pokemon elemental version

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Post #1
it is a nice peaceful day in torch town. children running around the streets playing with creatures. creatures which are called… pokemon. " go vulpix! flamethrower!" calls a boy. "get back to work, kai, or youll get DETENTION!" suddenly the boy named kia snaps back to reality and falls back in his chair. "ouch….." the classroom b9 fills with laghter as the class teacher, mrs. kincaid. " get back to the real world kai or ill be sure to make your life worse than it already is!!!!!!!" the class gets louder in laughter as kai manages to get up before mrs.kincaid blasts him with another question. "now, if you dont mind answering an easy question, what pokemon is the mouse type pokemon?" askes mrs.kincaid. "ah.. um… sandshrew?" mrs. kincaid walks back to the desk as the class become silent again slowly.


  • Posts: 20
Post #2
the next day, kai grabs his bike from his garage and gets a move on to school. "c'mon! bike dont fail me now!" suddenly a growthie walks infront of him and is run over by the bike. "grOOOooOOOwtie!!!!" the pokemon cries in pain as kai flips over onto the concrete. "ooOOOW!" suddenly he gets up and see's the growthie laying on the floor. "hey, whats your deal, walking infront of me like that!? stupid pokemon!" suddenly, feeling admiddidly stupid, he relized e ran over the growthie, and its probably uncousis. "gah!! what am i doing!? i gotta get this pokemon to a pokemon center!!!" he picks up the growthie and runs tword north west to the pokemon center. he finnaly gets there and slams the door open with his foot. "wha?" is all nurse joy is able to say when kai lays down the growthie. "can you help him?!" nurse joy nods and picks the growthie up and carries it off to the healing room. kai sits down on a black and red sofa and talks to him self. " why did i run ver that stinkin growthie…. now its hurt…. no wait… its probably DEAD thanks to me… and now im late to school… late.. school….. wait…. IM LATE TO SCHOOL!" kai rushes out of the pokemon center and hops on his bike, panting and exailing in panic. he peaddles off to school hopeing hes not already called by mrs.kincaid. he quickly mutters "snitch" under his breath and peaddles faster.


  • Posts: 20
Post #3
kai busts open classroom b9s door. mrs kincaid calls his name before she notices the boy comeing in as he says "here!" mrs.kincaid mutters something to herself as kai sits down in his seat. mrs.kincaid is such a grouch… i hope i can pass the exams so i wont have to see her face agan…. then i can go pick up that growthie from the pokemon center… aw crap! i forgot the growlithe! ok.. i finish the exam quick… earn my pokedex…. and quickly go back to the pokemon center to pick him up! ______ the exams come up to kai as he trys to answer the questions like there was no tommorow. no.1 on a scale of 1 to 6, what is vulpix's hp attack and defense? easy…. 1 2 2. no.2 what is magby's speicies? umm… oh yeah live coal….. kai finishes the exam before anyone else hopeing he passes and didnt flunk. again. he passes it in to mrs.kincaid. "i dont know how you did it.. but you passed with a score of 71. please choose from these pokedexes…" mrs.kincaid grumbles a she reaches down to the shelf and grabs a box of pokedexes. she opens the box and puts them out on the table. kai looks around in astonishment as he sees the styles he could choose from. he looks at them all and spots one that is diffrent from all the others. a white pokedex with red drawings on the left catches his eye. "a vulpix…. pokedex…." mrs.kincaid looks at the pokedex suprissed. "for once you accually have good taste!" kai picks up the vulpix pokedex and clutches his crotch for phase two of his plan. "ill choose this one, mrs.kincaid." "now… can i go to the bathroom?" "um uh yes… i guess.." kai picks up the pokedex and rushes out slamming the door. he goes outside and quickly gets on his bike. he rushes to the pokemon center with a cool breze blowing through his hair and on his face. he parks outside of the pokemon center, and rushes in. he jogs to the counter and askes nurse joy: "is growlithe still here?" nurse joy stares at him.


  • Posts: 20
Post #4
nurse joy walks into the healing room where kai had last seen growlithe. well, the probably dead one, that is. nures joy comes out with a orange fury ball and kai relized it was the growlithe he had ran over and almost killed. sudenly the sleeping growlithe is up on all fours. he, well, its a he by the looks of it, jumps down from the cart and faces kai. kai suddenly read growlithes voice in his head. `are you skilled enough to tame me, young trainer?` kai nods. `touch me here` the growlithe points at his heart. kai points his finger at the heart and touches it. sudenly, a flash or white light comes out of nowhere and kai wakes up to find himself alone, in an empty void of white space. suddenly, a growlithe appears infront of him. " welcome. i am shibastu. are you ready to be filledwith the great fire elemental, oh dear kai?" kai is supprised that the growlithe could talk, better yet have hidden powers. kai gathers up confidence to show no doubt in your answer. "yes. i am ready." kai has no idea what junk your agreeing to, but kai just rolls with it. suddenly, after shibastu was finished chamting nonsense and gobbly gak, kai is transported back to his world. "weird…" kai is now standing in the pokemon center now looking at a epic looking pokeball in his hands. nurs joy looks around awkwerdly and leaves. kai can now hear growlithe speak. " that is the inerno ball you must catch me with it."kai takes a momentto look at the bazzar looking design. its a completly white pokeball with black and red flame patterens all over. and in the middle of the button area was the picture of a yellow nine tails. kai quickly takes out his pokedex just to scan the growlithe. the pokedex says: growlithe. the puppy pokemon." the pokedex abbles about growlithe info and when it finishes, kai puts it back in your bag. " i see you have a fancy for vilpix and ninetails. trust me. youll get one at your exams." suddenly, kais blood goes cold. "the exams.. I FORGOT THE EXAMS!!" kai flings the pokeball at shibastsu and waits. the ball clicks after sucsess of captuing the pokemon and kai is out of the building. sudenly,kai sees the truck that gives out starters comeing by and kai runs to hitch a ride. kai jumps on the back not wasting any time. the trucks gets to the school and kai hops off, hoping he makes it back to class before mrs.kincaid gets suspisious and blows her top. as kai suspected, she waswaiting outside the classroom as red as a cherry. she taks a deep breath before speaks. "WHERE WERE YOU?! I HAVE BEEN WAITING OUTSIDE THIS CLaSSROOM FOR 2 HOURS!" kai eaisly picks up and excuse. "i have stomach problems. i had diharea so i went to see the nurse. she said i should get a drink of water so i did and when i came back, i had to poop again. but i was only half way to the class so thats why i didnt come out of the b9 bathroom." mrs.kincaid either lets it go or beleived kai because she shut up and went back into the classroom. kai follows as he sees everyone in the classroom at their desk with pokedexs. kai sits down as mrs.kincaid announces to the class " congrats students. you have all passed the trainer exams and are ready to begin your life as a… pokemon trainer."


  • Posts: 20
Post #5
end of chapter 1


  • Posts: 20
Post #6
chapter 2: intense battle!


  • Posts: 20
Post #7
mrs.kincaid suddenly gives a ridiculsly long and boreing speech. kai suddenly falls asleep and daydreams about his favorite pokemon vulpix and ninetails. hes petting a vilpix baby before he hears a click that comes from the real world. "wha?" kai ee's everyone getting up and lineing up behind mrs.kincaid. he gets up and assumes that hes finnaly getting his starter. he lines up behind this kid with blond long hair with glasses who is often sneaking food into class without getting caught by mrs.kincaid. the boy suddenly speaks to kai, but whispers so mrs.kincaid cant hear. "hey. im max. nice to meet ya. nice growlithe you got in that cool pokeball there." kai suddenly in shocked by the sudden fact that this kid knows about his extra pokemon. "how do you know?" askes kai. does this max character a spy on me or what? " heh. thatss what most people ask. you see, my glasses arent your ordinary help your eye tech brother. thes are my cyberglasses. they are glasses that are pretty much like the internet. see, they connect to my brain when i put em on, so thats how i browse around on em. also i made em myself." kai is taken back by how smart this c- average boy is. but still, kais question is unanswerd still. " but how did you-" max shushes kai as he and the rest of the class goes outside. everyone suddenly starts saying and cheereing "yay" and "finnaly" and kai thinks he heard some boy say "hope mrs.kincaid doesnt give anoher speech…" suddenly a man pops open the truck door. the man whoms name is proffeser infergo is suddenly infront of the truck. proffeser infergo is a famouse retired pokemon trainer whom has beat the elite four eight times in a row. max is suddenly walking up to the prof high and mighty like hes hurcules or something. either that or a fanboy. "when are we gonna get our pokemon." max asked rudely. oh gawd. the prof is probably gonna allow him only a normal starter pokemon like charmander or torchic. "son, say hi to your dad. its more polite." kai is astonished and almost falls. "kai rushes up to the prof. "so wait… your maxes dad?!" the prof laughes as he relizzed that kai made a minor mistake. "no boy. i am is grandpa." "but wait… you said dad just a second ago." the prof laughes. "oh. well, me and maxy here have a deal. you see, max lost his dad in a planewreck a while back, so he misses him. so i told him if he helped me with pokemon research, i whould call him son while he called me dad." kai takes a minute to comphrehend this in his brain. "well anyways…" kai says trying to change the subject. "can we start pickin the poken?" pickin the poken meant picking the pokemon. "yes yes of course. also, before we start, may i have a name?" askes the prof. "oh yeah. kai." kai replys. "thank you kai" says the prof before he gets a tablet with a pikachu on it. "ok. kai! please choose a pokemon!" kai doesnt take a second to think as he replys: "vulpix!"


  • Posts: 20
Post #8
the prof reaches into the tucks trunk and pulls out a shiny red pokeball and passes it to kai. "max please choose a pokemon." max takes a moment to think about this. "houndower" the prof tosses him the ball for houndower. suddenly kid are reciveing fire types everywhere from poneta to torchic. kai walks over to max and says " why houndower?" max looks overto him. "because more of a type advantage. houndower has two types. fire and dark." kai is slightly amazed. "cool" suddenly the prof is speakeing again. "now that youve all got your pokemon… v.s platza begins!" in torch town, after everyone is fitted with there pokemon, they all battle eachother to boost levels before going into the wilderness by themselves. before kai or max know it people are challenging people left and right. kai looks over to max the same type max looks over to kai. " lets battle!" they both cry. in battle sense that is. kai looks at his vulpix ball. lets go partner. "go vulpix!" kai shouts. "go houndower!" exclaimes max. "our go. vulpix, use ember" vulpix suddenly shoots fire out of its mouth. houndower is slightly affected though.. "ha! pathetic! houndower use headbutt!" the pokemon charges into vulpix. "oh god… get up vulpix! show em how strong you are! use scratch vulpix!" glowing white claws appear on vulpixs paws as it charges at houndower and scars houndower with deep scars. vulpix does a backflip in midair and ands right infront of kai on all four paws. "nice one vulpix! now, use takle!" vulpix charges again at the fallen houndower. " not so fast kai! houndower use headbutt!" suddenly maxs houndower gets up and charges head on and bashes vulpix intoa tree nearby. "howd you like that combo kai?" max laughed like he won the thing. "good but not good enough! vulpix get up and use takle again! head on full power!" kai suddenly gets out his pokedex. pokedexs these days had apps for almost anything. kai touched the health bar app and scaned th battle area. his vulpix had 45 hp left while maxs houndour had 53 hp left. suddenly max had given houndower another haedbutt command. " not so fast max! you fell right into my trap! i call this my silent fangs combo! vulpix! use smokescreen!" sudenly houndower is lost in a maze of smoke. "now get behind houndower and use scratch over and over again!" kai looks at his pokedex appand houndowers hp is decreaseing until… zero. "yes! i won!" kaiyells in joy as the smoke clears up and he sees houndour on the ground with vulpix standing on maxes pokemon.


  • Posts: 20
Post #9
"yes! Nice job vulpix!" Kai yelled in joy, raising his fist in the air. "your lucky that's all. Me and houndower are just begining. This battle ment nothing." max said smiling. Max chuckles a little and is innerupted by a kid screaming. " stop it! Stop hurting my Pokemon!" max looks over at Kai and they both nod their heads in agreement. They both run over to the source of the problem. They stop behind a kid holding a litwick like it was his life. " please! Please don't hurt him…" Kai's face turned pink in frustration. " hey you, jerk! How bout you battle me?!" the boy looks at him. He had red spiky hair and had a red pokeball In his hands. "first off, my name is hance. And second, if you expect to face me…." hance throws his pokeball at the field and a red transparent beam glows and a dark orange Pokemon is on the field. "and my charmeleon, you'll need two Pokemon that are somewhat strong." max is somewhat confused. "how did you get a charmeleon? We all got starters! Charmealeons a evolution!" Max is trying to figure all this out when hance laughs half evilly as he replys: " heh. My Pokemon evolved into charmeleon because I had used a bunch of rare candies my mom had found. My charmeleon is level 15. And if you battle me both now, your both gonna lose. I had seen your battle. You both facing me at the same time is going to end in faileur." Max looked over to Kai and Kai looked over back to hance. "how bout me and max face you and test that prediction of yours?!" max grabs his Pokeball. "go houndower!" houndower is released as max quickly sprays houndower with a potion. Houndower lands on its feet. "HOUNDOWER!" the dog Pokemon crys for battle. Kai grabs his pokeball. "go vulpix!!!" vulpix lands perfectly on his feet and gets in a hunting crouch. Max used a potion. " your so stupid." hance chuckled. "you'll both need two pokemon to at least possibly beat charmeleon and me." suddenly everyone's starring at all of them as the prof walks up to them. "I can help with that." the prof puts a pokeball marked with sharpie and the writing says: larvesta. Max flings the pokeball. "go larvesta!" hance showed three fingers. "one more." Kai looked into his backpack and pulled out growlithe. He thought deeply and decided his secret isn't as important as doing the right thing. "go growlithe!" Kai flings the pokeball and growlithe pops out ready to fight. "heh. This might acually be interesting." hance suddenly cries with max and Kai: "let's battle!!"


  • Posts: 20
Post #10
Kai gets out his pokedex and selects the move app. He scans growlithe and sees what moves it has. "MOVES INCLUDE: flame charge, scratch, smoke screen, and zen headbutt." Kai closes the pokedex and puts it in his pocket. "ok, growlithe use zen headbutt!" growlithe charges at charmeleon with its front head turning blue with energy. It charges right into charmeleon and does critical damage. Max and Kai gets out their pokedexes and select the hp app. Charmeleon just took at huge hit but it says it only did 11 damage. " hp 100 growlithes hp 70 larvestas hp 75 vulpix hp 60 howndowers hp 60." hance smirks and puts his hands in his pockets. "charmeleon, use focus punch!" before growlithe has time to retreat and dodge the blow he is smacked in the belly and is sent flying backwards. "-15. 55 hp left." Kai is shocked of how powerfull this Pokemon is. "Arg. Oh yeah…" Kai suddenly remembers the finishing move he and vulpix used in the last battle. "vulpix, silent fangs combo!" vulpix blasts a barrage of black smoke ot of its mouth and covers charmeleon from head to toe. Suddenly hance is in hystarics. " you really think that will work?! My charmeleon has a flame tail. It lights up his path so he can see clearly!" suddenly vulpix is behind charmeleon useing scratch over and over. " but while you where talking, you forgot to give charmeleon a order to defend himself!" Kai retorts. "hey kai! Don't you think I get a little fun in? Get of charmeleon! Iv got and idea!" Kai's pokedex is suddenly saying: "CHARMELON: -15. 95 hp left." vulpix suddenly gets off. "houndower, use headbutt! Kai, make growlithe use zen headbutt but do it from behind charmeleon!" Kai nods and turns his head towards growlithe. " growlithe, use zen headbutt!" growlithe suddenly jumps behind charmeleon And charges with blue energy covering his head. Houndower is suddenly right infront of charmeleon and growlithe is right behind charmeleon. They both charge right into the lizard Pokemon. Kai checks his pokedex. "CHARMELEON hp: -25. Hp:70." Kai cheers in joy. Max on the other hand is felling odd. "wait a second Kai. I think something's going on here. Think about it. When we where useing that headbutt combo, charmeleon had enough time to dodge our attacks, which would have ended in ourselves hitting each other. Also, when you used your silent fangs combo. Charmeleon could have either swung his tail around not to just create a whirlwind to clear the smoke but to smack your vulpix silly! Something fishy is going on and I don't think EITHER of us are gonna like it…" hance smiles and yawns. "wow. You catch on fast. But… NOT FAST ENOUGH!" charmeleon suddenly started glowing light red. "charmeleon! Unleash your BIDE!!!!!!" max suddenly squeals in fear. "oh no… Not bide!!! Anything but bide!!" Kai is about to ask what bide is when vulpix, larvesta, growlithe, and houndower are beats senseless by charmeleon. "gag! Our Pokemon!" suddenly both Kai and maxes pokedex are beeping crazy. " houndower: -45 hp. 15 hp left. Growlithe: -45 hp. 10 hp left. Vulpix: -45 hp. Larvesta: -45 hp. 30 hp left. Calculation complete." Kai is shocked. How could one attack do so much damage?! "If we attack charmeleon again… Were toast!"


  • Posts: 20
Post #11
"wait a second! we did alot of damage before! all we have to do is attack endlessly with our best moves before he has a chance to attack us again! you ready max?" max nods. kai minimizes the health window and goes back to the main menu. he selects the moves app and scans the feild. vulpixs best move is scratch. no supprise there. growlithes is zen headbutt. larvestas is silver wind. and houndowers is headbutt. kai shows the stats to max and max starts to make a order in which to do the moves. "kay. iv got it. kai first vulpix. then everyone but larvesta gets in a bush or something to protect themself from harm. then the headbutt combo. got it?" kai nods his head. "kay. vulpix, use scratch twice and then you and growlithe hide in the bushes!" vulpix is suddenly chargeing at charmeleon with white glowing claws. hance is suddenly somewhat angerd by this action. "you whouldnt dare!" kai smirks in disagreement as vulpix starts slice and diceing at charmeleon. " okay. thats good vulpix. now you and growlithe get in the bushes!" vulpix and growlithe get inside a lucious green bush beside a tree and hide. "you too houndower." max warns. houndower does the same. "larvesta, use silverwind!!!" larvesta and the rest of the area is coverd with silver fog. suddenlythe wind gets faster and faster and some of it turns solid silver, peircing charmeleon everywhere. charmeleon is struck down and is vulrenable to any attack. kai chacks his pokedex and reopens the hp app. "charmeleons hp:20" after the silver wind clears the rest of kai and maxs team come out from hideing. "okay! finishing move! headbutt combo!"houndower and growlithe pound into charmeleon and charmeleon is KO. "yeah! in your face hance! i knew me and max whould beat you! haha!" hance mutters agrily as he returns charmeleon to hi pokeball while max and kai celebrate by eating food max stashed in his backpack. "kai! you better not forget the name of hance…" hance threatens before he stomps off.


  • Posts: 20
Post #12
End of chapter 2


  • Posts: 20
Post #13
Chapter 3: the forbidden heracross of jahan!


  • Posts: 20
Post #14
"so, max. No to be like some ash ketchum or anything, but when we leave to go on our Pokemon journey, whould you…" max chuckles. "wanna come with you? Sure! I'd love to!" Kai and max chuckles and laughs together. "with my permission, of course." Kai and max look over behind themselves and squeal in shock as they see the Prof. "max must have my approval. Since of course hes my son." Kai max and the prof wait for a moment. "I Aprove." the prof finaly said, and max and Kai sigh in relief. They high five and continue eating max's super duper looper sandwich. A holy sandwich made with 6 peices of bread three slices of cheese. American, Swiss, and cheddar. Three slices of meat. Ham, turkey, and balonie. With mayo and mustard and pickles. The oh so holy sandwich.


  • Posts: 20
Post #15
Later on after a intense day of battling, Kai goes home and dreams about the next day after speggetti dinner. "vulpix.. Max… Speggetti…. Nom…. Yummeh…"

The next day, max woke up at 6:00 in the morning. He turned on his room light and turned off his alarm. He packed clothes shoes underwear. But he decided to not pack many underwear because he doesn't change much. He packed some swimming trunks and lastly his favorite lucario jacket. The jacket was a darkish blue and had black wherever a real lucario whould have black. The front where the belly should be had dyed evee fur. It isn't illegal though because evee regrows it's hair really fast. The horns arnt there though. The hood part had a lucario snout popping out and everything. Lastly the little black things on the back of a lucarios head are there and are silky. Kai put it on and some blue jeans and his black sandals with pokeballs on the squishy part. By the time he had packed and everything it was 1:00 in the afternoon. He put on his pikachu watch and speed downstairs. He said bye to his dad. His mom was killed by a Pokemon called heracross in jahan forest. Many people dare to venture there, but Kai's mom was brave. You see, in jahan forest, there is a Pokemon called the forbidden heracross of jahan forest. Each night, the heracross looks for trainers that venture into the forest of jahan, looking for master jahan. Master jahan was originally heracross's trainer until he abandoned his heracross for unknown reasons. Now that same heracross searches the jahan forest searching for him. Many people say the heracross kills trainers that come into the forest because the heracross has bad eye sight and mistakes trainers for master jahan. Now Kai has a dream to avenge his moms death to defeat the heracross and capture it. And that dream.., will become reality… Today.


  • Posts: 20
Post #16
kai walks over to maxs house. he had got the adress because the prof had sent a email through the computer. kai walks through piggeto avenue and sees a flying pokemon in the sky. in the reigon of sinnatah,sighting of many legendaries have been sighted and some accually had full pictures. just is, kai had never expected to see one just now on the beginning of his pokemon journey. the pokemon in the sky had yellow scales and a massive swordlike tai. the tip of it was accualy used as a sword by the pokemon and it was sparking with yellow thunder. the head and body was one of a sabertooth tiger and it has tan orange fur with golden stripes. the body was fur while the wings where much dragon like. this pokemon was called frinsingo, the griffin pokemon of thunder. there are three much like it. galivest,the griffin of fire. galevest had blac leathery wings and instead of a sabertooth,the animal was a lion. it has a mane made of flowing fireand the tip of the tail was a triangle that glowed with blue flams in the shape of a sword. the third one was called momestooth the griffin of ice. momestooth was a grey wolf with white wings. the til had no sword but the wings had really long horns on them that were made of pure ice. pure ice was made by a suicune and regeice. suicune made the water pure while regeice froze it. it made almost 200 years to make them both. 100 years per horn. momestooth still wears those unbreakable weapons today. lastly there is sturacken the griffin of grass. sturackens wings are made completly out of unbreakable vines that are almost unburnable and poisn ivy leaves. it was techniccly a very small cat like creature with wings. sturacken is very well camofauged and is very powerfull when it comes to poisen attackes. magical leaf is its signature move. kai was seeing frisingo griffin of thunder. whenever someone sees a frisingo they are granted with good luck for half of their life. the one half is good luck. the other half could still be good luck.. or bad mojo. either way, kai was seeing his favorite legendary next to rikou. kai bowed his hed in respect to the flying figure and walked on the concrete path.


  • Posts: 20
Post #17
kai finnaly walked up to maxs house and rang the door bell. kai waits a moment and the door suddenly opens letting a creeck noise drift out into the fresh morning air. max was holding the door nob smileing. he was wearing the same hair he had the day before and those super glasses. he had a pikachue hat on his head whic if you sked kai looked somewhat cool. the only thing that poped up was the ears. the face was flat. he wasnt wearing one of those hats that have a plate of plastic and leather sticking out in the front. he was wearing one of those snowborder hats that can be bent into almost anything as long as the eleasting ad string can hold. other than that he had a shirt that had a sturacken face on it with a purple background and some brown gloves and shorts. the shoes where boots and thats about it. th only other thing was a red bandanna tied around his neck. he had his blue carreing bag beside him on the ground. the thing was huge. the bag was big enough to carry a folded tent, some sleeping bags, and a grill. possibly some human and pokefood too if you felt it was needed for those just in case emergencys. "you sure you can carry that?" kai teases. they both laugh and max lets kai in the house. immedently a voice comes from a door located next to the kitchen. "come here boys! iv got something for you!" max and kai walk over to the door and opend it. kai went in frst since max was holding the white painted door. after a few steps some stairs that went down appeard and kai went down with max following closely from behind him. at the end of the stairs there is another door. there s no knob but there is a pass code tablet on the side of the wall next to the door. max enters the code too quickly for kai to see and the door opens. they both enter a room that looks like the ones in the video games. exept many pokeballs are shelved in abc order and then theres a crib with tons of evees in them. theyre all babys and all of them are shiny. the smallest on has golden fur and the mane is white. just like a jolteon. kai stares around the room for a bit and goes onwards to the prof. proffeser torch is waiting infront of a table with two boxes. kai and max walk up to the table and look at them like theyre the next best thing after ham with turky fillings. that and cheese burgers. " so uh… whats inside the cardboard boxes prof? some kind of pokemon? a brand new state of the art pokedex? a new pokeball that helps catch my favorite type of pokemon? i must know!" max insists. kai slightly nods in agreement while obseveing the box to find some tape to pull of so he can look inside the box. the prof chuckles in delight of how eager kai and max where to see what was inside the two boxes. "i dont know. lets see and open them shall we?" the pro gets out a poket knife and carfully slides the knife into the box middle. then he quickly makes and cuts it to where you can lift the two flaps up. instead, kai rips them off and looks inside. inside max and kai see 6 pokeballs and a pokebelt attached with a high school backpack. you know, those backpacks in the shape of books with straps you put on your shoulder that has one medium sized poket to put books and spirals in. lastly they both see a black pokeball. "thats my new gaia ball. its made of mystic wood from the veridian forest. it comes from a big tree in the middle that is almost egulfed with kakunas and bedrills. the wood only comes once a hundred years but there is a medium supply amount. that wood is as hard as metal and has the strechibility of and original pokeball. the line and button is made of pure gold from meowth coins that have fallen off. pretty neat huh!"kai suddenly sees some small japaneese writeing on the front thats pretty colorfull but he cant read. "hey. whats with the colorful jibber jab on it?" professer torch immedeantly goes for the book selves and starts reading titles. his finger stops at a black book with golden japaneese wrteing that looks just the same as the ones on the pokeballs. "you see… aha! have you ever heard of THESE pokemon kai?" askes the prof, showing kai a picture of the four legendary griffins. "yeah. those are the four legendery griffins. i saw frisingo a while ago flying over piggeto road. it was so cool… flying with those majestic yellow wings abd swiftly flowwing sword tail… it was awsome…" kais eyes where suddenly white and he was drooling likesome zombie. "what?! you accualy saw frisingo?! was it too far to record in the pokedex? i made the new pokedexes like you have to have a huge radiation span. just for these kind of situations." kai gets out his vulpix pokedex and opens it. he selects the info application. he opens it and types in on the search bar : frisingo. the pokedex loads for a muinet. then a fresingo image appears. everyone finnaly takes a breath in releif. "frisingo, the sabertooth pokemon. frisingo is one of the four legenary griffins in the sinnatah regin. friisng has a large swordlike tail that he attacks with. this pokemon when seen can give you half good luck and half undecided. frisingo has never been touched by man nor has it been captured." suddenly i shows what level it was and what the stats where. professer torch was astonished when he saw what the stats where. "attack: 157 defense 123 speed 211 speed defense 239 speed ttack 278. level 70." ki looked at the stats as if his eveys where hot glued to the screen. "wow…." after a while the screen shows a japaneese symbole for frisingo. it looks exactly like the one on the ball. it offers to veiw the entire symbole selection of the four legendary griffins. they all mach the symbols on the gaia ball. "so wait…"the prof stops writeing in his research book and turns around in his spinny chair. "yep. these gaia balls are made to capture those four pokemon. the original master ball was originally used an it worked. for a while. eventually a frisingo prototype broke itself out of the pokeball and the masterball itself. scientist studies show that its because of the enourmus amount of power and energy emmitted from the pokemon. so i looked into that and found out that black wood from the veridian forest in i think jotoh was the only thing that could keep the energy inside. so now imtrusting you two boys with these to speical pokeballs." kai and max high fived and then did a explodeibg fist bump. "now go on. many pokemon await you take your stuff. and most importantly…. dont forget to complete your pokedexes!"


  • Posts: 20
Post #18
Max and Kai start walking on the sidewalk going north and eating a subway sandwich here and there. "so Kai, where we headed? Just wondering cause I may need to prepare and such." max says, out of nowhere. Kai gets out a map he had buyd and put his finger on the forest of jahan. "that's where my good buddy." max squeals a little. "why are we going there?" Kai puts the map in his pocket after rolling it up. "you see, first of all, it's easier to get to ivy city if we go right through. Second of all, I have some unfinished beef with the forbidden heracross of jahan…." max is sweating a little in tension. "besides, our fire Pokemon can fry that little bug Pokemon. It'll be as easy as a rattatatta." max nods and seems a bit more confident. They enter the forest of jahan, pokeballs ready. Suddenly the sound of a peacful little town is gone and is replaced by the quiet chirp of kricitots. There is very little sunshine which is coverd by tree leaves that are said to be grown from saplings by master jahan. All of the sudden, Kai hears a snap in the west of him in a bush, and he and max turn to a bush where the snap came from. Another snap and a leafeon jumped out and started to growl at max. "leafeon!! Lea, leafeon!!!"


  • Posts: 20
Post #19
Kai grabs his pokeball for vulpix but max has already sent out his houndower and is battling the leafeon. Kai puts the pokeball back on the belt and watches. "houndower! Use ember!" houndower shoots little balls of fire out of his mouth and burns the leafeon, leaving the leaf on its head on fire. "leafeon…. Leafeon! Leafeon…" max grabs a pokeball and throws it at the leafeon. "pokeball, go!" the leafeon is dissolved in red see through light. The ball falls and starts to wobble. Left right left right left right. The ball wobbles one more time before the ball clicks. "yeah! I caught a leafeon!" max throws the pokeball to the ground as leafeon is digitalized onto the field. "so, are you okay with me catching you, leafeon?" leafeon starts talking pokelanguage and stuff. "uh… Wait, let me set the pokeball to English." max turns the button to a certain area and leafeon starts speaking like a normal kid. "oh, ok, so… Yeah… Im fine with being caught. as long as you don't do anything bad with me or never let me out of the ball in your hand." max grins happily as he puts leafeon back in his pokeball. The team of Kai and max keep walking further into the forest, unaware of them…. Being watched….

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