Dragon styles up

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a little boy


Post #21
the styles are nice, but i disapprove of your use of Papayrus in the thunderyu header.


  • Posts: 1784
Post #22
Can somebody please explain to me what people have against Papyrus being used as a decorative font? Yes, people have gone around using it as a base font for writing all sorts of text that has no business being in a decorative font, but as a title, on a banner, where it fits with the intended overall effect? Really?

By all means point me to another faded/ancient sort of font that the Internet doesn't hate if you know one. I can never find good fonts for a specific purpose.


L Xero


Post #23
Polayru is you're favorite style? Mrs. Morbid likes bright colors?


  • Posts: 1784
Post #24
Yes, actually; I generally prefer reading black text on a light background over light text on a black background. Used to invariably use Chaletwo over Chalenor, too. It's not like I'm some sort of an emo EVERYTHING MUST BE DARRRRK AND HORRIBLE type. I mean, I don't even like horror movies.


Scytherian Poetry

  • Posts: 114
Post #25
You dont like the Chalenor? Personally, I miss it. Thunderyu is nice, and I like Volcaryu, but could you also include Chalenor and Chaletwo?

"Life is too important to be taken seriously"


  • Posts: 1784
Post #26
…for the love of God, I LINKED TO THEM IN THE FIRST POST and specifically talked about how I was keeping them there if you want to keep them. What is so difficult about noticing it?



  • Posts: 26
Post #27
I really like the styles except for Volcaryu's, but that's just me, no real reason for it except that I don't like red on black websites. It's too used, I think, but that doesn't matter.
I just wanted to mention, the crystals on Polaryu's left arm (our right) are angled oddly. They look like they're attached to its elbow, but are facing the wrong direction to be sticking out from it. Is it meant to look like that?


  • Posts: 1784
Post #28
They're not attached to the elbow; they're embedded into the upper arm.




Post #29
Nice work on the new styles, but the drop-down menu is kind of messed up in IE6; it won't go away. (I need a better version. T_T)


  • Posts: 1784
Post #30
…what drop-down menu? o.o




Post #31
Well, the menus showing all the styles and places on the site and such (Introduction, About, Spoiler Warnings…). It blocks the main page and doesn't go away. The menus were supposed to be on the side, right?


  • Posts: 1784
Post #32
…in which style?




Post #33
Volcaryu and Thunderyu. I'm pretty sure Polaryu is as well, but I'm afraid to try it because when I first tried Thunderyu the page froze up on me. o,o It's why I haven't been on here for a while.

I can't see the forums, either. Oh, the troubles.


  • Posts: 1784
Post #34
That's… extremely weird, considering the CSS for positioning their menus is extremely basic and uses a very tried and true technique. Exactly what is it like? Can you give me screenshots or something? And what happens when you try to go to the forums?




Post #35
How do you post screenshots? The menus are a tad left to the center of the screen, and block text and whatnot. I can't even log in because they block what I'm supposed to type in for spam verification. As for the forums, I can go to the forums page, but if I click on a thread, the page is blank save for the list of page numbers (and no matter which page I click on, it's blank).

…Ew. Lickilicky spammy. [/completelyofftopic]


  • Posts: 1784
Post #36
Okay, with the help of a website that can show you how IE6 renders things, it seems I've fixed it. Ironically, Polaryu actually would have worked right in IE6.

Volcaryu still looks awful in IE6, of course, since it uses alpha-transparent PNGs, but both Thunderyu and Polaryu should work fine. No idea what's up with the forums, though.



  • Posts: 30
Post #37
All right, everything works fine now, including the forums. Thank you! :3

…in my pants.

Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left!

Say "thug aim" out loud. Prepare to be annoyed.

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