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  • Posts: 69
Post #21
@lex: I keep asking myself if Butterfree might actually end the fic with the War of the Legends killing everybody and making the whole effort pointless. Now /that/ would be a depressing ending.

This has been my pet theory for years. Personally I think it would be awesome.


  • Posts: 14
Post #22
I'm split approximately 50-50 between the two aforementioned theories and another, that I thought up. Using blog continuity, I know that Butterfree visits Tv tropes. One of the most referenced tropes is the Xanatos gambit. A xanatos gambit is when the heroes are manipulated into doing the villain's job themselves. I propose that Butterfree has been leading us all on, and Chaletwo is secretly evil. Like, he's lying about what causes the war of the legends and in reality, placing all of the legends in captivity is really the cause. It can't be good for that much power to be controlled.

Blue Shine


Post #23
I personally give Butterfree the credibility of a writer to end it less predictably.


  • Posts: 1784
Post #24
Guess on, dears. You'll never pin down the stuff that matters.

That said, after the end, it's not as if it will all be gone. I'll still be rewriting it a billion times, after all. And I can't get rid of this completely random idea of making an "author's commentary", because I like rambling on about this fic way too much.



  • Posts: 103
Post #25
Goodie :)

Bloop. No longer being as active as I was. Starcraft mapmaking and friends have become the main source of my attention. I shall be on a few times a month, but I probably won't comment stories and crap. Have fun guys and girls.



Post #26
I think that an author's commentary would be a great idea, especially if you like to talk about the fic.
But, it's your work, your decision.



Post #27
I read through the entire first 50 chapters in a space of three days, but only because it was so entertaining I couldn't get off the computer. Keep writing. Forever. Seriously. I'm not even joking. Even after you're dead keep writing.


  • Posts: 1
Post #28
76 chapters?! That's by far the longest fanfiction I've ever heard of! Awesome!

And if it takes 2.5, maybe more, years to write the rest of this, I'm not surprised! Butterfree, please don't shut the site down before then! (I don't see why she would, but hey)

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