Creation myth!

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Post #21
…Wait, anyone have the link to Dragonfree's LiveJournal anyway?

Reading Butterfree's LiveJournal enteries acualtly are useful sometimes, as shown in this case, which would give yourself wonderful, spoilericful, knownlegde as what possibly may happen :3

So… yea… anyone have the link? xD



Post #22
i do, but I'm to evil to give it to you.:P
I love the myth. :D



Post #23
Pokemon: soon to be a major religion.



Post #24
^ Haha amen |D Let's start our own religion of Poke'ism!

And back on topic I realised my questions were answered in like… chapter 24 =___= Well lessee, something else that started bugging me recently then. Since Mewtwo was apparently died ages ago and Mew merged him with Chalenor to get Chaletwo, how come Ash and co. have seen Mewtwo? Or does this fic subvert slightly from the anime like most do? (Probably the latter; I rendered my own question useless again o_o)

Random Absol


Post #25
What I want to know is who this "Destroyer" is. A made-up? Or another legendary? Or maybe it's something completely unexpected?
ZOMG it's Magikarp! I knew it!



Post #26
Huh? Happypants3, your questions were not answered in chapter 24. o_O Unless you meant some other questions than the ones you were asking above. There has definitely been nothing revealing much of anything about Chalenor or why the War of the Legends originally came about. Unless I misunderstood your questions and you had forgotten about the concept of the Destroyer in the first place. I got the impression you were asking where the Destroyer came from.

On the other hand, your new question about Mewtwo was answered in chapter 25. Mewtwo hadn't been created 1000 years ago; he had been brought to that time from the future, and that future is the future of the fic (i.e. "now" is before Mewtwo was taken to the past).

Random Absol: That, like so many other things, will be addressed in chapter 39.

My LiveJournal is here, but half of it consists of random ramblings about the greatness of Jesus Christ Superstar and the relative length of all the chapters of The Quest for the Legends. And all my freaky dreams about the end of the world, Nazis, dinosaurs in a cultural shock and various other bizarre things.



Post #27
(Oh, and the details of everything I've been doing on my vacations.)

In fact, what you're interested in is more or less going to be what's here, so if you just want to search for fic plot hints, that's the place to look.

Jade Dragonair

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Post #28
I always thought that Mew was created first, but all the Pokemon and humans were mindless zombies (or something like that) so then Arceus had Mew create three more bodies, and filled one with his knowledge, one with his will, and the last with his emotions, and told them to go out into the world and bestow their gifts upon all the living creatures =/ (and, even though as crazy as it seems, Magikarp included)

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