter

"An abandoned Charmeleon, a baby Eevee who didn’t know what Pokémon training was, a Sandshrew who had just gained his very first bit of confidence, a starved, weird Gyarados, and a depressed Scyther."

This part just made me crack up. I know it's not necessarily funny, but the exact wording you used for Gyrados was just too much.

Also, you forgot to mention Dratini.

And finally, the Pokemon Mark catches all seem too obvious. Honestly, it actually surprised me when Scyther leaped out the window rather than just join Mark right away. And I've noticed that while half of Mark's team can talk as well as a few other occuring Pokemon, the only one that surprised people was Gyrados. They all reacted when Gyrados spoke, but when Charmeleon, or Scyther, or Kabutops spoke, they just acted as though it were normal.

Reply: Dratini wasn't mentioned because there wasn't anything off about him to Mark's knowledge that could have been listed in that sentence.

Gyarados is the only Pokémon that actually, physically speaks human. The other Pokémon aren't speaking human; they're speaking Pokémon speech, which is translated in the narration because Mark understands it (as established in the first chapter).

[10/30/2011 21:22:24]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 10: The Mew Hunter

Commenting again, excellent twist, regarding the Mew Hunter. I must admit…it is rather odd to witness death in Pokemon, simply because…you just don't really think about them when they get hit by attacks (it's true, i always wondered whether Guillotine cut a pokemon in half, but they could be healed…).

Great chapter, and one of the highlights so far is the last paragraph (regarding Mark's Team). Two words. E-PIC.


[04/19/2010 17:33:32]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 10: The Mew Hunter

Það er að myndast teymi sem væntanlega mun upplifa fleiri ævintýri, ekki satt

[01/24/2009 23:34:06]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 10: The Mew Hunter

I love Scyther's(Razor's)character…I'm going to go re-read Scyther's Story now <3

[12/20/2008 00:33:14]

Pages: 1