nurse joy walks into the healing room where kai had last seen growlithe. well, the probably dead one, that is. nures joy comes out with a orange fury ball and kai relized it was the growlithe he had ran over and almost killed. sudenly the sleeping growlithe is up on all fours. he, well, its a he by the looks of it, jumps down from the cart and faces kai. kai suddenly read growlithes voice in his head. `are you skilled enough to tame me, young trainer?` kai nods. `touch me here` the growlithe points at his heart. kai points his finger at the heart and touches it. sudenly, a flash or white light comes out of nowhere and kai wakes up to find himself alone, in an empty void of white space. suddenly, a growlithe appears infront of him. " welcome. i am shibastu. are you ready to be filledwith the great fire elemental, oh dear kai?" kai is supprised that the growlithe could talk, better yet have hidden powers. kai gathers up confidence to show no doubt in your answer. "yes. i am ready." kai has no idea what junk your agreeing to, but kai just rolls with it. suddenly, after shibastu was finished chamting nonsense and gobbly gak, kai is transported back to his world. "weird…" kai is now standing in the pokemon center now looking at a epic looking pokeball in his hands. nurs joy looks around awkwerdly and leaves. kai can now hear growlithe speak. " that is the inerno ball you must catch me with it."kai takes a momentto look at the bazzar looking design. its a completly white pokeball with black and red flame patterens all over. and in the middle of the button area was the picture of a yellow nine tails. kai quickly takes out his pokedex just to scan the growlithe. the pokedex says: growlithe. the puppy pokemon." the pokedex abbles about growlithe info and when it finishes, kai puts it back in your bag. " i see you have a fancy for vilpix and ninetails. trust me. youll get one at your exams." suddenly, kais blood goes cold. "the exams.. I FORGOT THE EXAMS!!" kai flings the pokeball at shibastsu and waits. the ball clicks after sucsess of captuing the pokemon and kai is out of the building. sudenly,kai sees the truck that gives out starters comeing by and kai runs to hitch a ride. kai jumps on the back not wasting any time. the trucks gets to the school and kai hops off, hoping he makes it back to class before mrs.kincaid gets suspisious and blows her top. as kai suspected, she waswaiting outside the classroom as red as a cherry. she taks a deep breath before speaks. "WHERE WERE YOU?! I HAVE BEEN WAITING OUTSIDE THIS CLaSSROOM FOR 2 HOURS!" kai eaisly picks up and excuse. "i have stomach problems. i had diharea so i went to see the nurse. she said i should get a drink of water so i did and when i came back, i had to poop again. but i was only half way to the class so thats why i didnt come out of the b9 bathroom." mrs.kincaid either lets it go or beleived kai because she shut up and went back into the classroom. kai follows as he sees everyone in the classroom at their desk with pokedexs. kai sits down as mrs.kincaid announces to the class " congrats students. you have all passed the trainer exams and are ready to begin your life as a… pokemon trainer."