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  • Posts: 31
Post #41
The Destroyer could just be some weird byproduct of consciousness that is necessary for life to function. Thus, by preventing the War, they are actually ensuring the death of all life in the universe.

Or, it could also be that the entire War was fictional - that it was just something Mew, being delusional and mentally unstable, made up, believing it to be real.


  • Posts: 6
Post #42
Why would Mew be crazy? I think it could be a Sinnoh legendary (one of Dragon trio/Arc) or something else from another dimension.

I don't have a signature here.


  • Posts: 15
Post #43
but buterfree started it around when ruby/sapphire came out sooooo…..

I read and write up to 5 fanfics at a time. So if I get confused Deal. With. It.
Which Starter Pokémon are you?
Your Result: You are…Chimchar!

Very tough, with a rebellious streak! You aren't afraid to stand up to someone. When around a group of friends you may act as the strong, silent type. You can get angry at someone someday accidently and hurt their feelings…be careful.
Result Breakdown:

Quiz Created on GoTo Quiz

I'm not naive or lazy. witty, thoughtful, yes. And I can be tempramental if you upset me…….

Butterfree has edited this signature for being way, way too big. Don't go adding all that stuff back in.


  • Posts: 1784
Post #44
Granted, it's not like I had the faintest idea what it was about when I started it. Heck, the Destroyer concept didn't even properly come about until the ILCOE, if I remember correctly, and even then it was a while before I figured out who the Destroyer actually was.

Though Dialga, Palkia, Giratina and Arceus have been stated to be uninvolved with the War of the Legends as they reside outside of our universe.



  • Posts: 15
Post #45
i think mew,chaletwo,mozapart,the beast trio,chalenors spirit,or <i>Sparky</i>

yes i said it; sparky
no one can be THAT cheerful, or chalenors spirit. like, the old createors spirit could become the new destroyer every war think about for a bit;it makes sense…
or mew. for reasons everyone else always says + these 3.
1.they get tired of the new legandarys
2. telling chaletwo how its destiny they kill eachother
3.the enegry they got always goes back to the creator, then it goes to all the most powerful beings it can find and splits itself between them so…yeah.
so it could be he was upset chaletwo made new legandarys becauuse HE FEARED HE HAD MADE MANY MORE So the power would be about the less than it normaly was and it would go in a way as to not make them go mad
so, like someone/something used mind control to make him tell max so now he has to play along and the other "questers" are an illusions of his. thats why he was upset about the soul gems, THEY are the only TRUE protection. And he is having max catch them as opposed to telling him the other questers caught them because he knows they will get so much power they will break out of the pokeballs, then kill max and eachother. he lied about the war happening before, and thats why mew wanted to be relesed, so (s)he could go to another universe demition where his/her rampaging would cause no harm and it would "wear off" and (s)he could come back when it did and (s)he could/would do the same thing to the rest(or put them in the gems)
the beast trio.
so they have this crazy, mad plan to destroy all pokemon(soul gems destroy pokemon who "housed" them when beast broke free)and once all pokemon of the beast types were gone b/c they couldn't make themselves gems they would have to fight in the war & one of them would win, become the new one who made all legandarys;do it, give all false thoughts ———– was the one who made them and they would teach a new pokemon of a diffrent type..

I read and write up to 5 fanfics at a time. So if I get confused Deal. With. It.
Which Starter Pokémon are you?
Your Result: You are…Chimchar!

Very tough, with a rebellious streak! You aren't afraid to stand up to someone. When around a group of friends you may act as the strong, silent type. You can get angry at someone someday accidently and hurt their feelings…be careful.
Result Breakdown:

Quiz Created on GoTo Quiz

I'm not naive or lazy. witty, thoughtful, yes. And I can be tempramental if you upset me…….

Butterfree has edited this signature for being way, way too big. Don't go adding all that stuff back in.


  • Posts: 15
Post #46
how to and then the spirit of the beast that survived would go into that pokemon; and so on with EVERY type (hence why theres no light type <i>ANYMORE</i>)

Do with and think of my ideas what you will.

I read and write up to 5 fanfics at a time. So if I get confused Deal. With. It.
Which Starter Pokémon are you?
Your Result: You are…Chimchar!

Very tough, with a rebellious streak! You aren't afraid to stand up to someone. When around a group of friends you may act as the strong, silent type. You can get angry at someone someday accidently and hurt their feelings…be careful.
Result Breakdown:

Quiz Created on GoTo Quiz

I'm not naive or lazy. witty, thoughtful, yes. And I can be tempramental if you upset me…….

Butterfree has edited this signature for being way, way too big. Don't go adding all that stuff back in.

Shadow Serenity

  • Posts: 17
Post #47
@Chimpchar: There's already a reason for there not being a Light type; it's because the Dark-type is not meant to be… well, light vs dark. Rather, it implies sneaky, underhanded tactics (Bite, Faint Attack, Beat Up, etc). I'll let someone else explain it more properly.

That's one… interesting theory, though.


  • Posts: 15
Post #48
but the author of ANY fanfic could say that if they wanted….
its like how butterfree made letal; we know its not real; but butterfree wanted to make a pokemon like that, so we can't change that. someone may rant about how thats so stupid but, well butterfree chose it and butterfrees the writer its her fic so she can do it if she wants to

I read and write up to 5 fanfics at a time. So if I get confused Deal. With. It.
Which Starter Pokémon are you?
Your Result: You are…Chimchar!

Very tough, with a rebellious streak! You aren't afraid to stand up to someone. When around a group of friends you may act as the strong, silent type. You can get angry at someone someday accidently and hurt their feelings…be careful.
Result Breakdown:

Quiz Created on GoTo Quiz

I'm not naive or lazy. witty, thoughtful, yes. And I can be tempramental if you upset me…….

Butterfree has edited this signature for being way, way too big. Don't go adding all that stuff back in.


  • Posts: 18
Post #49
wait isnt butterfree a dude? and ive got another theory, the destroyer is…


's pikachu

what? its a theory


  • Posts: 1784
Post #50
Nope, two X chromosomes here.



  • Posts: 18
Post #51
i am actually quite surprised


  • Posts: 1784
Post #52
Why? Do you know a lot of guys called "Butterfree"?



  • Posts: 8
Post #53
I think it's Mew, he seems mighty suspicious to me…lol

Thas right. C;


  • Posts: 37
Post #54
I honestly believe that it is Mitch, because he said his mysterious powers were strengthening, and it might explain why he didn't die from the scorplack poison, because he can't. He might be able to change how old he looks or something.

I could be misinterpreting things because I looked at a sprite of Silver from G/S/C and even though his hair was red, I thought it was blue.

Scytherian Poetry

  • Posts: 114
Post #55
It's probably "current" timeline Mewtwo, who just goes insane as soon as he touches down in the past when he's taken there by Chalenor.

"Life is too important to be taken seriously"


  • Posts: 7
Post #56
As Butterfree stated, the Creation Trio & Arceus are in another dimension/universe and therefore do not participate in the War of Legends.

But…they are extremely powerful…Arceus being "the creator of the universe" according to Sinnoh myths…so doesn't the fact that they are stated to be neutral in the war…make them prime candidates for being the destroyer?


  • Posts: 7
Post #57
Another Idea…Yveltal. I know that it would be incorrect, given that Butterfree started this fic long before Yveltal even existed, but come on. It has the power to end all life every 1000 years, just like the destroyer. Heck, it even is the Destruction Pokémon, for crying out loud. Either it's the destroyer, or GameFreak is turning to Butterfree for ideas again.


  • Posts: 93
Post #58
Well, if I may impart my opinion, I believe the trinity of the Kalos Legendaries(Life, Destruction, Order) equates pretty perfectly to TQftL's lore(Creator, Destroyer, Preserver) because both of their origins/inspiration lie in Norse mythology.

It's an eerie connection, if you ask me, but coincidental, and I don't think Butterfree would change the fic to include these very convenient Legendaries to take the roles they play.

Still waiting desperately for the next chapter.


  • Posts: 1784
Post #59
Uh, the Creator/Preserver/Destroyer thing is actually inspired by Hindu mythology, which literally has Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver and Shiva the Destroyer. And the creatures from Norse mythology that Xerneas, Yveltal and Zygarde are believed to be based on are not actually associated with life, death or order to my knowledge (they're actually very minor characters) - I'm pretty sure that part is all Game Freak's imagination. So no, definitely no connection.

I did laugh when Y talked about Yveltal draining the power of Pokémon over a thousand years, though.

Post #60
It's obviously a Magikarp, guys.

Am I technically banned from here? I hope not…

It's been almost a year anyways, I barely even remember any of the things I did. (pls no ban)

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