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02/25/2009: Mood swings

As usual, my writing mood likes to vary wildly. Recently I've been in the sort of mood where I really want to write, but can't actually get it done when I have the opportunity, which is very frustrating. Nonetheless, today I went over what I have of chapter 46, did some editing, and then continued with… half a page. So now I'm almost halfway down page eighteen.

This is the eighth page of this battle, which is… fairly close to the end now. After that there needs to be at least one scene, maybe two pages, and then the other battle, which I suppose could be roughly estimated to be around as long as this one. That would make for a total chapter length of something around thirty pages at least. Definitely heading to be my longest so far. I suppose it's a good thing chapter 45 part II is no longer in it.

I'm reasonably happy with this battle, at least. Hopefully I'll get it done soon.


shadow_lugia (02/25/2009 01:52:51)
Well, if you're desperate for typos to be pointed out on the main site, I suppose the same goes for here…

You said 'think' instead of 'thing.'

…But about the actual topic all I have to say is that mood swings suck. I should know.
Bashaken1 (02/25/2009 02:16:25)
Yeah. Mood swings can stink, especially when you can't do anything about the stupid thing. Anything you are stuck on or need more inspiration, just let any of us know so we can help out to make this story moving! Yay!
Butterfree (02/25/2009 07:23:58)
As you might see if you're looking at this from the forums and see my signature, I managed to write a page and a half and finish the first battle after posting this yesterday. Meanwhile, I'm now fairly certain the part between the battles is going to end up a bit longer than two pages, though I'm not certain how long precisely.
Pure Umbreon (02/25/2009 17:14:42)
Mood swings suck. Seriously. However, 30 pages? O.o Can't wait! XD

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