Comments on The Quest for the Legends (ILCOEp)

Pages: 1 2

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOEp)
Chapter: Prologue

I don't know where to comment this, so I'll just comment it here. The Ouen map works in Google Chrome too.

[03/04/2025 14:26:46]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOEp)
Chapter: The Final Stretch – Chapter 75: Mewtwo²

Sorry. I just… Mew, Chalenor and Chaletwo? Yeah. The Creator, Preserver and Destroyer. I understand that. But Entei? It feels like you just randomly picked him from the (does quick math) 30 or so other legendaries. He's a minor character. When I read that part, the first thing I thought was "Okay, so the Legendary Beast Trio is the Legendary Beast Duo now, but why?" I have a solution though. Some of Entei's Pokédex entries claim that he's born whenever a volcano erupts. What if it's the other way around? What if, when Entei dies, if his soul can find an active volcano quickly enough, he is reborn and that volcano erupts?

Reply: The other thirty legendaries didn't choose Spirit, nor were they condescending dicks who had their own, kind of exploitative plan going to escape the war by using mortal Pokémon. Any of the others would have been random; Entei was not. I already explained the narrative reasons I found it appropriate for him to die, but you kind of ignored those in favor of acting like I just wanted to kill a legendary and rolled a die. That's absolutely not why I killed him! I had no desire to kill off a random legendary just because, and didn't; I did it because I found it the right end for Entei's particular role in the story.

Meanwhile, I think it would genuinely be pretty random and pointless to hastily retcon that actually Entei's totally not dead if he finds an active volcano. What does that change or contribute to the narrative? Why is it better if Entei lives? To me, that wouldn't contribute anything other than undermining Spirit's chance to move on from this pretty questionable codependency she had going on with him.

Maybe we just have a philosophical difference, where you tend to feel that it's just generally better the more characters make it out alive. That's definitely not how I feel about stories. It's okay if you do! It's fine if you don't like that Entei died. All I can do is explain why I wrote it the way I did, and it's up to you whether you're happy with that answer or whether what I write is to your taste.

[03/04/2025 14:24:04]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOEp)
Chapter: The Final Stretch – Chapter 75: Mewtwo²

Why did Entei di? So random and so pointless. Please remove it.

Reply: For narrative reasons. There's an irony that I like to Entei's very insistence that he had a better method to evade the War leading to his downfall. Additionally, Spirit's character arc is about her vain self-image revolving around being chosen, maintained in the face of Entei's selfishness and utter lack of giving a damn about her; Spirit ultimately failing to protect Entei, even as she tried far harder than he really deserved, was another fun bit of irony while also ultimately setting her free and giving her the chance to grow a new and healthier self-image that doesn't revolve around Entei.

You do realize it's very rude and kind of irritating to comment on other people's creative work ordering them to remove bits you don't like, right? You can express your opinion, and maybe if you do it in a thoughtful and convincing way (as opposed to just calling it "so random and pointless" without elaboration), I might even agree with you. But you don't get to just tell me to make the story different according to how you think it should go. It makes you sound very entitled. I hope you're not acting like this with other people who make things you enjoy!

[02/26/2025 00:43:20]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOEp)
Chapter: Chapter 76: Chalenor

I just skipped this entire chapter. Booriiiing.

[01/10/2025 14:27:44]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOEp)
Chapter: The Final Stretch – Chapter 72: Rick

I almost feel sorry for Rick. Wait… Sike! I actually don't. He deserved EVERYTHING.

[01/10/2025 13:15:13]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOEp)
Chapter: Chapter 2: The Book

I reread this just so I remember which Color Dragon is which, and I just discovered that all of the spam verification Pokémon I have seen so far were Legendaries. I thought that was intentional… until I saw the Raichu at the bottom of the page.

[01/10/2025 10:39:38]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOEp)
Chapter: Chapter 63: Recovery

This constant POV-switching is hurting my brain. Please always specify who the current POV belongs to.

[01/09/2025 14:34:01]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOEp)
Chapter: Chapter 61: Mewtwo

No wait, it isn't. It's just my luck that I got Azelf on chapter 60 and Zekrom here. I reloaded this page and now it's Mawile.

[01/09/2025 14:22:27]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOEp)
Chapter: Chapter 61: Mewtwo

Is the spam verification Pokémon always a Legendary here?

[01/09/2025 14:21:12]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOEp)
Chapter: Chapter 58: Sins of the Mother

Should have saved that "awww" until here

[01/09/2025 01:21:01]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOEp)
Chapter: Chapter 57: Three Conversations


[01/09/2025 01:14:34]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOEp)
Chapter: Chapter 54: Reunion

.. / .– .- … / … — / ..- .–. … . - / .– .. - …. / - …. . / .–. .-. . …- .. — ..- … / -.-. …. .- .–. - . .-. / .. / -.-. — ..- .-.. -.. -. .—-. - / . …- . -. / -.-. — – – . -. - / - …. . .-. . .-.-.- / - …. .. … / ..-. .- -. ..-. .. -.-. / .— ..- … - / -.. .-. — .–. .–. . -.. / - — / -.. / .. -. / – -.– / .-. .- - .. -. –. .-.-.- / .–. .-. . …- .. — ..- … .-.. -.– –..– / .. - / .– .- … / .- -. / … .-.-.-

[01/08/2025 07:49:31]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOEp)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 50: Friendly Competition

.. / - …. — ..- –. …. - / – .- .-. -.- / .– .- … / –. — .. -. –. / - — / -… . -.-. — – . / -.-. …. .- – .–. .. — -.

Reply: You do realize whatever device you're using is combining three dots into an ellipsis and two or three dashes into en or em dashes? The Morse code is just incorrect until I manually correct it, which is a bit tedious.

[01/08/2025 07:11:52]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOEp)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 49: The Rage of a Scyther

It's so weird that you switched POVs at the end. This is the first time that happened in this entire fanfic.

Reply: It's not the first time, actually - chapter three did it, as did chapter fourteen, as did chapter thirty.

[01/08/2025 06:01:06]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOEp)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 47: The First Preliminary

.. / …. .- - . / - .- -.– .-.. — .-.

[01/08/2025 05:40:07]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOEp)
Chapter: Chapter 41: Return to Scorpio City

- …. .. … / .. … / -.. .- – -. / -.-. — — .-..

[01/02/2025 11:34:28]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOEp)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 47: The First Preliminary

You had Thunder Wave fail on Lanturn here, but didn't it specifically work on two Volt Absorb Lanturn previously?

Reply: Yeah, this is mentioned in the "Goofs" section on this site.

[05/28/2024 23:34:23]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOEp)
Chapter: Chapter 42: Splitting Up

"The legendaries theyd’d fought he had at least gotten a good look at"

typo in theyd'd

[05/28/2024 20:58:04]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOEp)
Chapter: Chapter 30: The Dragons of Ouen

bruh scythur is my spirit animal

[12/27/2022 15:21:32]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOEp)
Chapter: Chapter 77: Home

When I started rereading this, I only remembered reading up to the Color Dragon Brothers, and even that was really, really hazy. The last thing I remembered clearly was Letaligon reuniting with her mother.

I think there’s something really special about reading long fanfic or webnovels, the kind that take years to complete, that you don’t get with published novels. When I was young, authors were like gods. These amazing people creating stories that seemed to reach millions. Then I discovered fanfic and realized ‘oh. Anyone can do this. I can do it too.’

So reading a long fanfic like this, where the first chapters are stumbling and childish, but it steadily improved and becomes something beautiful? It’s really really good. It fills me with more confidence to write my own fanfics and original novels than anything else, even if they might take years.

I’m glad we got closure for Mark’s whole party and what they’d be doing. I appreciated the scene with Mrs Grodski, even if she was a very minor character, acknowledging they were both kinda jerkish snd rude to each other. It felt a bit like a thesis to themes explored in the story, simplified. The Legends were all flawed, it may not have been anyone’s fault, the War. But at the end of it all… Mark and Mrs Grodski acknowledged their flaws, and that they had grown. And apologized. It was nice.

I’m also happy Mewtwo^2 didn’t really fie, and got to figure out a life of his own.

In conclusion, this fic may be flawed too, but I’m of the opinion that if you work on a story for long enough, a piece of your soul becomes stuck in it, and it becomes something really touching and beautiful. And I think a piece of your soul is in this story. Thank you for sharing it, and continuing it even to this day, and congrats on completing it, even if I’m a bit late.

I think I’ll probably go back to read the commentary, ‘cause I’m a nerd for analysis, worldbuilding, and behind the scenes stuff. Have a lovely day!

Reply: These comments are fantastic and have made my evening, love that you're picking up on various themes and ideas. There's definitely a large piece of my soul in this story; so happy to hear you enjoyed seeing it grow from its clumsy, flawed roots. <3

[06/23/2022 12:07:27]

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