Chapter 5
When they exited the shop, they found a crowd of Pokémon has gathered around the shop, forming a circle. “Why do you think they’re surrounding the shop?” Amphish asked SSB.
“I don’t know,” She answered, surveying the by standers, “But most of them are Explorers.”
“You sure?” Asked Thunder.
“Positive.” She replied. Then a Buneary exited the shop, looked at them, and fled in terror, the Explorers let her pass. “I think that they see three troublesome R.A.P.s, a Buisle, an Amphish and an Aerodactyl.”
“Oh boy,” Said Thunder, “This is not good, definitely, not good!”
A Scyther separated from the crowd,” Hey, you three!” He shouted, pointing a scythe at them,”You R.A.P.s aren’t welcome here!” The others shouted their agreements.
“We are Explorers too! We have as much right to be here as any of you!” SSB yelled in retaliation, holding up their badge.
“You can’t be Explorers!” Yelled one Explorer.
“Yeah, they probably stole that badge!” Yelled another. The other Explorers yelled agreements and insults until the Scyther raised a scythe to silence them, he had a scar running through his eye, what was in there was obviously a replacement, so he could still see in three dimensions, he looked familiar for some reason. “Explorers, you say? How about we settle it this way; we duel, you beat me in a duel, we don’t attack, you lose, the three of you don’t return without Wigglytuff to confirm your story, deal?”
“Deal!” Said SSB, extending the fins on her arms into long blades curling back towards her shoulders.
“Wh-where did you learn Glacial Blade?” Stammered the Scyther. SSB just charged, he barely had time to block it with his Scythe when she hit him with enough power to push him back and disturb his balance, she kept hitting him time after time, quick and powerful strikes, this reminded him of his training sessions with his teacher…
The Scyther was dueling a Buisle which was using Glacial Blade (the Buisle was also very similar to SSB), they were in the midst of a battle, the Buisle was also using techniques similar to those of SandStorm, the Scyther appeared to be new at dueling since he was slow and sluggish, the Buisle kept on hitting him and blocking his blows with very little effort.
“Come on, Scare, you’ve got to do better than that!” Said the Buisle, dealing a blow very close to where Scare’s scar will later be…
We return to the present where Scare and SSB are pushing away to catch their breath, SSB looked less hurt but far more tired, “Man, you’re good.” Said Scare, “For a girl.”
“Very funny,” Panted SSB,” You’re not bad yourself!”
Scare charged forward to attack, scythes at the side, SSB raised her right scythe up to block his as he lifted them both up to slash at her shoulders, she blocked easily and slashed at his side with her remaining blade, he staggered back.
“How did you know how to block?” He asked, surprised by how she predicted the blow.
“You Scyther are so predictable!” She said, “You always charge like that. It’s easy.”
With that, she charged, she was so fast that Scare had no time to react; her blade sank deeply into his thick chest armor, all the way to the skin, he cried in pain as she jerked it out, bluish-dark blood gushed out of the wound, he retaliated by kicking her back, he took deep breaths to steady himself, his mind wandered back to his masters dueling sessions…
We see them again, they are both far more skilled now, they slash at each other, each blocking the other, yet again Scare is falling behind, he appears to be trying to coat his scythes with ice in a Glacial Blade, but only bits at a time, making his scythe look broken, they continue for a while until they seem to tire, they both sit down, exhausted, “You’re getting good, Scare.” Said the Buisle, gasping for breath.
“Thank you, master, but I’m still not as good as you!” Replied Scare.
“Tsunami?” Comes a new, squeaky, female voice.
“Yes, what is it sis?” Asked the still-Buisle Tsunami.
“Would you like some milk and cookies? Mom and I just made a bunch of Coco-Desert ones.” Asked the voice, belonging to a small, young, female Buisle, she had a scar down her neck at both sides of her body Scare was examining them when…
Scare is sent flying off towards the barricade of Pokémon, falling at the feet of a Pinsir.
“Dude! You, like, totally phased out! She was waiting for you to attack, but when you didn’t, she got bored and knocked you back! What happened back there? Your brain went on vacation or something?” Asked the Pinsir. Indeed, SSB was standing where Scare was a moment ago, looking quite bored, he examined the scars she had, he was certain that he just saw her in his flashback, but she couldn’t be…
“Come on already! Either you fight or you forfeit! But don’t just stand there!” She yelled, clearly ticked off. He charged at her.
SSB was very powerful, and her moves were very similar to those of Tsunami, he was sure of his suspicion now, so what were they fighting for? Just as he was planning on calling it truce, she managed to knock him down, putting her blade to his throat.
”I win.” She said, there was an awkward silence; Scare was the best dueler present, if he couldn’t beat her, how could they?
“I challenge you to a duel, Buisle!” Came a voice out of nowhere, everyone turned to look at the new comer, a few fangirls shrieked, by standers gasped, everyone was shocked, just when they needed him, the best dueler in the last millennium has arrived; Tsunami!
SSB was shocked, why was Tsunami challenging her? Then she saw a smug on his face, looks like this was going to be one big prank!
Meanwhile, a Gligar was watching the duel from the top of a tree, it was eating an egg, other egg shalls were scattered around him, only one egg remained untouched.
"This is really interesting," He said as he was gulping down the last bits of his egg," But I'd better get back to the boss." He picked up the egg and took off.'I wonder why one of the eggs tasted funny' He thought 'Meh, its probably nothing'.
The Gligar flew into a cavern, illuminated only by the setting sun, "I have brought back the egg, master, I wish for my reward!" He yelled into the darkness.
The huge shape of a pokemon appeared, the newcomer roared in the same voice heard at Swamp Cavern; "Kadabra, check if this is the right egg and report back, and give the Gligar his reward." A Kadabra wearing a scientist lab coat used its psycic abylities to make the exchange, then went to check the egg. The giant creature then turns back to the Gligar, "Wait here, I want to make sure you brought me the right egg, I hope you did, for your sake."
"Yes sir." Wimpered the Gligar.
"Sir!" Said the Kadabra, it came back holding the egg,"The analysis shows that this is a Nidoran egg."
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" Roard the pokemon in fury, "GLIGAR! EXPLAIN YOURSELF!"
"I-I s-stopped o-on the w-way f-for lunch," Mumbled the Gligar, "I raided a Nidoran nest, I must have ate the wrong egg by acc-"
"ENOUGH!" Roared the giant," If you would have stolen the wrong egg it would have been forgivable, but eating it!? Impossible! Now we have to locate another one! Do you understand?"
"Yes, master" Answered the terrified pokemon, shivering," I won'y fail you again, master."
"No, You won't"
"So you trust me?"
"No, I don't"
"You won't fail me again," He said, looking his servant straight in the eyes, they were begging him pathetically," Because you'll be dead!"
"No!" Yelled the Gligar in fear, he took to the air and fled towards the door, its master snickered.
He flew as fast as he could, his life depended on it, he didn't look back until he heard his previous master roar. He risked looking back, he saw a beam of energy flying towards him, he tried to speed up his flight, but he couldn't make it. 'Back then, I thought those eggs will be for free,' He thought as the beam closed around him,' but now I see the prise; my life.' and he was consumed by the beam.
The monster serveyed the charred corpse of his servant. "Mesha!" He called.
"Yes, master?" A Togetic flew over to the master.
"Get the team to search for another egg, and get Sneasle to go get it once they find one, take the Gligars corpse and possesions, get rid of the corpse and store the goods. Dissmissed."
"Yes sir." She said as she went to fulfill her tasks.
"If only you would have obeyed orders instead of listening to your stomach." He said to the corpse.
Good, isn't it? I'm just not in the mood to write the SSB/Tsunami battle, I'll add it later.
Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.
… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.
Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!
Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…