Comments on Chapter 2: The Lost Pokémon
Pages: 1
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Story: The Quest for the Legends (IALCOTN)
Chapter: Chapter 2: The Lost Pokémon
Wait••• is Mamma your mom?!
[01/14/2016 03:59:38]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (IALCOTN)
Chapter: Chapter 2: The Lost Pokémon
Anything I say you have probably heard before. But here goes nothing.
This chapter, while slightly slow, gives us some great character interactions between Mark and his family. Even though Mark is hardly the most likeable protagonist, I do feel sorry for him, as his parents don't really seem to care about his happiness that much.
The Charmander appearing in the road after that moment shows an interesting start of Mark's journey. It goes to show that even at this stage, Mark's story is so much more different then other trainers.
Looking forward to reading more.
[01/23/2009 07:12:27]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (IALCOTN)
Chapter: Chapter 2: The Lost Pokémon
YOUR MOTHER ACTUALLY CALLED YOU HLíN!!! By the way, what is your last name?
P.S.I am probrably paranoid, but does your mother know English?…Reply: Of course my mom knows English. o.O How the heck else could she have been reading the fic?
I must also ask why on earth she would not call me Hlín.
[07/28/2008 18:15:38]
Pages: 1