Posts tagged "Languages"

There are 26 posts with this tag.

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  • Posts: 1784
Random though this may be, is it the case that if a father in Iceland is named Reyðabfjöbær, then the son would be [name] Reyðabfjöbærson? Also how would this be pronounced? (Random, I know.)
"Reyðabfjöbæjarson", actually, since it needs to be in the possessive, but "Reyðabfjöbær" would be a town name rather than a man's name, seeing as the "bær" part means "town". Not that it isn't nonsense anyway; the "bær" part is the only bit that makes any sense, and the rest just looks like you chopped random bits from other Icelandic town names and stuck a random b in there. Asking me how to pronounce that is kind of like if I asked you how to pronounce "wqtroc". I could tell you how I'd pronounce it if you put it in front of me, sure, but since it's not actually a sensible word ("bfj"?), that… doesn't really tell you anything useful. o_O

Also, for my HTML question from before, how would you move the image further down?
Where it says "top:0", change it to some other number.

How do you hide all items of a <DL> until a certain <AREA> is clicked? Kinda like your Ouen Map. Kinda exactly like it, in fact, but with a different region and different information. Also if it needs Java then I have no idea how to code it myself, so.
You're thinking of Javascript, which is not the same thing as Java, but no, it doesn't use Javascript.

Basically, it operates on a similar principle to the show-image-when-hovering-over-link thing. Neither dl nor area elements are involved; it's a simple unordered list where each list item contains a link to #nogo (arbitrary nonexistent page anchor) which in turn contains two span elements, "locname" (for the name of the location) and "info" (for the location information). Then I have this stylesheet.

Basically, the actual map is a background image on the ul element, which actually contains the map four times: top left is normal, top right has the Lake of Purity highlighted, bottom left has the routes highlighted, and bottom right has the towns and dungeons highlighted. Then the locname and info spans are positioned where they're supposed to be on hover, and then for each individual highlightable location the link is shaped and positioned the way it's supposed to be, given the right background-position on hover (to shift the background image on the link so that it shows the location highlighted). The magic of making the info appear when you click the location, rather than when you hover it, is to use the a:active and a:focus pseudo-classes the same way the a:hover pseudo-class was used to make the location name appear on hover.

Needless to say, this is all kind of ridiculously complicated and took absolute ages to make, and it could be done in a far easier way if you did use Javascript; that's just not how I did it because I like playing around with pure CSS like that. Unfortunately I don't have a Javascript like that ready on hand and there's a good chance something like this can be found on Google. :/

The sprite, well, her nose looks a little squashed. Also, the top spike doesn't look attached to her head and it should point up the way the others do.



  • Posts: 1784
Marge comes from "mar", one of many words meaning the sea in Icelandic. As a rule, I name my characters the first thing that pops into my head when I think of the character. Marge is the only one of the Gym leaders with an actual semi-subtle pun, with Flora and Sparky just there to parody the games' Gym leader names.

Of course it has a nostalgic tug, but that doesn't make it any good as a title and I acknowledge that.



  • Posts: 1784
but Mark Aged's remark does intrigue me as to whether your voice really does sound kind of cute.
It really doesn't. And my accent is less a cute consistent set of endearing idiosyncrasies in vowel pronunciation and more some awful attempt at sounding American that does poorly with some English consonant combinations and stress placements and for some reason the word 'English'. It's awful.



  • Posts: 1784
"Attempt" at sounding American? :P I'm not sure why you would be trying to attempt that, but IMO you're much closer to a some-kind-of-British thing at the moment.
Because most English I hear and thus have for spoken reference is American? Though here I ended up sounding a good deal more British than I usually do because I was taking inspiration from my friend (largely because she loves reading everything dramatically), whose accent is mostly British-sounding.

Of course, I really have no idea what I'm talking about because Icelandic has for all intents and purposes no dialect differences whatsoever and so I grew up without ever developing an ear for accents; in my perception English classes into approximately "stereotypical Texan", "British-ish" and "something else". So… ignore me.



  • Posts: 1784
English, always. I couldn't possibly take them seriously if I were imagining them going "Scyther, scy, scyther! Scy scyther, scy ther scyther" all the time.



  • Posts: 1784
So then do you give certain pokemon accents when you imagine them talking?
No. I don't think in accents.

Does the destroyer know they are the destroyer? I mean like, do they actually do the draining on purpose, or is it uncontrollable? Could they physically stop draining everyone's powers, or does the role destroy their minds so they can't help it?
I'm afraid I can't tell you that. You'll just have to find out.


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