- Posts: 3
it a nice walk 4 rachel (umbreon) when she falls into the creak. "HELP! HELP!" she shouted then she faints in the creak. a liitle girl saw rachel and grabs her prloin tail. rachel wakes up and looks arownd. then has a dementle screen and sees a shadow kid. the DS ends and rachel runs off in to a creak were she fainted she swam as fast as she can. so then she found a cave called the legends cave and saws a shadow kid and a brave umbreon like her. she remeber and saw a umbreon with a sowrd gem like hers exept that the gem was a black and rachels is red, her favoret colure. rachel looked up the legend and sees that day it will come. to be countinued
[10/14/2012 02:57:24]