Pokemon mystery dungeon- Teameat!
Chapter Three-Rampage is on!
I looked up, and saw the blue eyes again. They stared at me coldly. I started shaking like mad. "D-D-Do it fast and painless, please…"
I said this out of desperation. I had lost all hope. I was chased by a tribe of mad roselia evolutions, and now an unkown pokemon was before me. Is there anything bad to add now?
The eyes looked at me in confusion. Then, a clawed hand grabbed me and dragged me trough the darkness. Then, a ray of light reached the dense trees. And another one.
The I understood what happened. The roselia's have cast sunny day, so they could use quick solar beams. I was sure that I was doomed. Then, I finally found out who the stranger was- a Cranidos. He looked at me. It was a male, definitly. "What are you doing in my territory, kid?"
I looked at him, panic taking over me. "I dont know , icame by, and these crazy roselias and Budews attacked me!"
The cranidos made a 'hmmm' sound. "Where did you or they come from?"
I thought for a short while. "They called it the flower town or something like that…"
The cranidos' eyes suddenly turned as small as one could imagine. He looked mad. Then, I could see flames in his eyes. Emotions. Which was it…courage? Hate? I didnt know. Then, the cranidos silently said "Step aside."
I rolled to the side with the power I still had. Now, I noticed that the enormous group was 20 feet from us. The leader, a roserade, took 4 steps forward. "hand us tht fool, he is ours. You know that exactly, stonehead."
The cranidos growled. "Your not gonna touch a reptilian on my lands as lnog as Im live!"
The roserade snickered, and hid her face with her red flower, while covering her lower body parts with the blue rose. "Then we will have to kill you, dear."
She blew a fake kiss, which was acctualy an attract attack. The cranidos simply pushed it away by maknig his hand glow black and slash at the heart. "Dont try to fool me, for i know what you all are- your race is a race of filthy, nasty, backstabbing bitches. YOU are the ones who deserve to die."
With that, he suddenly jupmed forward, hisw head glowing pink. -A zen headbutt….so thats why he is so confident…-
I started closing my eyes. I was too weak.
The cranidos smashed his head inot the Roserade's face, taking her by surprise. She flew backwards ni a backflip way, and landed on the ground with her legs, and her red flower hand for stability. She rubbed the blue one against her face. It was scorched on its face, so were her lips. She broke into a grin. "If you can beat me, we will leave. If I beat you…You wil both suffer."
I looked at the cranidos, but I couldnt move.
"Fair enough, only you and me. No noe interfers."
He said, and with that, his hand started glwongi black again, and he gave her a slap, sending her flying bacvkwards. After flying 5 feet she crashd no her back. I started gaining power, not only from regneration, but also from the confidence the Cranidos gave me. He seemed to have some sort of aura. I noticed that the roselias, but no budews, made a thick circle around us- there was me near a tree, and 30 feet from me, the cranidos, 5 feet from the Roserade. The roselias made a 100 foot circle. The cranidos charged again, and jumped towards the Roserade while she was standing up. Once she was on her elgs, he landed on her chest with his left leg, and then landd anoher kick. He made a backflip, and landed no his legs, while the roserade fell again. She suddenly stood pu, and sant a vine whip towards the cranidos' left. He dodged it, but the vine went around the cranidos, wrapping his arms. "Now its my turn to beat you up.." She said in an evil voice, and came near him. Then, she grabbed his face with both of her roses, the hidden thornes maknig him bleed a little. She then made him look into her eyes, and then, something disgusitng happened- she pressed her lips against his. I felt my stomach twist, and the, a strange, green goo left my mouth in a fast stream. The cranidos looked at her dizzily, with a stupid grin on his face, and neared his face to hers..
I prepaerd myslef to puke, when all of a sudden I realized his head was glwonig pink- he smashed his face niot hers, making her fly backwards. He ran towards her, and jumped on the halfway fainted Roserade. He alnded on her with his backlegs, and spat on her face, saying "NEVER do that again, you dirty bitch. Your foul tricks dont work on me"
He made a forwards flip in the air, and landed his tail on her face, makingf her bleed. He was about to give her a slap directly towards the face, when suddenly, something hit him in the back, and he flew 20 feet forward. He lay on te ground silently, smoke pouring from his back. "You are right- we dont play fair. And you'l pay the price" a roselia who stood 5 feet behind Cranidos' previous lcoation, on the roserade, and smoke poured from her rised red rose hand. She looked different from the other roselias- she looked more ellegant, more beautiful, stronger. There seemed to be only oe tihng to ruin her perfection- she had red eyes, and a wide grin on he face. I noticed that shwe had blood covered theeth. The bleeding roserade headed toawrds the Cranidos, and put her leg on his back, indicating victory, while the spooky Roselia headed towards me. Once she reached me, she put her leg a foot beofre my face. "YOu are cute, very cute indeed- and your blood surely will be too."
My eyes windened in horror. I closed my eyes, and the leaves on my head started glwonig. "No….Please dont.."
The roselia started laughing a mad scientist laugh. "CRY MORE! IT MAKES US HAPPY!"
They were sick. All of them. I had to get lsot. But…how?
Tears started flwoing trough my eyes. I found someone woh was willing to save me, and nwo, we were both going to lose our lives?
No. I couldnt let it happpen. NO.
I stood up, my eyes started glwonig green. "NO."
All the roselias, and even the roserade, turned their attention to me. "What will you do then, hero? Blast us with your razor leaves?"
The roserade came to me, stanidng 10 feet from me, as well as the spooky Roselia. "NO."
I said again, this time louder. "Oh, will yo takle us to death?"
They said and broke into a wild laugh.
NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT, I thought to myself. "Neither that. I will let you taste the dust- or rather, BITE IT!"
With that, I jumped no the spooky roselia, and landed a bite on her neck. All roselias gasped. The cranidos looked at me, shocked that I did it. I tightened my grip. "let….go…"
She said, weakly. "why, you are cute-very cute indeed. And so is your blood- to bad I cant say that about your soul."
I said this, without leaving my grip around her neck. Then, I sunk my theeth even deeper into her neck, and tasted the awful taste of her blood. I jupmed off her neck, and landed on my four leg,s sittnig out a mass of blood. "YOU MONSTER!"
The rsoerade said as she saw her best elite fighter fall on the ground. Suddenly, her eyes widened in fear. I realized what was happening. Blodo was streamnig from her stomach- and a hand covered in black energy poppped out of her stomach. Cranidos was behind her, his hand ni her back. "You lsot in your own game. YOU are the onster. But, dont orry, tis over, DEAR!"
He iulled his hand out. It was covered in blood, and he licked it off, then spitting it on the gorund. "ANYONE ELSE?"
he said, looking around. All Roselias zoomed away in fear. Then, we both fell on the ground and fainted.

Torterra will save us!
…We're doomed if turtwig wont take the job….