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Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 19: Good or Evil?

Can't wait to hear more about Anonymous Dirtbag! Oh wait.

[10/24/2018 19:20:07]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 11: The Lizard and the Mantis

I don't know if anyone else mentioned this already, but I also thought it was interesting to note how Mark thinks to talk to Scyther and introduce him to the rest of the team, while he's never so much as had a passing thought about that in regards to his other pokemon.

Reply: Mark actually sends out Sandshrew with the intention of introducing him to Charmander just after catching him! He just gets interrupted by May and then forgets about it entirely, and then makes no attempt at all to do it for Dratini.

[09/10/2018 00:41:07]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 77: Home

Jæja, þá er sögunni lokið. Þetta var afskaplega fín saga. Hérna í lokin voru ýmis nöfn á stöðum og pokemonum rifjuð upp, og mönnum eins og Carl. Við það rifjuðust atburðir upp líka, td vatnið með Suicune og Gyarados, hvernig Mark laug að Carl, Scyther og móðir hans og vinkona/kærasta, man ég það rétt? Drekarnir einn inni í fjalli, annar man ekki alveg… Alla vega, flott hvernig þú hnýtir alla lausa enda í lokin, td May og morðið.

[08/23/2018 13:15:14]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 8: The Master of the Clones

Okay, for real, Rick's line "let's hope it was just some random kid" was glorious. What happened to the nurse who went to fetch him to tell him there was a random kid waiting to earn his badge? Who knows, Rick is busy not caring that strangers are screwing with his gym!

Also I've totally been pronouncing it "Mewtwo-Squared" the entire time this story has been updating. I thought it was a neat little detail since it's supposed to be a super-clone of a super-clone, so like, exponentially stronger than the original, hence the "squared"… and I'm actually a little disappointed that that's not really how it was intended.

Reply: I mean, that's what I meant when I said I felt it made more sense in some imagined mathematical abstraction of super-cloning! I just didn't want to pronounce it "squared" because that's not a very powerful-sounding word. Hence "to the power of two", which then ultimately got shortened. Please do continue to pronounce it Mewtwo-squared.

[08/14/2018 23:06:07]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 77: Home

I've been following this fic for 12 years now, and while I'm sad to see it's over, I'm so happy that I got to see it end. The difference from that early version I read with the "Char! Char!" to this is night and day. Now I need to re-read it - after Chapter 50 I hadn't checked in on this in a long time, so the memory of Chapters 1 - 50 is hazy to me!

Thank you for writing this. If you ever start writing original fiction, I'm sure you'll have a lot of us lining up to read it as well! :)

Reply: Thanks for reading! Since you mentioned rereading, if you're interested, you can follow the weekly retrospective commentaries I'm making on each chapter from the beginning.

[08/07/2018 11:37:28]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 77: Home

So when are you finishing the IALTCON? ;)

Reply: Haha, it'd probably be a a new revision at this point! No idea when I'll get around to that, though. I've got a Morphic rewrite to do.

[07/07/2018 16:57:32]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 77: Home

Thanks for finishing. Following the story since 2006.. so happy to have an end.

Reply: Thank you for sticking with it all these years!

[07/01/2018 08:59:52]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 76: Chalenor

Þetta er mjög upplýsandi kafli og áhugaverður. Vel skrifaður, fallegur. En það er ýmislegt sem ég skil ekki. Af hverju skiptir Mew um kyn í hverjum undirkafla? Og ég held ég þurfi að lesa síðasta kafla aftur til að reyna að botna í plottinu. Ég skil það þó aðeins betur nú en áður.

Reply: Mew hefur ekkert kyn. Mismunandi persónur kalla hann mismunandi fornöfnum, og frá hans eigin sjónarhorni skiptir það einfaldlega ekki máli. Þess vegna skipti ég á milli. Það hefur enga þýðingu fyrir söguna þannig, átt ekkert að þurfa að velta því fyrir þér.

[06/27/2018 12:48:45]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Final Stretch – Chapter 75: Mewtwo²

Búin með kaflann. Hann er svakalega flottur hjá þér. Ég grét í lokin. Plottið er flókið og ég þurfti að lesa sumar setningarnar aftur og aftur, brjóta heilann til að rifja upp, fara fram og til baka, taka mér hlé. En ég held ég hafi náð þessu að lokum.

[06/25/2018 13:14:24]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Final Stretch – Chapter 75: Mewtwo²

Ég var að byrja aftur á kaflanum. Las fyrsta hlutann, þar sem Mitch er að átta sig á sínum innri ábúanda og ákveður að drekka eitur til að ábúandinn fái yfirráð yfir líkama hans. Þetta er mjög áhugavert og óhuggulegt um leið. Því það er ábyggilega svona sem fólk gengur af vitinu og gerir óhuggulega hluti eins og að taka eitur í þeirri trú að það sé að hlýða raunverulegri rödd innra með sér, raunverulegri veru. Að það sé að gera rétt. En er í rauninni að gera rangt. Mér finnst frábært hvað þú átt auðvelt með að lýsa tilfinningum, notar mjög fjölbreytt orðalag til þess. Ég er að basla við þetta sjálf í mínum skrifum og finnst ég alltaf nota sömu orðin aftur og aftur. Ég hlakka til að lesa meira og ætla að setja svona athugasemd við hvern undirkafla.

[06/25/2018 06:24:33]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 77: Home

I'm not crying. I'm not crying.

I don't think I have anything left to say, except thank you, for everything. And I'll be looking forward to anything you write in the future, whether it's the commentary for TQftL or far beyond that. Just thank you for this story you've told, and for all the many years we've spent with these characters.

Reply: Thank you so much for reading throughout the years (and your part in the card)! I've always really appreciated your comments.

[06/22/2018 13:25:40]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 77: Home

Don't think I've ever commented before, but I've been following this fic for probably like a decade. Thank you for persevering. I can't imagine what it feels like to finally finish it. Seriously, great job. It was an amazing ride.

Reply: Thanks for reading!

[06/21/2018 00:56:47]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 77: Home

Is this the end? NOOOOO!

Reply: Yup, this is the end! The story is over, so sadly there's nothing more to write here. But feel free to follow the commentary if you want to relive some of the earlier bits with me!

[06/20/2018 11:34:53]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 77: Home

What a wonderful ending :D Congrats on finally seeing this story to a close, at long last. I loved getting to see how all the different characters ended up; it was very satisfying.

I particularly liked May's ending - her arc has long been the most interesting to me, and this is a really great way to wrap it up. I haven't reread the previous chapters in a while and can't remember if the stuff about her dad was mentioned sooner, but that would be a nice thing to work in earlier if you end up making any future revisions.

Also, speaking of rereading: now that it's all done, ebook versions would be super handy, if you ever get the chance ;)

For real though, congrats again on finishing. You should be very, very proud of yourself.

Reply: Maaan, I had no idea you were still reading the fic; it was a real gutpunch to see your name on that e-card. Thanks so much for following it! I'm glad you found the resolution for the characters satisfying; that's the biggest thing I wanted to accomplish here, and I'm particularly pleased you liked how May's arc ended.

May's dad has not been mentioned in the fic proper, but it was in the spin-off one-shot Spirit. I didn't expect to end up bringing it up in the fic at all, so that's why it never came up before, but then it just sort of happened here as I was editing! There was a hint in chapter 74 where Mark noticed May didn't want to call anyone, and I thought it was nice that this scene followed up on that a little, but yeah, if I'd known I was going to make a point of it, I'd have built it up more, and will do so whenever I next revise this.

I'll look into putting together an e-book version before I start the commentary!

[06/20/2018 00:43:11]

Blue Shine
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 77: Home

I've been reading this story for more than a decade now, and it's hard to believe that it's finally at an end.

You've come a super long way as a writer, and I found this a satisfying end. I look forward to reading the next version.

Reply: Thanks for reading! <3

[06/20/2018 00:00:00]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 77: Home

Wow. What an amazing end to this story. I have followed it since I was in middle school, and wow. Despite all the negativity you say about this, you did an amazing job!

Reply: Thanks for reading!

Please stop me if you think I'm getting uncomfortably self-deprecating; I think my assessment that there's a lot of ridiculousness early on is pretty realistic, but I've also experienced enjoying a story only to see the author hate on it to the point of making me feel kind of crappy about it, and that's definitely not what I want. I'm still extremely fond of this fic and always will be, and I'm thrilled you enjoy it!

[06/19/2018 23:31:12]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 76: Chalenor

Are you still working on the series?

Reply: Yes, I'm working on chapter 77 (the final chapter).

[06/09/2018 13:33:00]

Pinkie Pie
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 76: Chalenor

hi i just wanted to say that i genuinely truly appreciate that you've kept up with writing this for so long; this fic has been a huge part of my life since i was about nine years old and it inspired me to start writing my own fanfic and honestly just as a story has stuck with me in a really serious way for so long - it feels kind of weird to imagine it being over? but at the same time this conclusion absolutely feels earned and as bittersweet as it may be i'm excited to have seen it this close to the end as a now 20 year old, and i can't wait for the final chapter. thank you so much

Reply: Thanks for reading and all your kind words! I'm glad to have managed to entertain you for so long. I hope you enjoy the finale (and perhaps come back for the commentary)!

[04/27/2018 22:00:28]

Doot Toot
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 76: Chalenor

Wait, is this the end?

Reply: No, there is one more chapter left.

[03/06/2018 17:37:22]

Bimscuckle Cactusfruit
Story: The Quest for the Legends (IALCOTN)
Chapter: Chapter 3: The Test


[02/22/2018 16:39:26]

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